Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

wow, talk about a delusional thread. 69 year old grandma with cancer turns on trump, after Biden locks her up for 2 years

I would think you would read your link, and not the headline, let me help you by quoting from your link

Now this is the face of the marxist democRat party, they lock up a 69 year old grandma, deny her proper medical attention for her cancer, get her to confess that she was trying to over throw the government.

I had no idea the Democrats were, sweating, old ladies with cancer. I had no idea that the democrats are afraid grandmas are going to overthrow their government.

Think that, now that is admitting you are guilty as hell, this is proof the Democrats lie, that they are fascists, that they were the KKK, they are willing to throw Cancer stricken Grandma in hard core prison, in solitary confinement, to sweat a confession out of her, "come on grandma, admit you were about to overthrow the government."

I see the face of evil, of pathetic, have a party on your win! You caught Grandma, and got her to confess right before she dies of cancer.

Yep, that is real power, when you throw Grandma in Jail for almost overthrowing the government, but damn if justice was not served, she confessed.

Now that we see the Democrats threw grandma in jail, we all know the democrat party is guilty of all the evil that is reported about them. When Democrats threw a dying women in prison, with murders and rapists, in prison cause she dared to support Trump, the Democrats are showing everyone, you better not investigate election fraud, look what we do for walking on the lawn, to a grandma.

Threat heard loud and clear boss.

Criminal investigations are handled by the DOJ not the president, but I guess you didn't know that. I guess you think the president is a king. It's no wonder why you people treat Trump like he is one. I wonder when Republicans started welcoming the idea of a totalitarian or dictatorial government, with Trump at it's head.
Criminal investigations are handled by the DOJ not the president, but I guess you didn't know that. I guess you think the president is a king. It's no wonder why you people treat Trump like he is one. I wonder when Republicans started welcoming the idea of a totalitarian or dictatorial government, with Trump at it's head.
You're nuts.

Trump never threw the political opposition in jail.

You're fucking crazy.
No one is tracking down political dissidents and subjecting them to torture.

This is the distortion of reality that commonly occurs in cults.

Annnnd....This is why a great deal of ppl think maga is a cult, because they all talk in hysterics just like this, and it's pretty much constant on just about any subject Trump touches.
Well gee, in case you were ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL, they just released the Georgia report which proves the state AND federal governments were lying through their teeth the whole time.
Georgia? WTF. I do like Asleep at the Wheel. Maybe you can start being their manager. You said you're in the music business.

I'm in the music business.

You really don't get this, do you? It's a stupid fucking NARRATIVE, just like Covid. They're lying about every single part of it, just like Covid.
How do you know? Oh yeah, you say you have a medical degree
I have a medical degree

The politifucks are so goddamn arrogant they think they can lecture => ME <= on biochemistry,
Oh yeah, I forgot...you say you're also a scientist.

I'm a scientist

when the truth is
Thanks for the chuckle...you discussing truth?
I could run circles around any one of those lying bastards without even batting an eyelash.
You seem to do nothing but run your mouth.
Give me FIVE minutes on national television with that weasel Fauci,
What is stopping you? You're a security expert too, right?
I'm also a security expert.

I swear to God I'll make that rotten bastard CRY in front of the whole goddamn world.
I think you've done way too much meth.
Georgia? WTF. I do like Asleep at the Wheel. Maybe you can start being their manager. You said you're in the music business.

How do you know? Oh yeah, you say you have a medical degree

Oh yeah, I forgot...you say you're also a scientist.

Thanks for the chuckle...you discussing truth?

You seem to do nothing but run your mouth.

What is stopping you? You're a security expert too, right?

I think you've done way too much meth.
And I told you stupid leftard sack of shit, I can run circles around you on your BEST day.

You're nothing but a worthless howler boi. You've got nothing on your own, so you try to blame others for what you DON'T have.

Like brains.

And a soul.

Begone fuckwit, you're not even worth a dialog.
I knew Cult 45 would be in an uproar having to read about one of their own finally seeing through the blinders, but I never expected this She was coerced!! They forced her to say this!! She's been brainwashed by the DEEP state!!

LOL. The irony that they are responding exactly how a cult member would, while in denial. This would make a great psychological case study.
We responded exactly how you wanted? The irony, you admitting you made a troll thread.

I will proudly belong to Trump's cult before being a low life worm of the Marxist Democrat party that brags about throwing in prison a cancer stricken grandma on chemotherapy with 72 stitches cause her breasts were removed.

Grandma about destroyed the democrats and for snowflake catching her was a win.

I see why now Democrat men must be allowed into women sports. It is the only sex you can beat.

Next time put your troll thread in the rubber room

None of your comments have anything in common with intellect

Troll on taz
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Criminal investigations are handled by the DOJ not the president, but I guess you didn't know that. I guess you think the president is a king. It's no wonder why you people treat Trump like he is one. I wonder when Republicans started welcoming the idea of a totalitarian or dictatorial government, with Trump at it's head.
You don't spell cretin, Krichton, idiot
All your responses are “69 year old grandma” as if it means something more after post 30 than it did after the firs time. It doesn’t. :uhoh3:
Yes, you democrats are celebrating getting a 69 year old grandma with cancer on chemotherapy who still has 72 stitches from her breasts being removed.

Democrats are so powerful. And you are right to feel so good of yourself
More of the old "don't agree with me? Then you're in a cult" closed and narrow minded mentality showing you're incapable of actual conversation or debate.
Yeah - the OP premise is a rhetorical, logical and intellectual dead end.

While these things aren't binary (her journey and apparent change of mind/heart), if one wants to play along, one must ask:

Was she in the (alleged) brainwashed Cult of Trump before, or is she in the (actual) brainwashed Cult of Biden now?

If one chooses to play along with the OP's dead end premise, the latter seems far more likely.
And I told you stupid leftard sack of shit, I can run circles around you on your BEST day.

You're nothing but a worthless howler boi. You've got nothing on your own, so you try to blame others for what you DON'T have.

Like brains.

And a soul.

Begone fuckwit, you're not even worth a dialog.
Gee, maybe you ought to unleash one of your deadly darts on me or something.

I'm an expert with darts. Big ones, small ones, tiny little feathered ones fired out of a Bic pen and bigass poison ones fired from a drone

Yeah, I'm not worried about you. Amused. Not worried at all.
You've started off on a false assumption. They vary mostly in degree, not cause. The greatest mistakes have been made by people who failed to see they were the cause of their own problems.
But it’s a pretty extreme matter of degree 😆

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