James Comer now has evidence of Joe Biden as named beneficiary of a wire transfer from China.

How the hell does that make him qualified to do consulting on oil business in China? You are also aware the Hunter is thought of as an idiot (by all reports coming from Burisma), right?
Says the guy who didn't know what business Hunter conducts.
This is as ironclad as evidence gets. Biden lied to the American people during the 2020 debates, he has no defense. He is the head of the most egregious Pay-For-Play operation in American history. He must resign.

Everyone knows Joe Biden is a crook, a pedophile and covering for his drug addicted worthless son Hunter.
There are also more whistle blowers that haven't been made public.

Sure their is. They are keeping them secret and only you and comer know about them.

You won't vote for hunter, but you will vote for his dad, who sells out his office for decades.
More lies. When Comer shares the proof get back to me.

As it is, today's proceedings were a joke. Republicans have no shame and are simply acting on the whim of Trump lest they get primaried.
No...Hunter Biden borrowed against his equity in a chinese company and had the checks mailed to Joe's house because he lacked a permanent address.
Wait, you mean it was a loan? You mean Hunter Biden borrowed money from a Chinese bank, that is what this is all about? I would really like to see that documented because, if true, I am going to flippin blow a gasket.

200 million dollar plus loan, almost two million a year coming in from a lease agreement, flippin China was all but leading that pig Trump around by a ring in the nose.

And Hunter Biden ran a private equity firm. They took money, but where is the Quid Pro Quo? Kuschner did the same thing, started a private equity fund, and promptly collected TWO BILLION DOLLARS from Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund. Damn management fees alone have to be more than fifty million a year. And for that money the Saudi leadership got a free pass to waltz into another country, torture and murder and American citizen, and then cut his body apart with a hacksaw.

Comer is a damn JOKE. He is an insult to common damn sense. And mark my words, this Congress will go down in history as the most dysfunctional Congress in the short time period that has been the history of the United States. The looming government shutdown is just the tip of the iceberg. Covid daycare subsidies, smoke jumper's payment stipends, all need to be extended and they won't be, and all of us are going to pay. If the government is shut down for more than three months I promise you, inflation is going to be last thing you will be worried about.
There are also more whistle blowers that haven't been made public.

You won't vote for hunter, but you will vote for his dad, who sells out his office for decades.
If that is true, then WHERE THE HELL IS THE MONEY? Bitcoin? Buried in the backyard? In the trunk of his corvette?
This is as ironclad as evidence gets. Biden lied to the American people during the 2020 debates, he has no defense. He is the head of the most egregious Pay-For-Play operation in American history. He must resign.


Democrats on the Oversight Committee say the personal bank records recently provided to the committee actually do show that Biden loaned his brother the money.

“These records actually show that President Biden was the one who stepped in to help family members when they needed support, including by providing short term loans to his brother,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the committee’s top Democrat, said in a statement.

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Not quite there yet you thirsty bitches. 😄

We’ve already proved that to be a lie earlier this year, and now we know that two wires originating from Beijing listed Joe Biden’s Wilmington home as the beneficiary address when he was running for President of the United States.

The beneficiary address was Joe Biden's home. The beneficiary was Hunter. Maybe he was staying there at the time? This is not evidence that shows any wrong doing by Joe Biden.

“These records actually show that President Biden was the one who stepped in to help family members when they needed support, including by providing short term loans to his brother,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the committee’s top Democrat, said in a statement.

Comer has much more, but they are slow rolling it to discredit Bribin defenders.
The Oversight Committee says the personal bank records recently provided to the committee actually do show that Biden loaned his brother the money.

“These records actually show that President Biden was the one who stepped in to help family members when they needed support, including by providing short term loans to his brother,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the committee’s top Democrat, said in a statement.
See, here is the thing, as Dante has pointed out,

The G.O.P. has struggled so far to link any of that activity to the president or get anywhere close to revealing proof of high crimes and misdemeanors. Despite their review of more than 12,000 pages of Hunter Biden’s bank records and 2,000 pages of suspicious activity reports, none of the material released so far shows any payment to his father.

Damn, that is a lot of bank records to go through. And yet, still nothing that can be linked to the president.
Does Joe Biden have a bank account in China? Nope, but Donald Trump does.
Did Joe Biden's kids file, and receive, registered trademarks from China while Biden was VP? Nope, but Ivanka Trump did, like 41 times, while Trump was president.
Do Chinese government owned entities pay any money to Joe Biden or a business owned by Joe Biden? No, but they do Trump, and they have been, throughout his presidency.

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has leased office space in Trump Towers since 2008. The annual rent was 1.9 million dollars a year. It was scheduled to expire in October of 2019. In fact, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China had already negotiated a lease in another building, one not owned by Trump. But then, at the last minute, they agree to a new lease, albeit with a smaller footprint.

Now remember all those tariffs and the trade war with China. Well, interestingy enough, the US and China reached a trade agreement, including the elimination of many of those tariffs at almost precisely the same time that new lease agreement was signed.d

See, I didn't need thousands of pages of documents, thousands of SAR reports, millions of dollars in investigation and hearing costs, countless interviews with witnesses, or even a magically appearing laptop. Five minutes on Google and I have shown that Donald Trump gets money from China, has been for more than a decade. I have also raised suspicion of a possible Quid Pro Quo, where a Chinese government owned entity agrees to lease office space from Donald Trump in return for a trade agreement that benefited China by eliminating some of the tariffs that were initiated.

I mean right here, in this very thread, I have clearly provided enough information that surely, I mean certainly, Comer will immediately begin an investigation. Nope, this, and other possible pay to play situations, have been provided to Comer concerning Trump. The fact that he refuses to investigate clearly indicates this is little more than partisan BULLSHIT.


the Oversight Committee say the personal bank records recently provided to the committee actually do show that Biden loaned his brother the money.

“These records actually show that President Biden was the one who stepped in to help family members when they needed support, including by providing short term loans to his brother,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the committee’s top Democrat, said in a statement.
This is as ironclad as evidence gets. Biden lied to the American people during the 2020 debates, he has no defense. He is the head of the most egregious Pay-For-Play operation in American history. He must resign.

What about his P.O. Box?


Wire transfer(s) to whom? What name? Donald Duck?

Plus, MAGA has taught Americans that to ignore news. America will be ignoring this so-called news.

Where did this go? When dealing with this guy Mike, remember that usmb is loaded with crazed claims like the one this thread was started with.
Says the guy who didn't know what business Hunter conducts.
His business is corruption. Everyone knows that. He was collecting MILLIONS from the most corrupt places on Earth.
“These records actually show that President Biden was the one who stepped in to help family members when they needed support, including by providing short term loans to his brother,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the committee’s top Democrat, said in a statement.

Except there is no record for said loan. You cant take bribe money, claim it was a loan, then provide no evidence for said loan, and expect not go to prison. Courts dont accept pinky swears. They want proof.
You are selling made up shit again.

No proof of any bribe. the end
Not true. They tracked that money. The bribe money went to Bidens bothers wife, then she sent it to Joe. This all happened within days of her getting the bribe money. That cash is directly linked to corrupt people and Joe got $250,000 from it.

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