Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss​

Just a reminder. The thread headline is untrue. What the convict offered was a mere opinion. The claim that the opinion is “the truth” is also a mere opinion.
Don't you fucking idiots ever get tired of being STUPID?

You fuckers are dangerous little lemmings, you'll believe anything CNN tells you.

You don't have a leg to stand on. Not even a stump. The whole entire world thinks you're full of shit. Xi is laughing at you, Putin's losing a war and he's STILL laughing at you.

You leftards are ridiculously stupid. ALL of you. There isn't a single goddamn one of you who isn't.
Reality has bitch slapped you repeatedly and here you are in line for more? Smh.
Cult or die!
Don't you fucking idiots ever get tired of being STUPID?

You fuckers are dangerous little lemmings, you'll believe anything CNN tells you.

You don't have a leg to stand on. Not even a stump. The whole entire world thinks you're full of shit. Xi is laughing at you, Putin's losing a war and he's STILL laughing at you.

You leftards are ridiculously stupid. ALL of you. There isn't a single goddamn one of you who isn't.
Of course he is stupid. He can’t even get Starsky and Hutch right.
But you haven't. Not once.

You're a petty little snowflake who couldn't bitch slap a flea.

Bring it, fucktard. Let's see what you got.
I have reality on my side and you blathering like a cult moron. I don’t need anything else. You do all the work and don’t even realize it. :rolleyes:
Not at all. I want Mr shit for brains up there to either prove his bullshit or shut the fuck up.

I'm tired of these know nothing leftards spouting off about talking points they don't even understand.

I'm going to make it my business to put some of these idiots down on Front Street. These fuckers are dangerously stupid, and I'm gonna make it so even THEY realize it.

Let's keep going for a while, this is just starting to get interesting.
This one was an epic fail....

CALL: They are the exact same type who ridiculed those who saw the danger of the Nazis in the 1930's.
RESPONSE: Let's ask the good poster, BasicHumanUnit, to vet all of those claims.
So, BHU, do it. Show us. Start now....Go!
Not at all. I want Mr shit for brains up there to either prove his bullshit or shut the fuck up.
Go the fuck away,
You fuckers are dangerous little lemmings,
You leftards are ridiculously stupid. ALL of you. There isn't a single goddamn one of you who isn't.
You stupid fuckers are WORTHLESS, you don't even know what you're talking about.

Would this gossipboard's tone & tenor change if........if management could require a breathalyzer test before posting? (see above)

Nobody really thinks Trump is a cultist
Jim Jones wasn't a 'cultist'?
Nor was Charlie Manson?
Warren Jeffries ain't either?

This one was an epic fail....


Still waiting.

I deliberately provided an example of a non religious cult to make it easy.

Maybe now he's realizing it ain't as easy as he thought. Hence the crickets.

There are others we could talk about, the Manson's, NIXVM, the UFO people (which come in several flavors)...

All those though, are based on articles of faith, not observation.

The 2020 election fraud is a direct observation. 8 billion people saw it with their own eyes. My guess is that Trump, not being a politician, didn't know anything about alternate electors till someone told him. He probably panicked when he realized there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

The core of the leftard argument about cults is a false belief in a stolen election. Unfortunately for the leftards, there isn't any proof that the election was secure. If there WERE, they could tell everyone to shut up and go home. But there's no such proof. So it is and will remain hesaid/shesaid.

But as far as "false" belief? No. Not even for a microsecond. All there is, is unanswered questions that the leftards cant and won't answer, and will do everything in their power to stop from being asked in the first place.

Still waiting.

I deliberately provided an example of a non religious cult to make it easy.

Maybe now he's realizing it ain't as easy as he thought. Hence the crickets.

There are others we could talk about, the Manson's, NIXVM, the UFO people (which come in several flavors)...

All those though, are based on articles of faith, not observation.

The 2020 election fraud is a direct observation. 8 billion people saw it with their own eyes. My guess is that Trump, not being a politician, didn't know anything about alternate electors till someone told him. He probably panicked when he realized there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

The core of the leftard argument about cults is a false belief in a stolen election. Unfortunately for the leftards, there isn't any proof that the election was secure. If there WERE, they could tell everyone to shut up and go home. But there's no such proof. So it is and will remain hesaid/shesaid.

But as far as "false" belief? No. Not even for a microsecond. All there is, is unanswered questions that the leftards cant and won't answer, and will do everything in their power to stop from being asked in the first place.
Gee, only if you actually knew some credentialed security experts...they could get to the bottom of the "fraud". You don't know anyone like that...do you?
Of course he is stupid. He can’t even get Starsky and Hutch right.
His real name is Jake Starkey. Fakey. He’s just a simp.

Amended to note a correction:

his former username was Jake Starkey. I have no idea what his actual name is in the real world. Nor do I care. It suffices to know that he remains all Fakey all the time.
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Gee, only if you actually knew some credentialed security experts...they could get to the bottom of the "fraud". You don't know anyone like that...do you?
Well gee, in case you were ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL, they just released the Georgia report which proves the state AND federal governments were lying through their teeth the whole time.

You really don't get this, do you? It's a stupid fucking NARRATIVE, just like Covid. They're lying about every single part of it, just like Covid. The politifucks are so goddamn arrogant they think they can lecture => ME <= on biochemistry, when the truth is I could run circles around any one of those lying bastards without even batting an eyelash. Give me FIVE minutes on national television with that weasel Fauci, I swear to God I'll make that rotten bastard CRY in front of the whole goddamn world.

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