Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

Because Trump would say and do dumb shit on a daily basis, as president. No one on the left needed to make things up like the right is constantly doing. I know you don't want anyone to call him out on it because as a cult member you don't want anyone to dare speak down to your religious leader, but that's not how the world works outside of your cult bubble.
So your answer is. Lefties are justified just because we say so…righties are not.

Speaking of cult members. Yes you are.
Whenever you folks get tired of bickering, we can start talking about the psychology of belief.

"Cult" is a stupid leftard buzzword, designed to inflame and divide. We should CRUSH anyone who uses it, left OR right. Cause neither one of em understands WTF they're talking about.

There is an EXTENSIVE literature on the psychology of belief. Not only that, neuroscientists understand the basics of how it works in the brain.

Human beings attempt to construct rational explanations for things they dont understand. Lefties should start there, and stop being such asinine idiots.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

Butthurt moron blames "the cult" for HER DECISIONS.

Any other definition for DUMB BITCH? I can't think of one.

Muchado about nothing.
^^^ This is supposed to be a deflection trying to dismiss the credibility of others when they get too close to the truth that the democrat party of today has more to do with Nazi and Mussolini black-shirt fascists than they do with George Washington.

The truth that "communist globalists are trying to take over people's minds?" Yeah, no lack of credibility there. You don't even realize how crazy you sound, which is typical of cult members. Nothing is too crazy sounding within the cult, but once you step out of it and are amongst normal people then that's when y'all are revealed for the nutters you really are.
The truth that "communist globalists are trying to take over people's minds?" Yeah, no lack of credibility there.
SURE, kitchen, just that commies have been trying to infiltrate and subvert the west since the beginning of history BY THEIR OWN WORDS but not now of course! :auiqs.jpg:

You don't even realize how crazy you sound, which is typical of cult members.
Which either makes you an idiot or a participant in the subversion or both. Which is it? I can go either way with you.

Nothing is too crazy sounding within the cult,
But apparently believing a two time no-account loser who ran no campaign, whose party lost in every other way, set new voting records against a popular successful president at his peak, even beating the superstar Obumma by over 20 million votes, right, nutcase? Totally honest and aboveboard, right screwball?
J6 was a logical and measured response an ELECTION FRAUD that 8 billion people worldwide saw with their own eyes on international television.

The PTB are pretty damn brazen to tell 8 billion people they didn't see what they saw.

Because of this, the PTB now has ZERO CREDIBILITY in the eyes of most of the world.

It's so bad now, that various powerful world leaders are basically saying "these Americans are assholes and idiots, let's get them out of the picture". Mr Xi will take Taiwan BECAUSE HE CAN, and millions of Chinese will applaud him, not for his authority, but for kicking the Americans out.

Leftards are butt stupid, they are a serious threat to American national security.

No, it was not, it was an unhinged response to a sore loser who would not accept the election results and decided to throw a hail mary and do what he does best, lie. And in typical maga fashion they immediately believe every word that comes out of Trump's mouth like it's the gospel. Gee, that doesn't sound like a cult at all. Trump even hired an investigative team to prove his lies, and as anyone would have guessed, they concluded that there was no election interference or fraud. Hah! Trump, the idiot that he is, literally proved himself a liar, something not exactly hard to do.

Leftists aren't storming the capitol building in an attempt to overturn our democracy because they can't accept their guy lost a legit election. Those are the people who are a serious threat to national security, not the idiots arguing over pronouns.
how is that fraud not Biden?

Biden would not debate, Biden is a proven plagiarist, Biden is on video pompously bragging about bullying the Ukraine to children at a swimming pool to citizens at his political rally.

white lies, is this story not a great example of everything you describe in your first sentence, the Democrats literally fearful of a cancer stricken grandma, stating she overpowered multiple police in riot gear three times, that a cancer strick grandma could over throw the government.

Hell, catch me if you can, is what the democrats are doing, with Jan 6th and this story exactly.
You're an idiot.
SURE, kitchen, just that commies have been trying to infiltrate and subvert the west since the beginning of history BY THEIR OWN WORDS but not now of course! :auiqs.jpg:

Which either makes you an idiot or a participant in the subversion or both. Which is it? I can go either way with you.

But apparently believing a two time no-account loser who ran no campaign, whose party lost in every other way, set new voting records against a popular successful president at his peak, even beating the superstar Obumma by over 20 million votes, right, nutcase? Totally honest and aboveboard, right screwball?

Votes were cast and counted, sometimes twice or three times, and Biden came out on top. Why wouldn't I believe the evidence? Why wouldn't I believe in reality? The ONLY people who believe Trump are his cult followers. If I was one of you then I would believe in alternate facts, alternate reality and any fairytale my dear leader told me. Luckily I'm not mentally ill.
sounds coerced to me,,,
There’s no other reasonable explanation for supporting the likes of Trump.

Given the fact of Trump’s corruption and criminality, Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, and Trump’s efforts to destroy our democratic institutions, only a blind cult member would continue to support and defend Trump.
There’s no other reasonable explanation for supporting the likes of Trump.

Given the fact of Trump’s corruption and criminality, Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, and Trump’s efforts to destroy our democratic institutions, only a blind cult member would continue to support and defend Trump.
your premise is a lie,,

other than show us how bad your TDS really is you didnt say anything,,
Does the cult try and seduce and confuse children like your many cults do? Does the cult you speak of support violent actions to get their way like your many cults do? Does the cult persecute parents who want their children taught, not indoctrinated.

They are not a cult. They are Americans. You and your many cults are not, just in name only. Hack.
The Trump cult is a cult because its members refuse to acknowledge facts and the truth.

The Trump cult is a cult because its members blindly follow the cult leader – Trump – and continue to believe the conspiracy theories and lies Trump contrives and propagates; lies about ‘fraud,’ lies about a ‘stolen election,’ and lies about Trump’s political opponents.

Again, there’s no other reasonable explanation for such blind, mindless, unwarranted devotion to Trump.
No, it was not, it was an unhinged response to a sore loser who would not accept the election results
You mean just like democrats?

Leftists aren't storming the capitol building
Gee, it is like the ONLY PLACE left in America that leftists HAVEN'T stormed!

The Trump cult is a cult because its members refuse to acknowledge facts and the truth.

The Trump cult is a cult because its members blindly follow the cult leader – Trump – and continue to believe the conspiracy theories and lies Trump contrives and propagates; lies about ‘fraud,’ lies about a ‘stolen election,’ and lies about Trump’s political opponents.

Again, there’s no other reasonable explanation for such blind, mindless, unwarranted devotion to Trump.
your premise is a lie,,

you just described the democrats and biden,,
Votes were cast and counted, sometimes twice or three times, and Biden came out on top.
I bet if I counted votes 2-3 times too I could make a dead cat come out on top. Thanks for making my point.
Democrats cheated.
Elections were stolen.
Biden is the result.

Why wouldn't I believe the evidence?
The evidence is, as presented here a hundred times over, that democrats cheated and even BRAGGED about it in national print (Time Magazine 2/3/21).
Who is the leader of my cult?

Screen Shot 2023-06-29 at 12.55.06 AM.png
The Trump cult is a cult because its members refuse to acknowledge facts and the truth.

The Trump cult is a cult because its members blindly follow the cult leader – Trump – and continue to believe the conspiracy theories and lies Trump contrives and propagates; lies about ‘fraud,’ lies about a ‘stolen election,’ and lies about Trump’s political opponents.

Again, there’s no other reasonable explanation for such blind, mindless, unwarranted devotion to Trump.
I never had sex with that woman......Ms Lewinski....democrats love the truth
The Trump cult is a cult because its members refuse to acknowledge facts and the truth.

The Trump cult is a cult because its members blindly follow the cult leader – Trump – and continue to believe the conspiracy theories and lies Trump contrives and propagates; lies about ‘fraud,’ lies about a ‘stolen election,’ and lies about Trump’s political opponents.

Again, there’s no other reasonable explanation for such blind, mindless, unwarranted devotion to Trump.
No. We refuse to believe an obvious lie. Told to us by proven liars.

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