Jan 15 is MLK day. Why do we honor a white-hating racist?

Blacks should be honoring white people....without whites the Negro would still be using sharp pointed sticks their only invention. Whites have huge hearts and we house them, feed them, give clothing, try to educate them, and build prisons for them. In return we get crime and hatred.
Blacks should be honoring white people.... Whites have huge hearts and we house them, feed them, give clothing, try to educate them,...and build prisons for them.
"...and build prisons for them."

That might be the funniest fucking line I've ever read.

Let's have a day for thomas Edison or Henry Ford - some useful american who helped the country. MLK is why america is flooded with the systemic racism of affirmative action.

MLK was also an incredibly stupid man who could barely read. Here's a website that gives his super-low scores in the GRE test.

Graduate Record Examination Scores for Martin Luther King, Jr.

I have no problem with MLK Jr.! He was a brave man of conviction. What he was after was a just cause. What I have a problem with are the huge number of Blacks living today who failed to learn from history and take his example on a right and wrong way to go about reaching his goals.
Blacks' gargantuan crime rates prove that desegregation was a bad idea for the physical safety of non-blacks.
Blacks should be honoring white people....without whites the Negro would still be using sharp pointed sticks their only invention. Whites have huge hearts and we house them, feed them, give clothing, try to educate them, and build prisons for them. In return we get crime and hatred.

Dependency always leads to hatred. As long as whites take care of blacks, they will hate us.
Let's have a day for thomas Edison or Henry Ford - some useful american who helped the country. MLK is why america is flooded with the systemic racism of affirmative action.

MLK was also an incredibly stupid man who could barely read. Here's a website that gives his super-low scores in the GRE test.

Graduate Record Examination Scores for Martin Luther King, Jr.
See what I mean....? The OP has a serious grievance for absolutely no reason.

Exposing The White Phony Grievance Industry
There are certain iconic figures created by society that are above reproach and you would risk assault and bodily harm by even discussing them. Likewise there are certain things and people that can't be defended at the risk of assault and bodily harm. Get used to it, democrats might legalize assault and mayhem on people who disagree with their policies in the near future.
Let's have a day for thomas Edison or Henry Ford - some useful american who helped the country. MLK is why america is flooded with the systemic racism of affirmative action.

MLK was also an incredibly stupid man who could barely read. Here's a website that gives his super-low scores in the GRE test.

Graduate Record Examination Scores for Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why celebrate Presidents Day? Washington was a slave owner and Lincoln thought Blacks were inferior. MLK Day is not celebrated for White victims like you.

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