Jan 6 committee to hold hearing to read Trump's mind.

Wow, you just admitted it’s a sham trial. Nice job.
He should be charged either way stupid. But as a former President, you know we won't charge him if he just goes away. Oh, and turn over all the documents he stole. He's still holding some. Why? Impeached! Oh yea, you can't impeach him because he's not president. If he was, we would impeach him but he's not. Isn't that what Mitch said about the insurrection?

So he should have already been impeached and convicted in the Senate. Mitch pussed out because he didn't want Trump supporters to murder him so he kicked the can. Fuck you Nazi Boy. Are you PROUD? LOL
If Nazi Piglosi’s Clowns on her Shit Shiw had any evidence they wouldn’t need to hold a seance to try to find out what Trump was thinking.
That's funny because I called Orangecat a Nazi. If you are a Trump supporter, I have news for you. You're the Nazi stupid. Nancy would be whoever the party was that was in charge in Germany right before Trump took over. The party that had high unemployment and inflation. This is how Trump was able to gain power in Germany in 1940.
Actually, if Trump runs he wins and all the democrats go to jail. They may just go there after the mid-terms.
I'll quote Paul Ryan. "Trump won't be the nominee in 2024. We all know he will lose"

But any other Republican should win.
I'll quote Paul Ryan. "Trump won't be the nominee in 2024. We all know he will lose"

But any other Republican should win.
So Paul Ryan knows the future? I don't see him rising in power or respect from anyone. He can say whatever he wants but on this he is spewing only his hopes and has no more chance of being correct that my cats.
So Paul Ryan knows the future? I don't see him rising in power or respect from anyone. He can say whatever he wants but on this he is spewing only his hopes and has no more chance of being correct that my cats.
I see Liz Chaney may be POTUS in the future. When Republicans come back around to their senses. But now the GOP needs the crazies. They can swing elections.
I see Liz Chaney may be POTUS in the future. When Republicans come back around to their senses. But now the GOP needs the crazies. They can swing elections.
You do realize that Liz Cheney is not and never has been a republican, right? She is all about her and her quest for power, which is why she lost (badly) her re-election and is not trusted by anyone.
That's funny because I called Orangecat a Nazi. If you are a Trump supporter, I have news for you. You're the Nazi stupid. Nancy would be whoever the party was that was in charge in Germany right before Trump took over. The party that had high unemployment and inflation. This is how Trump was able to gain power in Germany in 1940.
Time for your doctor to check your medications.
As if this show wasn't a colossal joke already. I guess Nancy folded when Trump called their bluff by saying he would testify if it was live on TV.

Jan. 6 hearing to recreate Trump's state of mind during riot without testimony by former president, top allies​

"We're going to bring a particular focus on the former president's state of mind and his involvement in these events as they unfolded," said the aide.

Schiff going to read another FAKE CONVERSATION AGAIN?
He should be charged either way stupid. But as a former President, you know we won't charge him if he just goes away. Oh, and turn over all the documents he stole. He's still holding some. Why? Impeached! Oh yea, you can't impeach him because he's not president. If he was, we would impeach him but he's not. Isn't that what Mitch said about the insurrection?

So he should have already been impeached and convicted in the Senate. Mitch pussed out because he didn't want Trump supporters to murder him so he kicked the can. Fuck you Nazi Boy. Are you PROUD? LOL
Fucking extortionist pig. ^^^

Fuck you, StalinBoi
You do realize that Liz Cheney is not and never has been a republican, right? She is all about her and her quest for power, which is why she lost (badly) her re-election and is not trusted by anyone.
This is bullshit. Did she run on that platform in her state? Nope. She ran on her daddy's name. And until Trump finally admitted they lied us into war, you guys worshiped the man and his subordinate GW.
This is bullshit. Did she run on that platform in her state? Nope. She ran on her daddy's name. And until Trump finally admitted they lied us into war, you guys worshiped the man and his subordinate GW.
Go away.

You're a Stalinist pig.

Just go away.
Go away.

You're a Stalinist pig.

Just go away.
Sorry but you don't realize Liz Chaney is a Republican. Mike Pence is a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. The Bush boys are Republicans. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Paul Ryan is a Republican who said Trump should not run and if he does he will lose.

You used to be a Republican. You loved these guys. What changed?
That's funny because I called Orangecat a Nazi. If you are a Trump supporter, I have news for you. You're the Nazi stupid. Nancy would be whoever the party was that was in charge in Germany right before Trump took over. The party that had high unemployment and inflation. This is how Trump was able to gain power in Germany in 1940.
Sorry but you don't realize

I study. I'm a student. I realize more than most.

Liz Chaney is a Republican. Mike Pence is a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. The Bush boys are Republicans. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Paul Ryan is a Republican who said Trump should not run and if he does he will lose.

Yes. The Neo-Cons claimed to be Republicans too. They lied. There's not a conservative bone in their bodies.

You used to be a Republican. You loved these guys. What changed?

John O Brennan

The same asshole who brought you torture, is now bringing you Democrat dirty tricks.

Republicans were too stupid to call the guy out.

That and Colin Powell. That shit is beneath dignity.
This is bullshit. Did she run on that platform in her state? Nope. She ran on her daddy's name. And until Trump finally admitted they lied us into war, you guys worshiped the man and his subordinate GW.
Speaking of bullshit, that is all you have offered recently, and it is getting so deep that you need a ladder to reach your keyboard.
Sorry but you don't realize Liz Chaney is a Republican. Mike Pence is a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. The Bush boys are Republicans. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Paul Ryan is a Republican who said Trump should not run and if he does he will lose.

You used to be a Republican. You loved these guys. What changed?
Those you have cited have been reclassified, correctly, as RINOs'. The only type of republican you acknowledge as having any worth at all since they supported your warped views.
I study. I'm a student. I realize more than most.

Yes. The Neo-Cons claimed to be Republicans too. They lied. There's not a conservative bone in their bodies.

John O Brennan

The same asshole who brought you torture, is now bringing you Democrat dirty tricks.

Republicans were too stupid to call the guy out.

That and Colin Powell. That shit is beneath dignity.
You just don't like it when Democrats fight fire with fire. You want us to fight you with 1 hand tied behind our backs. Traitor.
No, just with honesty which would guarantee your loss.
Are you kidding? After you tried to sneak banning abortions on us when 70% of the population doesn't want that? Who are you the Moolas who run Iran? Next thing you'll jail women who dress to scantily? LOL.

And so in MI we put it on the ballot. And rather than be honest and say Vote NO on Prop 3 because abortion is murder, instead Republicans are running ads saying vote no on 3 because it's too confusing. And they never once mention in their adds what prop 3 is about. Fucking cowards and liars and scum. Deplorable people you all are. Eat a dick.

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