Jan 3rd, Democrats opening 85 investigations into Trump and the GOP. Finally, it's about time!!!!

I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Bc all you do is think about Trump every second of every day. You mutter his name in your sleep and constantly see his face in your dreams.

Yet WE’RE the ones with problems... I guess it’s the norm to be completely obsessed with a stranger. It’s completely rational to believe every piece of negative news about him by a press that has made it obvious they don’t want him to be president.

Shall I continue naming reasons you’ve lost your mind?
The new younger members of congress, I suspect, want to know, uh, "things".

No. They want to nail Trump by any means necessary. It’s not about truth or justice. It’s about eliminating Trump, which they’ve been trying to do for two years. Why open all these investigations if (as you believe) criminal acts have been found elsewhere?
The new younger members of congress, I suspect, want to know, uh, "things".

No. They want to nail Trump by any means necessary. It’s not about truth or justice. It’s about eliminating Trump, which they’ve been trying to do for two years. Why open all these investigations if (as you believe) criminal acts have been found elsewhere?
Gee, what could it be? Could it be that about every investigation so far has discovered criminality? Unindicted co-conspirator? His criminal Trump foundation organization? Trump university? Passing on classified material to Russians?

Republicans had to settle on lying about a BJ for Bill Clinton. After all those investigations for all those years all they got was a BJ.

Trump is already a co-conspirator in multiple felonies. His Trump foundation was uncertified, and Un licensed, basically a campaign slush fund. And it’s been shut down and Trump is not allowed to be on the Board of Directors or his kids of any more charity foundations.
It’s not just the money they stole from charities, the reason they used it was because they could make everything tax-deductible.
Trump and his spawn ripped off people and the country in just about every way imaginable.
Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?
Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?

Yes, this is JUST what America wants....indeed. Do this, DO IT. America then won't care what you all find on Trump and will be so disgusted with the Dems--AGAIN--Trump will win in 2020.



Is that what the American people elected those Democrats to Congress to do? Open 85 investigations into the GOP? I'll go on record right now in stating if THAT'S what they intend to do with their new found power it simply shows that they have no agenda to fix the country and will be spending all of their time trying to destroy their political opposition...in which case I can see yet another Democratic "shellacking" coming in the next election! The American people don't want what you do, R-Derp! They never have. They want people in government who spend their time trying to help them live better lives....not people who spend their time putting on political theatre!
You aren't going to believe this because it's impossible for Republicans to do,


Democrats really can walk and chew gum..............AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!


So what is the Democratic agenda BESIDES your 85 investigations into the GOP? Notice the difference between Republicans and Democrats, R-Derp? The GOP won and immediately started passing legislation to improve the economy and create jobs. You Democrats won and you immediately start trying to use your new found power to attack the opposition party. So what does Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have cued up to keep this economy growing? Trot it out, little buddy...I'm dying to see what it is!
Yea, getting rid of safety regulations and lots of tariffs creates tons of new jobs.

Interesting...so you claim that it's "safety regulations" that the GOP has done away with? So show me the rash of injuries and accidents that have now occurred since the GOP has "endangered" America! (eye roll)

You on the left always do this every time that someone declares that unneeded regulations and red tape are choking our economy to death and we need to get rid of the ones that make no sense!

As for tariffs? How did imposing tariffs on the EU work out for us? How did imposing tariffs on Canada and Mexico work out for us? I hate to point out the obvious here, little guy but in both cases Trump won far better trade deals for America by using the threat of tariffs against trading partners that were screwing us over!
I started entire threads about environmental regulations Republicans got rid of in North Carolina that left pig farms with millions of tons of pig sh!t spread through the water along with radioactive coal ash after the hurricane. When people walk around in that slop they may not get sick right away, but it certainly isn’t healthy for them.

Reading your posts will destroy I.Q.

But we let that happen too.
There’s been reports that Trump has been yelling at Matthew Whitaker, the acting Attorney General, for not protecting Trump more.

Matthew Whitaker is going to have to stand in front of the house after January 3 and explain what those conversations were about.

He can give them the bird.....just like Lois.
Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?

Is that what the American people elected those Democrats to Congress to do? Open 85 investigations into the GOP? I'll go on record right now in stating if THAT'S what they intend to do with their new found power it simply shows that they have no agenda to fix the country and will be spending all of their time trying to destroy their political opposition...in which case I can see yet another Democratic "shellacking" coming in the next election! The American people don't want what you do, R-Derp! They never have. They want people in government who spend their time trying to help them live better lives....not people who spend their time putting on political theatre!
You aren't going to believe this because it's impossible for Republicans to do,


Democrats really can walk and chew gum..............AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!


So what is the Democratic agenda BESIDES your 85 investigations into the GOP? Notice the difference between Republicans and Democrats, R-Derp? The GOP won and immediately started passing legislation to improve the economy and create jobs. You Democrats won and you immediately start trying to use your new found power to attack the opposition party. So what does Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have cued up to keep this economy growing? Trot it out, little buddy...I'm dying to see what it is!
Yea, getting rid of safety regulations and lots of tariffs creates tons of new jobs.

Interesting...so you claim that it's "safety regulations" that the GOP has done away with? So show me the rash of injuries and accidents that have now occurred since the GOP has "endangered" America! (eye roll)

You on the left always do this every time that someone declares that unneeded regulations and red tape are choking our economy to death and we need to get rid of the ones that make no sense!

As for tariffs? How did imposing tariffs on the EU work out for us? How did imposing tariffs on Canada and Mexico work out for us? I hate to point out the obvious here, little guy but in both cases Trump won far better trade deals for America by using the threat of tariffs against trading partners that were screwing us over!

Good luck getting a response that has any data in it.

deanrd is a moron. He can't back up any of his stupidity.
Wow, looks like the Steele Dossier is gaining traction.

Report: Michael Cohen Visited Prague and Trump-Russia Collusion Is on the Table

From the beginning, the pushback against the dossier centered around one allegation. It claimed that Trump Organization lawyer Michael Cohen travelled to Prague in August to meet secretly with representatives of Russian intelligence. “The agenda,” Steele’s source alleged, “comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.” Cohen, Trump, and their mouthpieces all insisted Cohen had never visited Prague in his entire life.

(Now this is where it gets REALLY, REALLY good!)

In April, Peter Stone and Greg Gordon reported for McClatchy that Robert Mueller had obtained evidence that Cohen did indeed visit Prague. Today the pair have a new report with much more detail. Cohen’s phone pinged off cell-phone towers in Prague during that period, according to four sources. Also during that period, an Eastern European intelligence agency electronically surveilled a conversation in which one Russian said that Cohen was in Prague, according to two more sources. The reporting is the opposite of thin.





Remember, Trump is NOT a baby.

Because a baby wets it's OWN bed.

Things are getting curiouser and curiouser.
I bet they do very little of any of that
Why would you think they won’t investigate his criminal admin?

You’re funny
More than half the incoming Democrats are women.

The average age of the house dropped by 10 years.

Obama refused to investigate Bush lying us into Iraq because he wanted to "go high" and he wanted the nation to "heal".

Well, after all the lawlessness of Trump and the GOP, there's a new Democratic base in town. And they want the truth. And won't settle for anything less.

Interesting times ahead.
I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

You ever worry about the blow back if your coup works?
How long before the first subpoena? You think it’ll be as early as tomorrow?
I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

You ever worry about the blow back if your coup works?
  1. 1.
    a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
    "he was overthrown in an army coup"
    synonyms: seizure of power, overthrow, takeover, ousting, deposition, regime change; More
What are you talking about?

Is there a single Republican on the USMB that has read the constitution? They claim to love it so much.
I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

You ever worry about the blow back if your coup works?
  1. 1.
    a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
    "he was overthrown in an army coup"
    synonyms: seizure of power, overthrow, takeover, ousting, deposition, regime change; More
What are you talking about?

Is there a single Republican on the USMB that has read the constitution? They claim to love it so much.

Your new president if so:

Here is a list of the people and organizations that the house has asked for documents.

This is their job. To not do it, like the Republicans refused to do for the last two years, is a dereliction of duty.

I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

You ever worry about the blow back if your coup works?
  1. 1.
    a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
    "he was overthrown in an army coup"
    synonyms: seizure of power, overthrow, takeover, ousting, deposition, regime change; More
What are you talking about?

Is there a single Republican on the USMB that has read the constitution? They claim to love it so much.

Your new president if so:

My Gawd, that lighting makes Pence look like Spiro T. Agnew.

What ever happened to him?

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