Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

I voted for Trump twice, mainly because he was the best of two choice. I do not want him to be the nominee in '24.

Am I in a cult?

Good. Got a couple of well deserved Iggy's from this thread.

It was a troll thread to begin with, and next time we'll see if the OP has more on the ball than the idiot libtards who were slinging mud all over his thread.
Yeah - the OP premise is a rhetorical, logical and intellectual dead end.

While these things aren't binary (her journey and apparent change of mind/heart), if one wants to play along, one must ask:

Was she in the (alleged) brainwashed Cult of Trump before, or is she in the (actual) brainwashed Cult of Biden now?

If one chooses to play along with the OP's dead end premise, the latter seems far more likely.

Or is it simply a matter of they got in trouble and their self preservation mode kicked in and now speaking out in order to cover their ass. They get disillusioned rather quickly if something doesn't turn out like they thought it would.

People will turn to rats rather quickly if they get in someone else's cross hairs or are threatened. Especially by law enforcement.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.


Nice story from yahoo.com

Annnnd....This is why a great deal of ppl think maga is a cult, because they all talk in hysterics just like this, and it's pretty much constant on just about any subject Trump touches.
Apparently you missed the lefts histrionics daily while Trump was in office. Or rather you are just stupid.
Just the opposite infact. His Administration went out of its way to not arrest or engage rioters. It was annoying.

As I watched the neighborhood I used to love, in one of the most beautiful cities in the country, taken over by terrorists throwing a childish tantrum, Trump had the authority to deploy the National Guard to clean it up, but refrained.


One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

Sadly too few have left the cult. It's always that way
Sadly too few have left the cult. It's always that way
A cult becomes an entire lifestyle. Look at this one: They paint their trucks, they fly the flags, they sleep on the pillows, they wear the clothes, they attend the rallies/revivals, they buy the EFT's, they contribute to every so-called "non-profit", they speak their own language, they avoid "woke" businesses.

When it gets that far into the culture, when it is literally who they are, it can't be eradicated from the outside. They have to wake up themselves, the light has to somehow go on. There has to be some kind of awakening, and that can take a long fucking time.
A cult becomes an entire lifestyle. Look at this one: They paint their trucks, they fly the flags, they sleep on the pillows, they wear the clothes, they attend the rallies/revivals, they buy the EFT's, they contribute to every so-called "non-profit", they speak their own language, they avoid "woke" businesses.

When it gets that far into the culture, when it is literally who they are, it can't be eradicated from the outside. They have to wake up themselves, the light has to somehow go on. There has to be some kind of awakening, and that can take a long fucking time.
Does the cult try and seduce and confuse children like your many cults do? Does the cult you speak of support violent actions to get their way like your many cults do? Does the cult persecute parents who want their children taught, not indoctrinated.

They are not a cult. They are Americans. You and your many cults are not, just in name only. Hack.
A cult becomes an entire lifestyle. Look at this one: They paint their trucks, they fly the flags, they sleep on the pillows, they wear the clothes, they attend the rallies/revivals, they buy the EFT's, they contribute to every so-called "non-profit", they speak their own language, they avoid "woke" businesses.

When it gets that far into the culture, when it is literally who they are, it can't be eradicated from the outside. They have to wake up themselves, the light has to somehow go on. There has to be some kind of awakening, and that can take a long fucking time.
Does the cult try and seduce and confuse children like your many cults do? Does the cult you speak of support violent actions to get their way like your many cults do? Does the cult persecute parents who want their children taught, not indoctrinated.

They are not a cult. They are Americans. You and your many cults are not, just in name only.
There's one now.
A cult becomes an entire lifestyle. Look at this one: They paint their trucks, they fly the flags, they sleep on the pillows, they wear the clothes, they attend the rallies/revivals, they buy the EFT's, they contribute to every so-called "non-profit", they speak their own language, they avoid "woke" businesses.

When it gets that far into the culture, when it is literally who they are, it can't be eradicated from the outside. They have to wake up themselves, the light has to somehow go on. There has to be some kind of awakening, and that can take a long fucking time.

Unlike the other cult, they do not waste their time brown-nosing for SJW brownie points or screaming at the sky.


They're too busy growing the food that goes into the BigMac's that the other cult crams down their fat necks daily.

Oh, and working at real jobs that allow them to put food on their blonde-haired, blue-eyed families' tables.

In my neck of the woods, they build those windmills and solar farms that the other cult thinks will actually save the world from the icky-poo global warming.

You know................jobs.


Unlike the other cult, they do not waste their time brown-nosing for SJW brownie points or screaming at the sky.


They're too busy growing the food that goes into the BigMac's that the other cult crams down their fat necks daily.

Oh, and working at real jobs that allow them to put food on their blonde-haired, blue-eyed families' tables.

In my neck of the woods, they build those windmills and solar farms that the other cult thinks will actually save the world from the icky-poo global warming.

You know................jobs.

I can understand why you people would want to change the subject.
So you are against rule of law when it's one of your own. Isn't that right, shithead?
They've been told they're "at war" with "evil", that they're "saving American from Satan", that this is "The Final Battle", and that their cult leaders is "the only person who can do it".

Man-made laws are simply minor, trivial barriers over which they can jump as needed in their jihad. Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule.

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