James "The Sweeper" Comey To Be Investigated

From the very beginning Comey was a Clinton lackey ...shame on him! SHAME....disgusting!

You're really not serious are you?---LOL Comey violated long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election. He did it within 11 days of an election--(after being warned by the DOJ to not do it.) Millions of people voted within those 7 days believeing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton & 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. (he is in the tank for Hillary Clinton??? (He cost Hillary Clinton the election--& Hillary Clinton has been very vocal about that.)---

James Comey is under current DOJ investigation over that.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

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Could never have seen this one coming.....:blowup:

Leaking Classified information...:bye1: Comey is F-ked.. Its a matter of congressional record.
Prove Comey's memos were classified....

See post 13.

Why? There's no evidence of anything in post #13.

Try this.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records


"Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof..."

I wonder when the last time someone purloined something.
that may have been me back in the 70s....
There was nothing classified about what Comey 'leaked'. At most it would be considered confidential - and then only if Trump specified that it was confidential.

Trump would have had to invoke Executive Privilege to do so. He didn't. And there's no such thing as retroactive EP.

The Trump-snowflakes seem to claiming that Trump can retroactively classify his conversations about non-classified topics.

That accounts for the laughter.
There was nothing classified about what Comey 'leaked'. At most it would be considered confidential - and then only if Trump specified that it was confidential.

Trump would have had to invoke Executive Privilege to do so. He didn't. And there's no such thing as retroactive EP.

The Trump-snowflakes seem to claiming that Trump can retroactively classify his conversations about non-classified topics.

That accounts for the laughter.

Trump opened the door when he tweeted about the conversation and threatened Comey with....I got the tapes

Comey mocked him about his alleged tapes yesterday
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!
Oh, good. Trump is trying to punish a whistleblower. I'm sure that will work out great for him. :lol:

Fox News: We Lie, You Parrot.
Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times Trump's Chumps click their heels together.
Prove Comey's memos were classified....

See post 13.

Why? There's no evidence of anything in post #13.

Try this.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Try what? That statute is in regards to embezzlement and theft. What happened to your claim of leaks?

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts....

He lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge? Those memos were government property, created on government computers, on government time.

Now he will have to go back and correct the record because he got the time line wrong, failure to do so could result in perjury charges.


They were not memos. They were personal notes not government property. By your reasoning, if write a note reminding myself to get groceries that is a official
government document. It is Trump's attorney who got the timeline wrong.

I would be interested in knowing whose idea that this is. This idea is so stupid. It fits Trump's MO. He is able to contain himself for a short period of time before it explodes into stupidity. If this is his attorney's idea, he is in way over his head.
Can't be doing officially business and making "unofficial" written notes on it
Try what? That statute is in regards to embezzlement and theft. What happened to your claim of leaks?

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts....

He lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge? Those memos were government property, created on government computers, on government time.

Now he will have to go back and correct the record because he got the time line wrong, failure to do so could result in perjury charges.


They were not memos. They were personal notes not government property.

The Senate disagrees with you, Comey is in deep shit. The arrogant dick screwed himself.
He lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet.
That was Tramp's lawyer's lie. The memo was not leaked until the 16th and Tramp's tweet was on the 12th. There was no mention of a "MEMO" in the NY Times prior to the 16th.

You're right, the reports last night were wrong, therefor so was I.

Trump Creates Tempest With Tweet About 'Tapes' | RealClearPolitics


Could never have seen this one coming.....:blowup:

Leaking Classified information...:bye1: Comey is F-ked.. Its a matter of congressional record.
Prove Comey's memos were classified....

See post 13.

Why? There's no evidence of anything in post #13.

Try this.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records


"Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof..."

I wonder when the last time someone purloined something.

It's a synonym for steal.

Try what? That statute is in regards to embezzlement and theft. What happened to your claim of leaks?

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts....

He lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge? Those memos were government property, created on government computers, on government time.

Now he will have to go back and correct the record because he got the time line wrong, failure to do so could result in perjury charges.


They were not memos. They were personal notes not government property. By your reasoning, if write a note reminding myself to get groceries that is a official
government document. It is Trump's attorney who got the timeline wrong.

I would be interested in knowing whose idea that this is. This idea is so stupid. It fits Trump's MO. He is able to contain himself for a short period of time before it explodes into stupidity. If this is his attorney's idea, he is in way over his head.

Why don't you ask Comey, he's referred to them as memos. So did the guy that leaked them to the NYT. In the military when we documented a phone or personal conversation, we called them a MFR (memo for record) and put that in the header. They are work product.

Try what? That statute is in regards to embezzlement and theft. What happened to your claim of leaks?

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts....

He lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge? Those memos were government property, created on government computers, on government time.

Now he will have to go back and correct the record because he got the time line wrong, failure to do so could result in perjury charges.


They were not memos. They were personal notes not government property.

The Senate disagrees with you, Comey is in deep shit. The arrogant dick screwed himself.

If Senate Republicans want to jump off a cliff like lemmings they are welcome to do so. I will take a pass on that. Turn Comey into a martyr and more people believe I'm and dump Trump and the Republicans.
Try what? That statute is in regards to embezzlement and theft. What happened to your claim of leaks?

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts....

He lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge? Those memos were government property, created on government computers, on government time.

Now he will have to go back and correct the record because he got the time line wrong, failure to do so could result in perjury charges.


They were not memos. They were personal notes not government property. By your reasoning, if write a note reminding myself to get groceries that is a official
government document. It is Trump's attorney who got the timeline wrong.

I would be interested in knowing whose idea that this is. This idea is so stupid. It fits Trump's MO. He is able to contain himself for a short period of time before it explodes into stupidity. If this is his attorney's idea, he is in way over his head.

Why don't you ask Comey, he's referred to them as memos. So did the guy that leaked them to the NYT. In the military when we documented a phone or personal conversation, we called them a MFR (memo for record) and put that in the header. They are work product.


You can call them what you want but they are notes. These were personal notes. They were not written to someone else, but to himself. They are not official documents. Hard to believe that you were in the military and now helping Trump attack his enemies.

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