Jan 6 committee to hold hearing to read Trump's mind.

You just don't like it when Democrats fight fire with fire. You want us to fight you with 1 hand tied behind our backs. Traitor.
You're crazy I don't want you to fight me. I want you to grow a brain and stop chasing windmills.

What fire are you talking about, that you think you're fighting with other fire? WTF are you talking about?
You just don't like it when Democrats fight fire with fire. You want us to fight you with 1 hand tied behind our backs. Traitor.
Fuck you with with that! I want 'em to fight us straight up and may the best men win!

You better be ready for a real fight American-style, you commie pieces of filth!

Just like in the old days, too.
Are you kidding? After you tried to sneak banning abortions on us when 70% of the population doesn't want that? Who are you the Moolas who run Iran? Next thing you'll jail women who dress to scantily? LOL.

And so in MI we put it on the ballot. And rather than be honest and say Vote NO on Prop 3 because abortion is murder, instead Republicans are running ads saying vote no on 3 because it's too confusing. And they never once mention in their adds what prop 3 is about. Fucking cowards and liars and scum. Deplorable people you all are. Eat a dick.
Once again you practice projection of what you want others to be thought of as and fail to support any of your claims with actual facts. Typical of you.
You just don't like it when Democrats fight fire with fire. You want us to fight you with 1 hand tied behind our backs. Traitor.
You mean like with the packed J6 committee which does not allow their opinions to be disagreed with or their "conclusions" to be debated? Is that what you mean, you coward.
You're crazy I don't want you to fight me. I want you to grow a brain and stop chasing windmills.

What fire are you talking about, that you think you're fighting with other fire? WTF are you talking about?
Hey, if you want to talk about policy like how can we get inflation down or should we go after illegal employers, I'm ready.
Fuck you with with that! I want 'em to fight us straight up and may the best men win!

You better be ready for a real fight American-style, you commie pieces of filth!

Just like in the old days, too.

Best man win? I don't think so. If you felt that way you wouldn't have shit yourselves when we sent absentee ballots to everyone during a pandemic. You didn't want everyone to vote. Then there's this...

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments today in a case that could further decimate the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act. It was passed and twice renewed by Congress. It protects racial minorities from discrimination in voting. In the last decade, the court's conservative majority has struck down or neutered many key provisions of the law. And today, the question was whether to deliver another blow.

At issue was Alabama's congressional redistricting plan adopted by the Republican state legislature after the 2020 census. More than a quarter of the state's population is African American, but in only 1 out of 7 districts do minority voters have a realistic chance of electing the candidate of their choice.

Your actions don't match your parties words. 25% of the House of Reps in Alabama should be blacks. You disinfranchise blacks when wonder why they don't vote for you. But you do love that it discourages many of them to vote. In FL 2000 70% of whites voted and 60% of blacks voted. If just 10% more of blacks voted, Gore won easily. He won anyways but it wouldn't have been close enough to steal like Bush and Roger Stone did.

Trump wanted to stop counting votes the minute the polls closed. Fuck you liar. Either you lie or your dumb.
Best man win? I don't think so. If you felt that way you wouldn't have shit yourselves when we sent absentee ballots to everyone during a pandemic. You didn't want everyone to vote. Then there's this...

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments today in a case that could further decimate the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act. It was passed and twice renewed by Congress. It protects racial minorities from discrimination in voting. In the last decade, the court's conservative majority has struck down or neutered many key provisions of the law. And today, the question was whether to deliver another blow.

At issue was Alabama's congressional redistricting plan adopted by the Republican state legislature after the 2020 census. More than a quarter of the state's population is African American, but in only 1 out of 7 districts do minority voters have a realistic chance of electing the candidate of their choice.

Your actions don't match your parties words. 25% of the House of Reps in Alabama should be blacks. You disinfranchise blacks when wonder why they don't vote for you. But you do love that it discourages many of them to vote. In FL 2000 70% of whites voted and 60% of blacks voted. If just 10% more of blacks voted, Gore won easily. He won anyways but it wouldn't have been close enough to steal like Bush and Roger Stone did.

Trump wanted to stop counting votes the minute the polls closed. Fuck you liar. Either you lie or your dumb.
It's neither, Silly Boo Boo, and I'd bitchslap you right back to medieval times, you fuckin' retard.
It's neither, Silly Boo Boo, and I'd bitchslap you right back to medieval times, you fuckin' retard.
You wouldn't dare. I was at a party and 3 big guys were talking bad about Obama. I walked up and defended Obama and the rest of the night they looked at me like the Fates

You wouldn't dare. I was at a party and 3 big guys were talking bad about Obama. I walked up and defended Obama and the rest of the night they looked at me like the Fates

View attachment 711994
You got me fucked up. You damn right I'd dare.

Obama is a traitor and a half, the sissy side of a transgender couple, and should be hanged for being the traitor that he is.

And again, I'd bitchsmack your ass back to medieval times.
Hey, if you want to talk about policy like how can we get inflation down or should we go after illegal employers, I'm ready.
I want to talk about your ACTIONS, not your policies.

I want to talk specifically about your Stalinist leadership and how you're going to get rid of them.

The crap they're bringing to the table is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Regardless of their policies.

Deal with that first, then we'll talk.
Hey, if you want to talk about policy like how can we get inflation down or should we go after illegal employers, I'm ready.
You are only ready if everyone agrees with you. Any dissent will drive into a frenzied downward spiral.
You got me fucked up. You damn right I'd dare.

Obama is a traitor and a half, the sissy side of a transgender couple, and should be hanged for being the traitor that he is.

And again, I'd bitchsmack your ass back to medieval times.
Clearly you've drinkin the conspiracy coolaid dummy.
I want to talk about your ACTIONS, not your policies.

I want to talk specifically about your Stalinist leadership and how you're going to get rid of them.

The crap they're bringing to the table is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Regardless of their policies.

Deal with that first, then we'll talk.
Then be more specific.
You are only ready if everyone agrees with you. Any dissent will drive into a frenzied downward spiral.
Nonsense. I know the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

For example, most moderate Republicans and corporations realize they need to go green. Just not over night. But you guys keep arguing for the worst of the worst. So you DENY it's even real. And your moonbat followers will repeat whatever you say on any issue. Global warming isn't real, don't get vaccinated, masks don't work, evolution isn't real, abortion is MURDER, any gun regulations are bad, and Trump's call to Ukraine was "perfect".

Oh and the election was rigged. Stupid fucks.
Nonsense. I know the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

For example, most moderate Republicans and corporations realize they need to go green. Just not over night. But you guys keep arguing for the worst of the worst. So you DENY it's even real. And your moonbat followers will repeat whatever you say on any issue. Global warming isn't real, don't get vaccinated, masks don't work, evolution isn't real, abortion is MURDER, any gun regulations are bad, and Trump's call to Ukraine was "perfect".

Oh and the election was rigged. Stupid fucks.
With such total denial, you label yourself as what you call others. And stupid to boot.
Read your own post if you can stomach them and it will be revealed to you. Blind sicko.
Listen you bullshitter. I'm a straight, white, upper middle class, college educated person with no debt man. I should totally be a Republican. I'm the typical Republican voter. Just I can't stand your type. Ignorant fucks. Republicans believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.

Used to be your party was run by the greedy rich (RINOS) now it's the ignorant racist religious broke ass nuts who control your party. Meanwhile, Trump is the biggest monster in the swamp, dummy.

I didn't like you before and I sure as hell don't like you now. Now you are revealing everything I said about you was right. Banning abortion. I knew it. Next up, social security and medicare. Say you would never make those cuts. Lie like you did about abortion. Lying fucks.

But hey, you're lying for Jesus so it's okay. LOL.
Listen you bullshitter. I'm a straight, white, upper middle class, college educated person with no debt man. I should totally be a Republican. I'm the typical Republican voter. Just I can't stand your type. Ignorant fucks. Republicans believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.

Used to be your party was run by the greedy rich (RINOS) now it's the ignorant racist religious broke ass nuts who control your party. Meanwhile, Trump is the biggest monster in the swamp, dummy.

I didn't like you before and I sure as hell don't like you now. Now you are revealing everything I said about you was right. Banning abortion. I knew it. Next up, social security and medicare. Say you would never make those cuts. Lie like you did about abortion. Lying fucks.

But hey, you're lying for Jesus so it's okay. LOL.
Hey dumbshit, you assume so much that is wrong. You call me a republican when in fact I am uncommitted voter. Additionally, all your claims as to your background are to be taken with a grain of salt, as they are yours and you tend to bullshit.

BTW, bfd that you don't like me, the feeling is more than mutual and means so little to me that it doesn't even register on things that I care about, you worthless bag of gas.
Hey dumbshit, you assume so much that is wrong. You call me a republican when in fact I am uncommitted voter. Additionally, all your claims as to your background are to be taken with a grain of salt, as they are yours and you tend to bullshit.

BTW, bfd that you don't like me, the feeling is more than mutual and means so little to me that it doesn't even register on things that I care about, you worthless bag of gas.
Funny I know who you're going to be voting for and you don't.

Do you know what we call undecideds? REFUCKINGTARDS. LOL

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