Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

Not someone, a 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her. And not just in, but at the front of thousands pushing against, while the 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches, was pinned against hundreds of riot police holding the barricade, and then 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches, overpowered the police 3 times.

Get the story right, the government was almost overthrown by a 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches
Where in the law does she get a pass for age or health?
Shoplifting is 100 billion dollars a year. Someone has to pay for it. And of course, all of the other questionable costs that need to be paid. We are suckers. And it is noticeable in the decline of our living standards. If the dollar loses its reserve status, there are going to be a lot of new realities.
Tax evasion is $1 trillion a year and someone has to pay for it. But the big brains in the Republican Party want to stop the IRS from prosecuting more of it.
Like this one?

Not a conspiracy theory. It was just a straight up lie.
They round up political dissidents and old people who never saw the inside of a prison for a misdemeanor that should net a $50 fine at best. They keep them locked up and unrelenting propaganda convinces them that the former president is a "cult leader". A small scale freaking Russian gulag but just as effective.
You obviously support mob violence.
If they do, it usually takes a long time.

So all we can hope for is that this shrinks enough to fit back on the fringe.
You promote all of what you call freedom while living off of massive government and foreign made slave products overseas. The globalism is the cult. Study the history of nations. We have to be pure America to keep living good to pay everyone. We can be the policeman of the world we do however need to watch where spend our resources. And we are not.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

I wonder what Lastamender thinks about this…
Been trying to tell these fools ALL ALONG about Trump...

But you're spot on. Trump Humpers are in a deep CULT and are clueless.
Trump is Pro-Establisment regardless of his efforts to cover it.
They are no different than the imbeciles supporting socialism and Communism.

There is too much evidence to support this. Sessions, Barr and Wray just for starters. (Let's not forget his push for the vaccines and keeping Fauci.
For God's sake ! Trump has been a NY Democrat most of his life!
In fact, it's very difficult now to determine who is and who isn't. I suspect they ALL might be.

The ONLY one who appears to be truly against the Left's madness and the Establishment is Ron DeSantis.
He fights for parents rights, gave us Constitutional carry in Florida (which went into effect TODAY) and bodly went after Disney for supporting child molestation.

You're less than basic.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

One thing I know for a fact is that convicts notorious liars. Anyone believing them is a fool.
I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,

sounds more like youre the one in a cult,, disagree with me and your a trump voter,, blah blah blah,,

figures someone that did something stupid would try and blame it on someone else,, and since we know the government will dress up dozens of agents in patriot gear and put them out as a roose to condemn trump voters that they would tell an old lady with cancer we will let you go if you say this about trump,,

FFS they put an old lady with cancer in prison for walking in a building/trespassing,, so nothing surprises me
Cultist says what?
I just read where the 69 year old grandma with cancer pushed threw the police lines 3 times! This is super hero grandma

What kind of police line was this, where a 69 year old grandma with cancer over powers the police 3 times!

Sounds like a wack job. She should have known better.
J6 was a logical and measured response an ELECTION FRAUD that 8 billion people worldwide saw with their own eyes on international television.

The PTB are pretty damn brazen to tell 8 billion people they didn't see what they saw.

Because of this, the PTB now has ZERO CREDIBILITY in the eyes of most of the world.

It's so bad now, that various powerful world leaders are basically saying "these Americans are assholes and idiots, let's get them out of the picture". Mr Xi will take Taiwan BECAUSE HE CAN, and millions of Chinese will applaud him, not for his authority, but for kicking the Americans out.

Leftards are butt stupid, they are a serious threat to American national security.
There is and was no election fraud, fool. :cuckoo:
This is a surprisingly great thread.

It shows exactly how evil, sinister, dangerous, the Democrat party is. Read my two or three posts.

With this one topic, the Democrats do show they are Marxist/NAZIs. It also shows the Democrats are definitely guilty of extreme corruption.

Who would throw a Grandma dying of cancer in Jail, tyrants who wish to scare, the masses.

Read the OP, read the link, definitely read my comments.
Yes. Only the divine leader can save you now. :rolleyes:
There is and was no election fraud, fool. :cuckoo:
Don't you fucking idiots ever get tired of being STUPID?

You fuckers are dangerous little lemmings, you'll believe anything CNN tells you.

You don't have a leg to stand on. Not even a stump. The whole entire world thinks you're full of shit. Xi is laughing at you, Putin's losing a war and he's STILL laughing at you.

You leftards are ridiculously stupid. ALL of you. There isn't a single goddamn one of you who isn't.

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