Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

It seems many here are so hopelessly deep in the Trump Cult that they see only what they want to see.

You haven't figured it out yet?

They're busting your chops. Making your head explode. Leading you to crazy tin foil hat bullshit like "cults".

I still have no evidence of the possibly false narrative against DeSantis to tarnish his name.
The Left has mastered that to an art. if you can't think for yourself, you are a victim of it.

Politicians are all the same. I say, shut your ears, and just watch what they DO. Public opinion turns out to be a rotten judge of character.
Politicians are all the same. I say, shut your ears, and just watch what they DO. Public opinion turns out to be a rotten judge of character.

I've watched what Ron DeSantis has actually DONE......
and what Trump has actually done.

When you're in a cult your advice is tossed out the window.
sounds coerced to me,,,

Sure does.

I'm sure a whole lot of the "convicts" are just playing the role in the media, are not in prison at all, and go home with a nice CIA or FBI paycheck every week.
Some of them I'm sure DID get nailed for certain over-the-top acts. Both left and right have extremists.
Either way, Trump told those "people outside the capitol, please don't engage in violent behavior."

When he encouraged people to rise up against tyranny he was addressing ALL people who are sick of the Deep State Dems and RINOs, and he didn't mention ANYTHING about violence. The people at the Capitol interpreted as such, and had plenty of prompting from the imposter agent-provocateurs on the scene - the ones on the taxpayers' bill.

Note that ONLY the ones gathered at the Capitol were rioting. There was almost no mention of any other such occurrence anywhere else on J6. The area outside was a stage, and much of what was seen was staged. It was just big enough and small enough to stage their little show to make it look like Trump wanted that.

Trump asked them NOT to be violent. This fact is swept aside by Deep State MSM. Only their narrative that Trump incited a riot is given validation and it's simply not what happened.
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What else can you say. They imprison an ordinary woman in harsh conditions that she has never experienced before in her life, disorientate her and break her spirit and then use her for a propaganda tool. Welcome to the gulag.
and then they run around bragging like they did something good,,

their sick mother fuckers and the OP tops the list,,
What else can you say. They imprison an ordinary woman in harsh conditions that she has never experienced before in her life, disorientate her and break her spirit and then use her for a propaganda tool. Welcome to the gulag.

This is the cost of doing nothing.
We have only begun to get a taste of the real consequences.

The longer they are allowed to get away with the corruption, the more entrenched and harder to stop it will become.
The day is coming soon that just like in China or any Communist state, that you can be spontaneously taken from the streets, your home or your vehicle and never seen or heard from again. But that can't happen in America? So you say. Neither could forced health insurance.

The cost of doing nothing will ultimately be FAR greater than the cost of doing something.
This is the cost of doing nothing.
We have only begun to get a taste of the real consequences.

The longer they are allowed to get away with the corruption, the more entrenched and harder to stop it will become.
The day is coming soon that just like in China or any Communist state, that you can be spontaneously taken from the streets, your home or your vehicle and never seen or heard from again. But that can't happen in America? So you say. Neither could forced health insurance.

The cost of doing nothing will ultimately be FAR greater than the cost of doing something.
FDR got away with imprisoning Japanese Americans without due process because the media supported it and convinced Americans that it was justified. Shoplifters today who rob stores and threaten workers aren't prosecuted while the weaponized DOJ rounds up and tortures political dissidents and then uses the poor people as propaganda stooges. We are in deep shit.
FDR got away with imprisoning Japanese Americans without due process because the media supported it and convinced Americans that it was justified. Shoplifters today who rob stores and threaten workers aren't prosecuted while the weaponized DOJ rounds up and tortures political dissidents and then uses the poor people as propaganda stooges. We are in deep shit.

There is something in neurology called a clasp-knife reflex.

That's what this is.

You stretch and stretch and stretch, and then all of a sudden... whammo.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

So personal behavior is now someone else’s fault! Those damn distilleries creating alcoholics.
FDR got away with imprisoning Japanese Americans without due process because the media supported it and convinced Americans that it was justified. Shoplifters today who rob stores and threaten workers aren't prosecuted while the weaponized DOJ rounds up and tortures political dissidents and then uses the poor people as propaganda stooges. We are in deep shit.
The sad thing is there are so many low information Americans who eat up the media propaganda.
The dumber the society, the better propaganda works.

Maybe it's why they've been attacking the education system for so long?
As far as the "Deep shit"

It hinges on a few things.....

1). the military willingness to obey the Deep State (which is why they have been busy eliminating patriotic commanders and diluting the troops.)
2). Disarming Americans. We clearly see the massive attack on the right to own guns.
3). The Left propaganda media to broadcast how anyone who opposes the DS is a terrorist and a threat to security.
4). The DS continuing to keep the masses out of abject poverty and starvation (pacified and entertained) until they have everything solidly in place.

imo, once all 4 of these are accomplished we will see true terror on the American homeland for the first time in American history.
People who believe relief is only an election cycle away are in for a rude awakening.

Search on my username+ "Only Americans can save America"
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The left imprisons an ordinary woman for a misdemeanor and uses her as a political pawn. This is freaking Russian tactics.
They imprison an ordinary woman in harsh conditions that she has never experienced before in her life, disorientate her and break her spirit and then use her for a propaganda tool. Welcome to the gulag.
Did the good poster 'whitehall' read what the woman actually said?
See post #127:

“Please,” she wrote in a tweet directed at Trump, “don’t be using me for anything.”
“I’m not a victim of Jan6, I pleaded guilty because I was guilty!”
Hemphill said she was upset when she saw Trump’s Truth Social post about her on Monday.
“Don’t make us out to be the victims,” she said. “Nobody forced them to go inside the Capitol.”
Now that she’s grounded herself in facts, Hemphill hopes to help others see the truth.
“Don’t be afraid to speak out,” was her message to those people. “It was scary to leave the cult.”

I don't mean to be disrespectful towards the earnest ---and prolific ---poster 'whitehall', however......though he himself may be smart the avatar he is using to talk for him sounds like a RWNJ, a Cult-45 RWNJ.
No disrespect intended.

I have seen things that have actually happened get moved,,
Well, this thing actually happened.
It ain't a 'conspiracy'.
Trump used her to advance his 'persecution' narrative. She objected. And stated her reasons why. And then asked Trump and his enablers to use her name no more.
Nothing 'conspiratorial' whatsoever. Just the facts, Ma'am.
She thought she had participated and supported a cult.
She admitted such.

their sick mother fuckers and the OP tops the list,,
Poster Progresssive Hunter, free advice, and worth it: You are letting your partisan histrionics get the better of you. Settle down, son. It is only the internet. And you are anonymous here. And....using a fake name too.
Other Cult-45'rs are not.....NOT.....gonna come bangin' on your door requiring a loyalty oath.
Go have a beer.

Shoplifters today who rob stores and threaten workers aren't prosecuted
Have you tried it?
Try it.
And see if it is so.
Please report back to this forum with your experience.
ps....you don't need to use your real name. Make one up.

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