Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

The problem is not merely misstatements, mistakes, falsehoods, or white lies—Mark Twain generously called them “stretchers”—but a space where con artists keep playing catch-me-if-you-can to escape governmental accountability.

Nor can anyone act surprised that we’ve reached this low point with Trump. When a leader relies on repeated falsehoods without a capacity to learn or apologize—always doubling and tripling down to keep his chesty pose intact and credulous base satisfied—we inevitably end up with a candidate for president who keeps digging himself into ever-deeper holes.

Or, as the head of the Society of American Magicians once remarked, his members were popular because “people wanted a fraud they could believe in.”
how is that fraud not Biden?

Biden would not debate, Biden is a proven plagiarist, Biden is on video pompously bragging about bullying the Ukraine to children at a swimming pool to citizens at his political rally.

white lies, is this story not a great example of everything you describe in your first sentence, the Democrats literally fearful of a cancer stricken grandma, stating she overpowered multiple police in riot gear three times, that a cancer strick grandma could over throw the government.

Hell, catch me if you can, is what the democrats are doing, with Jan 6th and this story exactly.
I know, right? She was the only one there. No mob with her. Nope....just tourists, right?
I know, a 69 year old grandma, who has cancer, just had her breasts cut off, certainly on chemotherapy has the physical endurance to be in a mob overthrowing the government, and not only that, as the story in the OP states, she overpowered multiple police in riot gear 3 times!

Being a part of a mob takes a helluv a lot more endurance than not being in a mob.

I am sure a rock concert is much more tame than a insurrection, and people have been crushed to death, so forgive me if I do not believe the far-fetched impossible story of super cancer grandma being in the middle of a deadly mob, literally as one of the leaders, overpowering men in their 20's.

Yep, between a mob and the riot police barricade, thousands pushing against her, hundreds of police pushing back against her, that is one fucking incredible grandma with cancer.
I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,

sounds more like youre the one in a cult,, disagree with me and your a trump voter,, blah blah blah,,

figures someone that did something stupid would try and blame it on someone else,, and since we know the government will dress up dozens of agents in patriot gear and put them out as a roose to condemn trump voters that they would tell an old lady with cancer we will let you go if you say this about trump,,

FFS they put an old lady with cancer in prison for walking in a building/trespassing,, so nothing surprises me

Once they executed the coup, Democrats had a life and death situation on their hands
Everyone not associated with the coup was the enemy
Your Vegetable Messiah diddled his own daughter in the shower, Simp.
False story promoted by the REAL Pedophile party. After all, you are the ones who elected a REAL pedophile to Speaker of the House.
I know, a 69 year old grandma, who has cancer, just had her breasts cut off, certainly on chemotherapy has the physical endurance to be in a mob overthrowing the government, and not only that, as the story in the OP states, she overpowered multiple police in riot gear 3 times!

Being a part of a mob takes a helluv a lot more endurance than not being in a mob.

I am sure a rock concert is much more tame than a insurrection, and people have been crushed to death, so forgive me if I do not believe the far-fetched impossible story of super cancer grandma being in the middle of a deadly mob, literally as one of the leaders, overpowering men in their 20's.

Yep, between a mob and the riot police barricade, thousands pushing against her, hundreds of police pushing back against her, that is one fucking incredible grandma with cancer.
Way to try to excuse the FAILED insurrection on Jan 6th. Were you there?
Way to try to excuse the FAILED insurrection on Jan 6th. Were you there?
I am commenting on the OP,

69 year old grandma with cancer, who just got her breasts cut off, obviously also on chemotherapy, still with 60 stitches in her, not at the rear of a insurrectionist mob, but at the front of thousands pushing against a wall or riot police, pushing back, is able to overpower the riot police, not get crushed to death, but overpower the police 3 times!

It is nice to know the face of the insurrection we were in such danger of, a grandma with cancer, surviving surgery that removed her breasts, of chemotherapy, with the endurance to lead where many people have died.

Democrats, I must hide my teddy bear from you guys, I dont what you to fear for your power.
Serial mendacity would be bad enough. But he also simply lacks the skill and focus to do the job, much as we don’t expect a heart surgeon to be an opera singer. When someone spends so much time golfing, tweeting, and seething (he once rage-tweeted Ed Henry 23 times in 23 minutes) it’s not surprising that Trump is an incompetent poseur
Once they executed the coup, Democrats had a life and death situation on their hands
Everyone not associated with the coup was the enemy
Exactly, had the villain of story, 69 year old grandma with cancer surviving breast removal surgery still with the stitches and on chemotherapy, in-between a dealy mob of thousands pushing forward and hundreds of riot police on a barricade pushing back, had that 69 year old grandma with cancer surviving breast removal surgery still with the stitches and on chemotherapy not been there, the life an death situation would not exist.

Many have died in a postion that she was leading, how did she do it, how did 69 year old grandma with cancer surviving breast removal surgery still with the stitches and on chemotherapy, do it.
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

Telling, that you'd accept the bullying of a 69-year old grandmother with cancer, in order to rationalize your blind hatred.

What a truly revolting chunk of human debris you must be.
Been trying to tell these fools ALL ALONG about Trump...

But you're spot on. Trump Humpers are in a deep CULT and are clueless.
Trump is Pro-Establisment regardless of his efforts to cover it.
They are no different than the imbeciles supporting socialism and Communism.

There is too much evidence to support this. Sessions, Barr and Wray just for starters. (Let's not forget his push for the vaccines and keeping Fauci.
For God's sake ! Trump has been a NY Democrat most of his life!
In fact, it's very difficult now to determine who is and who isn't. I suspect they ALL might be.

The ONLY one who appears to be truly against the Left's madness and the Establishment is Ron DeSantis.
He fights for parents rights, gave us Constitutional carry in Florida (which went into effect TODAY) and bodly went after Disney for supporting child molestation.
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Serial mendacity would be bad enough. But he also simply lacks the skill and focus to do the job, much as we don’t expect a heart surgeon to be an opera singer. When someone spends so much time golfing, tweeting, and seething (he once rage-tweeted Ed Henry 23 times in 23 minutes) it’s not surprising that Trump is an incompetent poseur
I wish I had his incompetence, to be a billionaire, become president, come out clean after 2 impeachments, a 3 year criminal investigation, the russian probe, etc..

Most incompetent man, ever.
Of course, it does. You're in a cult.
Telling, that you'd accept the bullying of a 69-year old grandmother with cancer, in order to rationalize your blind hatred.

What a truly revolting chunk of human debris you must be.
celebrating a 69 year old grandma with cancer surviving breast removal surgery still with the stitches and on chemotherapy turning on Trump as a victory! Now that is admitting you have nothing.
Been trying to tell these fools ALL ALONG about Trump...

But you're spot on. Trump Humpers are in a deep CULT and are clueless.
Trump is Pro-Establisment regardless of his efforts to cover it.
They are no different than the imbeciles supporting socialism and Communism.

There is too much evidence to support this.
In fact, it's very difficult now to determine who is and who isn't. I suspect they ALL might be.
And that justifies locking people up without trial for over two years, over misdemeanor violations?
Been trying to tell these fools ALL ALONG about Trump...

But you're spot on. Trump Humpers are in a deep CULT and are clueless.
Trump is Pro-Establisment regardless of his efforts to cover it.
They are no different than the imbeciles supporting socialism and Communism.

There is too much evidence to support this.
Trump haters get what you pay for

MAGA’s won the 2016 election and believed they had a right to reform government in washington through trump

But the left went absolutely berserk and used every dirty trick and lie in the book to bring trump down and destroy the MAGA agenda

But now you want to make up and be friends?

Just get rid of trump and you’ll let us ride in the back of the bus?

No thanks
“[Trump] would say racially insensitive things that made me uncomfortable. I don’t think he ever said anything in that room like ‘African-Americans are inferior’ or anything about rape or grabbing women, but of those two hours every other day in a room with him, every 10 ten minutes was fingernails on a chalkboard.”

Penn Jillette, comedian who was regularly on The Apprentice
I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,

sounds more like youre the one in a cult,, disagree with me and your a trump voter,, blah blah blah,,

figures someone that did something stupid would try and blame it on someone else,, and since we know the government will dress up dozens of agents in patriot gear and put them out as a roose to condemn trump voters that they would tell an old lady with cancer we will let you go if you say this about trump,,

FFS they put an old lady with cancer in prison for walking in a building/trespassing,, so nothing surprises me
Either hate Trump with the heat of a thousand supernovae, or "you're in a cult".

There's no other answer for that intellectually arrested peckerhead.

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