Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

This is a surprisingly great thread.

It shows exactly how evil, sinister, dangerous, the Democrat party is. Read my two or three posts.

With this one topic, the Democrats do show they are Marxist/NAZIs. It also shows the Democrats are definitely guilty of extreme corruption.

Who would throw a Grandma dying of cancer in Jail, tyrants who wish to scare, the masses.

Read the OP, read the link, definitely read my comments.
Yes. All of the above is true.

But I still feel the need to comment, that CONFIDENCE is the name of the game.

Corruption, we will always have with us. But when people are confident, they kind of look the other way - they feel like they can "afford" a little graft even if they don't like it.

But when people lose confidence, they start looking for reasons. And they'll find them, too - and if they don't, they'll create them.

We have a situation here - REGARDLESS of the truth - where the PTB is telling 8 billion people they didn't see what they saw. What do you think that does for CONFIDENCE?

And then, instead of recognizing immediately that this kind of crap creates a huge confidence problem for the government, the winning party does everything it can to NOT deal with the issue, marginalize everyone who asks about it, and ultimately pretend it doesn't even exist!

What do you think that does for the CONFIDENCE of the people who are already questioning this madness?

These fucking leftard idiots are DANGEROUS, they're going to get us into a world fucking war with their bullshit.
Serial mendacity would be bad enough. But he also simply lacks the skill and focus to do the job, much as we don’t expect a heart surgeon to be an opera singer. When someone spends so much time golfing, tweeting, and seething (he once rage-tweeted Ed Henry 23 times in 23 minutes) it’s not surprising that Trump is an incompetent poseur
It is not at all surprising that people see things that way.

But there is a different reality. Donald Trump is an actor. He's been an actor his whole life. Most recently he played a role in the WWE. He's a much better actor than Reagan was, and he uses his mouth in a different way than most people do.

The real issue with people like that is, are they inside the tent pissing out, or the other way around.

Trump's results are good. Good economy, zero wars. On that basis, he's inside the tent.
“[Trump] would say racially insensitive things that made me uncomfortable. I don’t think he ever said anything in that room like ‘African-Americans are inferior’ or anything about rape or grabbing women, but of those two hours every other day in a room with him, every 10 ten minutes was fingernails on a chalkboard.”

Penn Jillette, comedian who was regularly on The Apprentice
As usual, cowardly libs who oppose trump policies but fear how popular they are, resort to attacking trump’s personality instead
This is a weird mix of cult on the bottom, street-level end and Mafia family on the top, politician and politico, end.
Or, in the case of lib trump haters its a reverse cult knee-jerkers like mac1958
Yep, between a mob and the riot police barricade, thousands pushing against her, hundreds of police pushing back against her, that is one fucking incredible grandma with cancer.
Maybe now that she has exited the cult, she can use that aplomb for something besides violent insurrection and tongue-bathing a demagogue.
And that justifies locking people up without trial for over two years, over misdemeanor violations?


You're acting like the cultist now.
Show me where i have ever, even once, said or implied that in any way.

In fact, that has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
But there is a different reality. Donald Trump is an actor.

Trump's results are good. Good economy, zero wars. On that basis, he's inside the tent.
I see what you are saying, but I think you missed something.

Trump is building a legend. Trump wants to be remembered. Trump not only wants to be remembered but he wants to be remembered as the greatest.

Look at what Trump does. Trump builds the greatest building in the World (sure there are greater, but). Trump build the greatest ice skating rink in New York. Trump has the greatest hotels. Trump tower great. Trump does not always succeed but he does succeed.

Greatest golf courses in the World.

Trump as president, wants to be the Greatest President of All Time.

Everyone else, they become president, who cares, I say that about Reagen as well, good but who cares. Some come cause the believe and want to help, many come recently, the Bush family, Clinton, Obama to further the United Nations and One World Order. Biden to get rich, corruptly.

Trump, all he wants is us to be great, the USA to be great, or manufacturing and economy to be great so that he can be remembered as the greatest president the USA ever have. A billionaire does not need the money or headache. Trump is not acting, you are witnessing a man fighting for greatness.

I want Trump to win and I want to taste American Greatness, for me, and my children.
Trump haters get what you pay for

MAGA’s won the 2016 election and believed they had a right to reform government in washington through trump

But the left went absolutely berserk and used every dirty trick and lie in the book to bring trump down and destroy the MAGA agenda

But now you want to make up and be friends?

Just get rid of trump and you’ll let us ride in the back of the bus?

No thanks

WTF are you taking about.

Jeeezuz Christ.
Either hate Trump with the heat of a thousand supernovae, or "you're in a cult".

There's no other answer for that intellectually arrested peckerhead.

I don't "hate" trump. You're being a real idiot for a change. Sad. I just see past the charade. I support DeSantis.

Try to tell people in a logical, factful way exactly what indicates Trump is part of the establishment......and hump trumps leg....

or face heat of a thousand supernovae

<grand facepalm>
It is not at all surprising that people see things that way.

But there is a different reality. Donald Trump is an actor. He's been an actor his whole life. Most recently he played a role in the WWE. He's a much better actor than Reagan was, and he uses his mouth in a different way than most people do.

The real issue with people like that is, are they inside the tent pissing out, or the other way around.

Trump's results are good. Good economy, zero wars. On that basis, he's inside the tent.

Think about this......

If Trump is re-elected in 2024.......how difficult would it be to heal the economy and make things better after the Biden disaster?
I'm pretty sure your 5 year old could do it simply by staying in his coloring books for 4 years. Get it?
That happened after Obama. Who came after Obama? You folks don;t seem to be able to think.
Trump is better for America than anyone on the Left but still not the best man for the job. DeSantis would be FAR better for Conservatives and the nation.
I’m talking about the russia collusion lie that hamstrung trump when he got to washington

Yes, those were lies. Who said they were not?
Did the Russia collusion hoax force Trump to appoint Christopher Wray? Jeff Sessions? Bill Barr?

Did it force Trump to say QUOTE " Take the guns first, worry about due process later!" ?
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Maybe now that she has exited the cult, she can use that aplomb for something besides violent insurrection and tongue-bathing a demagogue.
she? There was not she. Be accurate and proud, proclaim who you are talking about, dont cower and hide.

69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her

You Democrats, tough as nails, you caught a 69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her, you caught her in the process of overthrowing the government.

Dodged a bullet there
If thats true you would not hate MAGA’s

I don't "hate" MAGA.

I simply believe Trump is a life long Democrat who's actions in office clearly showed he was as much pro-establishment as he was pro-conservative values.
He did "some" good things while in office, but also did some horrible things that we are still paying for.

Just look at the FBI and who HE appointed.

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