Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

Have you considered the idea that others aren't know it alls, but rather you just don't know much?
I consider this of you, everytime I think of the proper usage of language, you know-it-all.

Have you considered the idea that others aren't a know it all.

Fort fun, used the plural form of other, so we know he/she speaks of more than one, hence improperly trying to make a plural form of, all. Redundant even if the usage of, all was correct.

Yes, I took on the role of the grammar police, but certainly the proper when fort fun, says someone does not know as much as they
Yes, those were lies. Who said they were not?
Did the Russia collusion hoax force Trump to appoint Christopher Wray? Jeff Sessions? Bill Barr?

Did it force Trump to say QUOTE " Take the guns first, worry about due process later!" ?
Listen to yourself

You admit that the washington establishment conspired to prevent trump - and the MAGA’s who elected him - from enjoying the fruits of their victory

But you’d rather talk about the insiders that trump appointed who violated our trust

All three that you listed were just hired gins more interested in what was best for them than serving the nation faithfully
Yeah, stick to bumper stickers. You will stay safe from embarrassment.

So is your pet white nationalist going to run on his record of unconstitutional fetish laws? I hope so. But that's a different topic...
all your responses are different topics, off topic, trolling
They round up political dissidents and old people who never saw the inside of a prison for a misdemeanor that should net a $50 fine at best. They keep them locked up and unrelenting propaganda convinces them that the former president is a "cult leader". A small scale freaking Russian gulag but just as effective.
If thats true you would not hate MAGA’s
Excellent. Great thread. Several great replies on point.

You have raised the issue that boggles my puny mind "the most".

Some people, seem entirely incapable of separating the personality from the policy. That, as near as I can tell, is where the "cult" thing comes from.

There seems to be no obvious correlation to any other feature, it's like some people pay more attention to the personality, and other people pay more attention to the results.

The people attacking personality though, are vicious. And it doesn't seem to matter which side of the aisle they're from.

(scratches head)

A woman convicted of criminal trespass during a mom and pop demonstration "tells the truth about the former president"? This is freaking Russian Gulag stuff. Lock them up and re-educate them.
They picked a particularly vulnerable example.
Listen to yourself

You admit that the washington establishment conspired to prevent trump - and the MAGA’s who elected him - from enjoying the fruits of their victory

But you’d rather talk about the insiders that trump appointed who violated our trust

All three that you listed were just hired gins more interested in what was best for them than serving the nation faithfully

I know this is complicated......but consider this if you can.......

The Establishment is exceptionally clever and deceptive. They are masters at manipulation.
The Establishment knows that making Trump a martyr would seal the deal for many on the far right.

I have defended Trump many times, up to the point he began to betray the nation in many ways.
You're so deep into the cult you don't even care that he said to take to guns and forget due process. Wow.

The main difference between you and I is not our core beliefs and desire for the nation as a whole but rather our ability to think deeper past emotions and the media and think for ourselves consider all angles and the wicked cleverness of those who make up the establishment.
I consider this of you, everytime I think of the proper usage of language, you know-it-all.

Have you considered the idea that others aren't a know it all.

Fort fun, used the plural form of other, so we know he/she speaks of more than one, hence improperly trying to make a plural form of, all. Redundant even if the usage of, all was correct.

Yes, I took on the role of the grammar police, but certainly the proper when fort fun, says someone does not know as much as they
That's nice.

Once you have grauduated from grammar police, consider joining the real police. You can arrest 1000+ violent trump cultists, if you're lucky.

Maybe even boobless grandmas.
You love the sexual abuser's personality? Interesting.
Not as much as you think

I respect his policies and do not distract myself with personalities

Trump talking too much which leads to unforced errors

But I’ll stick with him till someone with better ideas comes along
I don't "hate" trump. You're being a real idiot for a change. Sad. I just see past the charade. I support DeSantis.

Try to tell people in a logical, factful way exactly what indicates Trump is part of the establishment......and hump trumps leg....

or face heat of a thousand supernovae

<grand facepalm>
I didn't vote for Trump, and don't "hump his leg"...Haven't voted since 2000....The guy is a repackaged 1980s democrat.

You don't support Trump, but do support the guy who has dozens of Bush toadies in his orbit, as the "anti-establishment" candidate.

Facepalm indeed.
How about you educate yourself before having your little baby tantrum...?

Read the news. There you will find factual information about what the courts are doing to his fetish legislation.

Good luck.

So, no examples, no backing up your gibberish...just another personal attack and insults.
You can't even specify who you are referring to.

There's a word for this....P-a-t-h-e-t-i-c
I know this is complicated......but consider this if you can.......

The Establishment is exceptionally clever and deceptive. They are masters at manipulation.
The Establishment knows that making Trump a martyr would seal the deal for many on the far right.

I have defended Trump many times, up to the point he began to betray the nation in many ways.

The main difference between you and I is not our core beliefs and desire for the nation as a whole but rather our ability to think deeper past emotions and the media and think for ourselves consider all angles and the wicked cleverness of those who make up the establishment.
And you're so fucking smart, and see through said deception, that you're supporting the candidate dripping with neocon establishment dirt bags.
Not as much as you think

I respect his policies and do not distract myself with personalities

Trump talking too much which leads to unforced errors

But I’ll stick with him till someone with better ideas comes along

That is another mind boggling thing.

No one in the GOP has better ideas.

If I was a GOP candidate I'd be smelling a business opportunity a mile away. :dunno:
They picked a particularly vulnerable example.
What do you expect? They round up American citizens for the crime of being escorted through the Capital building and the entire media calls them traitors and criminals and they cave into the propaganda. Welcome to Biden's Banana Republic.
Excellent. Great thread. Several great replies on point.

You have raised the issue that boggles my puny mind "the most".

Some people, seem entirely incapable of separating the personality from the policy. That, as near as I can tell, is where the "cult" thing comes from.

There seems to be no obvious correlation to any other feature, it's like some people pay more attention to the personality, and other people pay more attention to the results.

The people attacking personality though, are vicious. And it doesn't seem to matter which side of the aisle they're from.

(scratches head)

The anti trumpets passionately disagree with MAGA’s on the issues

But either cant articulate their differences or dont want to go on record opposing common sense policies

So they cling to the trump personality meme

Its all they have

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