Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

Think about this......

If Trump is re-elected in 2024.......how difficult would it be to heal the economy and make things better after the Biden disaster?
I'm pretty sure your 5 year old could do it simply by staying in his coloring books for 4 years. Get it?
That happened after Obama. Who came after Obama? You folks don;t seem to be able to think.
Trump is better for America than anyone on the Left but still not the best man for the job. DeSantis would be FAR better for Conservatives and the nation.
What Biden disaster?
So she gets to break the law with impunity? Who does she think she is? trump?
Not a she, 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her

And not just break a law, overthrowing the government, 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her, was overthrowing the government.

That was very close
As usual, cowardly libs who oppose trump policies but fear how popular they are, resort to attacking trump’s personality instead
You love the sexual abuser's personality? Interesting.
Trump is better for America than anyone on the Left but still not the best man for the job. DeSantis would be FAR better for Conservatives and the nation.
How is DeSantis better. The energy policy of Florida is the Democrat's energy policy. DeSantis, unless he denounces, The New Green Economy, is a Trojan Horse. Even if DeSantis denounces, how does he explain the energy policy of florida?
You love the sexual abuser's personality? Interesting.
you throw, 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her, in jail.

How is DeSantis better. The energy policy of Florida is the Democrat's energy policy. DeSantis, unless he denounces, The New Green Economy, is a Trojan Horse. Even if DeSantis denounces, how does he explain the energy policy of florida?

DeSantis does NOT support the Left's Green Energy Bullshit.

That's the Left media manipulating you.
C'mon man....THINK for yourself !!!
A woman convicted of criminal trespass during a mom and pop demonstration "tells the truth about the former president"? This is freaking Russian Gulag stuff. Lock them up and re-educate them.
Interesting that you think that gives someone a pass to be in a FAILED insurrection.
Not someone, a 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her. And not just in, but at the front of thousands pushing against, while the 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches, was pinned against hundreds of riot police holding the barricade, and then 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches, overpowered the police 3 times.

Get the story right, the government was almost overthrown by a 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches
Not someone, a 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her
That the power of cult delusion and opiates.

Just ask her. She now denounces your cult. Let's review:

On drugs: loves your cult.

Off drugs: is embarrassed of your cult
DeSantis is a moron, outside of a courtroom. He doesn't know anything about energy policy. He knows about as much as you do.

Oh look...the resident "expert" know it all chimes in. Aren't we fortunate <sarc>

Let's review the odsd that a communist sympathizer like yourself would ever say anything positive about someone who loves freedom and personal rights......

Um, are you on drugs?
are you, you can not even tell us who you are talking about and go so far as to cut that information when you quote me. You can't handle the truth.

It was no, "she". It was, 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches

Dont hide the truth about who almost conquered and took over our government
That the power of cult delusion and opiates.

Just ask her. She now denounces your cult. Let's review:
Not a her, tell us who you are talking about, go ahead and cut and paste the following so you dont have to have the burden of typing.

"Just ask the 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches. The 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches now denounces your cult. Let's review:"

Write it like that, so we know the truth.
Not a her, tell us who you are talking about, go ahead and cut and paste the following so you dont have to have the burden of typing.

"Just ask the 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches. The 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches now denounces your cult. Let's review:"

Write it like that, so we know the truth.
No, and stop whining, it's embarrassing.
Einstein once said to the effect that to morons, intelligent people seem stupid.

Congratulations on proving his statement
Yeah, stick to bumper stickers. You will stay safe from embarrassment.

So is your pet white nationalist going to run on his record of unconstitutional fetish laws? I hope so. But that's a different topic...
Yeah, stick to bumper stickers. You will stay safe from embarrassment.

So is your pet white nationalist going to run on his record of unconstitutional fetish laws? I hope so. But that's a different topic...

How about you back up the garbage from your mouth?
What record of UnConstitutional fetish laws? <<<< crickets >>>>

If you had an ounce of intellect, you would know from my posts that I do not support any extremist groups.
I have no stickers on my vehicles. Again, your conceptualization of reality is twisted, confined and just incorrect. Surprise.

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