Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

I didn't vote for Trump, and don't "hump his leg"...Haven't voted since 2000....The guy is a repackaged 1980s democrat.

You don't support Trump, but do support the guy who has dozens of Bush toadies in his orbit, as the "anti-establishment" candidate.

Facepalm indeed.

I accept that I do not know it all.

Who are these Bush "Toadies" in his orbit. Where does that information come from?
What have I missed?

If there is solid evidence that DeSantis is not who he claims to be I haven't seen it.
Are you SURE you are not falling victim to the malicious media?
Fox is not your friend btw. None of the media is.
So where are you getting these tidbits?

The media (even Fox News) are all supportive of the Establishment and many times I have explained how and why.
It's a "good cop / bad cop" game the establishment uses to keep BOTH sides in check and at each others throats.
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The anti trumpets passionately disagree with MAGA’s on the issues

But either cant articulate their differences or dont want to go on record opposing common sense policies

So they cling to the trump personality meme

Its all they have

These words are very familiar......
Oh yes! Jim Jones followers made similar parallels to those not following Jim Jones. Many more similar examples.
You are in a cult. Phone home!

As far as Trump, I gave clear, concise unambiguous exmaples to support my claim.

You just jeep repeating that people who are not in the Trump cult are stupid.
Please look up "Brainwashing"
I know this is complicated......but consider this if you can.......

The Establishment is exceptionally clever and deceptive. They are masters at manipulation.
The Establishment knows that making Trump a martyr would seal the deal for many on the far right.

I have defended Trump many times, up to the point he began to betray the nation in many ways.
You're so deep into the cult you don't even care that he said to take to guns and forget due process. Wow.

The main difference between you and I is not our core beliefs and desire for the nation as a whole but rather our ability to think deeper past emotions and the media and think for ourselves consider all angles and the wicked cleverness of those who make up the establishment.
I dont agree with everything trump says, such as taking the guns

That was not well thought through

But if you are being truthful you are not very nuanced

Its all or nothing and now for you and trump its nothing
These words are very familiar......
Oh yes! Jim Jones followers made similar parallels to those not following Jim Jones. Many more similar examples.
You are in a cult. Phone home!

As far as Trump, I gave clear, concise unambiguous exmaples to support my claim.

You just jeep repeating that people who are not in the Trump cult are stupid.
Please look up "Brainwashing"
You continue to attack trump using vague generalities

And if you are pro desantis thats news since all you ever talk about is trump
"....since we know the government will dress up dozens of agents in patriot gear and put them out as a roose (sic) to condemn trump voters"
I did not....do not .....know that such is the case.
Can the poster 'progressive hunter' vet his claim?
Batter up, PH.

"FFS they put an old lady with cancer in prison for walking in a building/trespassing,, so nothing surprises me"
The forum will note that PH's "old-lady-with-cancer" is the very same lady who says she was in a cult and has publicly asked Trump and his enablers to not use her name or image to promote their narrative.

Here, read this:

"A self-avowed “ex-MAGA Granny” who served jail time for participating in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot has called out Donald Trump for “using” her story for political gain.

Pamela Hemphill of Idaho, 70, was the subject of a Truth Social post shared by the former president on Monday.
“AMERICAN JUSTICE: 69-year-old Grandma with Cancer given more prison time for walking inside US Capitol
than Hunter Biden for sharing classified documents with foreign regimes and multi-million dollar bribery schemes,” the post read.
Trump shared it with the comment: “HORRIBLE.”
But Hemphill, a breast cancer survivor, didn’t want the former president’s sympathy, and called on him to “stop the spin.”

“Please,” she wrote in a tweet directed at Trump, “don’t be using me for anything.”

“I’m not a victim of Jan6, I pleaded guilty because I was guilty!”
She added that her case can’t be compared to Hunter Biden’s, because President Joe Biden’s son “didn’t try to attack the Capitol!”
Hemphill was sentenced in May 2022 to 60 days in jail, 36 months’ probation and $500 restitution. She pleaded guilty to parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.
In Facebook posts compiled by the FBI, Hemphill wrote about her plans to join Trump’s Jan. 6, 2021, rally to protest the 2020 election results in Washington, writing: “It’s a WAR!”
Speaking to HuffPost over the phone, Hemphill said she finally saw the light in April, around the time of her 70th birthday, and climbed out of what she called Trump’s “cult.”
The shift happened after she participated in discussions about the Capitol riot on Twitter spaces, she said, exposing her to facts about the riot and the 2020 election.
She had begun to develop doubts about Trump’s election claims while serving her sentence at a federal prison in Dublin, California, from July and August last year.
“I was back and forth. Struggling with it, because it’s a struggle trying to get away from gaslighting, Trump’s narcissism and all the tactics they use,” she said.

Trump and his allies routinely claim Jan. 6 defendants are politically persecuted. In Hemphill’s eyes, that’s just not true.
“Oh, absolutely,” she said, when asked if she felt she’d been treated fairly in her case. “They tell you that the FBI comes and knocks down your door. I don’t know if that’s true. They came in, just doing their job.”
They’re not treating January sixers any differently than any other defendants,” she said.
Hemphill said she was upset when she saw Trump’s Truth Social post about her on Monday.
“Don’t make us out to be the victims,” she said. “Nobody forced them to go inside the Capitol.”
Now that she’s grounded herself in facts, Hemphill hopes to help others see the truth.
“Don’t be afraid to speak out,” was her message to those people. “It was scary to leave the cult.”
A grandmother of two, Hemphill is active on Twitter, offering in her bio to provide “facts vs J6 gaslighting” and describing herself as an “ex-MAGA Granny.”
She’s one of more than 1,000 individuals arrested in connection with the Capitol breach. Nearly 350 of those cases involved charges of assaulting or impeding law enforcement.

As Paul Harvey used to say ----'That's the rest of the story'.
I accept that I do not know it all.

Who are these Bush "Toadies" in his orbit. Where does that information come from?
What have I missed?

If there is solid evidence that DeSantis is not who he claims to be I haven't seen it.
Are you SURE you are not falling victim to the malicious media?
Fox is not your friend btw. None of the media is.
So where are you getting these tidbits?

I knew Cult 45 would be in an uproar having to read about one of their own finally seeing through the blinders, but I never expected this

A woman convicted of criminal trespass during a mom and pop demonstration "tells the truth about the former president"? This is freaking Russian Gulag stuff. Lock them up and re-educate them.

sounds coerced to me,,,

We have seen this before

In the Soviet Union and Communist China prisoners are forced to make public confessions under threat

This smells like the same thing

She was coerced!! They forced her to say this!! She's been brainwashed by the DEEP state!!

LOL. The irony that they are responding exactly how a cult member would, while in denial. This would make a great psychological case study.

Oh, no!! The Bushes!! Paul Ryan!!


I seem to recall three of those six justices who just handed down all of those conservative rulings on SCOTUS the past few days were put there by the Bushes.
And you're so fucking smart, and see through said deception, that you're supporting the candidate dripping with neocon establishment dirt bags.

That wasn't necessary.
I don't consider you ignorant so I will still check into those things.
I knew Cult 45 would be in an uproar having to read about one of their own finally seeing through the blinders, but I never expected this

She was coerced!! They forced her to say this!! She's been brainwashed by the DEEP state!!

LOL. The irony that they are responding exactly how a cult member would, while in denial. This would make a great psychological case study.
I did not see her rejecting the issues that brought her to washington that day

As usual the anti trump lobby is the real cult of personality
Oh, no!! The Bushes!! Paul Ryan!!


I seem to recall three of those six justices who just handed down all of those conservative rulings on SCOTUS the past few days were put there by the Bushes.
Yes....The very double-dealing, warmongering, controlled opposition scumbags who made Trump a possibility, and you're good with handing the reins back over to them.

I knew Cult 45 would be in an uproar having to read about one of their own finally seeing through the blinders, but I never expected this

She was coerced!! They forced her to say this!! She's been brainwashed by the DEEP state!!

LOL. The irony that they are responding exactly how a cult member would, while in denial. This would make a great psychological case study.
Give her a break, man.

She's an old women with cancer. She was out there protesting a bad election and you dimwits make out like she's a terrorist or something.

Sheesh - how low are you willing to stoop for the narrative?
I did not see her rejecting the issues that brought her to washington that day

As usual the anti trump lobby is the real cult of personality
She is attacking trump for decisions that she freely made
I knew Cult 45 would be in an uproar having to read about one of their own finally seeing through the blinders, but I never expected this

She was coerced!! They forced her to say this!! She's been brainwashed by the DEEP state!!

LOL. The irony that they are responding exactly how a cult member would, while in denial. This would make a great psychological case study.
I know....Let's really make her pay her debt, by making her stand on a street corner with a sign around the neck denouncing Trump!


You would've made an outstanding Funktionshäftling.

Be very careful what you believe. You may be cult bait if not.
It's surprising that you would trust the press release from the likes of Paul Ryan in the first place.
More than likely, he will ultimately endorse who ever wins the nomination.....for political gain only as usual.

Has Paul Ryan endorsed Ron DeSantis for president? - Wisconsin Watch

Fact briefs

Has Paul Ryan endorsed Ron DeSantis for president?


Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan has not formally endorsed Florida Gov. DeSantis as of May 24, 2023.

The former U.S. House speaker and vice-presidential candidate has said he would support anyone but former President Donald Trump as the 2024 Republican nominee for president.
It seems many here are so hopelessly deep in the Trump Cult that they see only what they want to see.
The establishment now has the superb tool of AI to work it's magic.

I still have no evidence of the possibly false narrative against DeSantis to tarnish his name.
The Left has mastered that to an art. if you can't think for yourself, you are a victim of it.
I said long ago, at this forum, that until the media is brought into check, America will have no freedom.
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