Jan 6 committee to hold hearing to read Trump's mind.

As if this show wasn't a colossal joke already. I guess Nancy folded when Trump called their bluff by saying he would testify if it was live on TV.

Jan. 6 hearing to recreate Trump's state of mind during riot without testimony by former president, top allies​

"We're going to bring a particular focus on the former president's state of mind and his involvement in these events as they unfolded," said the aide.

One thing is for certain, Trump is superbly prepared and sometimes gets ahead of himself in interviews speaking in half thoughts and sentences. But there is no doubt that he is quick and efficient in his speeches and debates and he works mostly without notes, teleprompter, or earpiece. And Pelosi knows it and is not at all interested in allowing him to get certain facts out there that they can't edit out in what they show to the public.

That is precisely why every witness in the Jan 6 hearings have been hand picked, groomed and coached in what to say and what not to say and why they will allow no cross examination of those witnesses.
Actually, he does. Being in the spotlight is something that he craves. Why else do you think he's still holding rallies? It's not because he's gonna actually run (although he's gonna tease his followers as long as he can and soak up as much money as possible), it's because he craves the attention. And, he's throwing out bullshit statements damn near every other week, hoping that people are going to talk about him in the press, maybe even interview him. But, unfortunately for Trump, the press has learned their lesson with him and know he's only gonna talk about what he wants to talk about and not answer any questions.
Another Trump mind reader.
If trump runs, he will be charged. If he doesn’t, all this goes away.
No he won't be charged with anything. If Trump runs, dozens more frivolous lawsuits will be filed as a form of harassment. This is the pattern of driving a republican from office. It worked with Sarah Palin and now they can't stop.
Actually, he does. Being in the spotlight is something that he craves. Why else do you think he's still holding rallies? It's not because he's gonna actually run (although he's gonna tease his followers as long as he can and soak up as much money as possible), it's because he craves the attention. And, he's throwing out bullshit statements damn near every other week, hoping that people are going to talk about him in the press, maybe even interview him. But, unfortunately for Trump, the press has learned their lesson with him and know he's only gonna talk about what he wants to talk about and not answer any questions.
You mean pull a Bidung, that sure doesn't sound like Trump.
we know what he said and did in those hours.

We held court to read oj simpsons mind too
Yep. We know what he said and did, so why do we need Nazi and her Clown Show to interpret it for us? I certainly don't.

‘Peacefully and Patriotically Make Your Voices Heard’

Spin that, Nazi.
There is a lot ratings and a lot of money for the networks to have the Trumpster testify live and in living color.

If the D's don't want to do it, it means they can see the pitfalls in having an open trial for Trump which means it won't happen.
You cult fucks are such liars.

Why is that?

So this guy in a Trump hat shitting on BLM and ANTIFA and demanding people go into the Capitol….THIS IS THE ONLY TRUMP SUPPORTER IN AMERICA YOU DONTHATE?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Such phonies.

There is a lot ratings and a lot of money for the networks to have the Trumpster testify live and in living color.

If the D's don't want to do it, it means they can see the pitfalls in having an open trial for Trump which means it won't happen.

Sorry, but I don't think you're correct. If the major networks pre-empted their normal soaps and daytime programming for Trump testifying live, there's a LOT of housewives who would bitch to the networks.
If trump runs, he will be charged. If he doesn’t, all this goes away.

LMAO !!!

If they charge Trump there will be a war.

And then there might not be any elections for a while.

If he doesn't run, all this goes away?

You're seriously trying to extort a US president on the open airwaves?

Well, no one ever said libbies were rocket scientists.
The January 6 show has been going on for two years. Two years! In season 3, they promise a series of stances to expose the opinion of the spirit world.
Maoist Democrats fear a season 3 of investigation because all the players presently seated will replaced by Republicans in the majority as of 1 January 2023 with Jim Jordan leading the charge.
The left here knows what happens. they know this last election was manipulated....if it wasn't there wouldn't be such opposition to an investigation of it. People wouldn't have been cancelled, shunned, lost their jobs for legitimate questions. The non-elite democrats (leftists) on these boards they must now push the lie themselves...that is called delusion....and after a while you are so invested in that delusion that you are willing to physically harm anyone that does not believe as you do.
As if this show wasn't a colossal joke already. I guess Nancy folded when Trump called their bluff by saying he would testify if it was live on TV.

Jan. 6 hearing to recreate Trump's state of mind during riot without testimony by former president, top allies​

"We're going to bring a particular focus on the former president's state of mind and his involvement in these events as they unfolded," said the aide.

What she means is more lies from the left.
The left here knows what happens. they know this last election was manipulated....if it wasn't there wouldn't be such opposition to an investigation of it. People wouldn't have been cancelled, shunned, lost their jobs for legitimate questions. The non-elite democrats (leftists) on these boards they must now push the lie themselves...that is called delusion....and after a while you are so invested in that delusion that you are willing to physically harm anyone that does not believe as you do.

You show them multiple Ray Epps video of him instigating the breach….but they do NOT want that guy to get in trouble because he is a agent provacateur.

They asked him to testify earlier.

But, whatever fits your agenda.
You must really want to see Ray Epps testify in prime time.

The guy in the Trump had telling protestors to go in the Capitol.

You must HATE that Trumptard. He should be in prison…right?

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