Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

Trump is a piece of shit insurrectionist, who should be in prison for the rest of his life.
What is his crime? Being the enemy of communists is not a crime in a free country. Your party is trying to slip in an end to freedom of speech, just like a monarch, oligarch, or communist country does on a daily basis. A person who refuses to accept communist is only an "insurrectionist" if the Democrat Party of Hillary Clinton sez so. Wise up, Billo. You're missing the forest for all the little trees that hide it from you. Please reconsider freedom of speech as a precious but necessary part of human rights. A man like you could put his foot down when the Communist Party starts murdering half the nation who are conservatives whether they call themselves Republicans or Independents. Just keep in mind if you follow this current Alinsky method movement, and they needed assassins, they could force you to shoot people dead that you really do not hate and who really were framed as bad people by those who have no compunctions about using people badly to kill off mere dissidents they've taught you to view as "insurrectionists," when they really are no such thing. The reason communists hate dissidents is because communism requires 100% fidelity to itself and its leaders who disrespect human rights of those who disagree even minimally with their ego maniacal view of equal rights as something bad since they lose total control if their real or imagined "enemies" say one word against them. I hope you think about that and come to the correct conclusion that if we conservatives are tried and killed off, you or someone you love could and likely would be next standing on the firing line with no reciprocity since by then, the Alinsky method of communizing a free nation would have already removed protections such as personal guns from the masses.
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There are times I wish Trump runs and wins in 2024.

That way he can be impeached for January 6th, and tried as a sitting president.
On January 6th, Pelosi had her Capitol police welcome in the protesters so her other predatory cop could murder an unarmed woman who was trying to position herself between the lawmakers and the protesters to turn the protesters back because as a former military strategist, she smelled a rat waiting to pounce on the invitees who'd be treated like enemy combatants, when all they were doing was protesting. We have indicators that tell us that the Democrats staged a no-win situation for each and every protester they lured into their little character butchery shop. And the character butchers who planned this are not going to heaven when they die.
You think the Capitol mob doesn't know right from wrong?

Trump is ramping up more violence.

No he isn't. The narrative is ramping up violence.
On January 6th, Pelosi had her Capitol police welcome in the protesters so her other predatory cop could murder an unarmed woman who was trying to position herself between the lawmakers and the protesters to turn the protesters back because as a former military strategist, she smelled a rat waiting to pounce on the invitees who'd be treated like enemy combatants, when all they were doing was protesting. We have indicators that tell us that the Democrats staged a no-win situation for each and every protester they lured into their little character butchery shop. And the character butchers who planned this are not going to heaven when they die.

Trump is going to do it again.

Then they have to show ALL THE EVIDENCE!

Videos inside and outside the Capitol building. Documents regarding Epps and any other FBI stooges.

Everything! I watched the hearings and the things they were saying trump was responsible for were totally ludicrous.

Only 3 charges ? He was the mastermind ? of the catastrophe.
Thank you for your own troubled, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, hate-driven, partisan feelings and opinions.

Every year thst goes by, every failed 'We've got him THIS time' moment that fails, ending inore liberal tears and screaming at the sky drives you freaks a little more over the edge, more desperate to 'get Trump'.

Seriously, after 6+ years of tjis derangement, get some serious psychological help.

The fact that you

- Give Jillary a pass for initiating the latgest criminal political scandal in US history

- Give Barry and his administration criminal for their proven failed attempted coup

- Give the FFBIs pass for vkolating the Constitution, violating US law, violating the Patriot Act, defrauding the FISA Court no less than 12 times, illegally spying on Americans, willingly knowingly admittedly participating in a failed coup attempt,refusing to comy with Presidents' orders, refusing to comply with FOIA laws / requests, obstructing justice, hiding evidence in and refusing to investigate numerous criminal cases IOT protect Democrats...

- Hiving Democrats a pass for conducting criminal coup Impeachments based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses, for manufacturing false evidence IOT overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President from office, for making threats against USSC Justices, calling for violence against them, for inciting another failed political assassination against them, and for calling for an actual insurrection after not getting their way in RvW

- Giving the US AG a pass for protecting violent extremists threatening the Justices, refusing to enforce laws neant to protect them, intentionally targeting Conservatives after RvW, protecting liberal domestic terrorists who have damaged burnt down over 140 churches since June

and ONLY care about 'getting Trump" in any way possible makes you a very cognitively-impaired, hate-filled, sick, sad little man and a threat to our democracy and equal justice, just as much as those mentioned above.

Again, get serious help, and may God have mercy on your soul.
You said a lot of shit, but have no evidence to prove any of it! Me, on the otherhand, have all the evidence in the world to convict this piece of shit and his brsin-dead, dumbass, hayseed dickboy followers.
What is his crime? Being the enemy of communists is not a crime in a free country. Your party is trying to slip in an end to freedom of speech, just like a monarch, oligarch, or communist country does on a daily basis. A person who refuses to accept communist is only an "insurrectionist" if the Democrat Party of Hillary Clinton sez so. Wise up, Billo. You're missing the forest for all the little trees that hide it from you. Please reconsider freedom of speech as a precious but necessary part of human rights. A man like you could put his foot down when the Communist Party starts murdering half the nation who are conservatives whether they call themselves Republicans or Independents. Just keep in mind if you follow this current Alinsky method movement, and they needed assassins, they could force you to shoot people dead that you really do not hate and who really were framed as bad people by those who have no compunctions about using people badly to kill off mere dissidents they've taught you to view as "insurrectionists," when they really are no such thing. The reason communists hate dissidents is because communism requires 100% fidelity to itself and its leaders who disrespect human rights of those who disagree even minimally with their ego maniacal view of equal rights as something bad since they lose total control if their real or imagined "enemies" say one word against them. I hope you think about that and come to the correct conclusion that if we conservatives are tried and killed off, you or someone you love could and likely would be next standing on the firing line with no reciprocity since by then, the Alinsky method of communizing a free nation would have already removed protections such as personal guns from the masses.
And just how are the democrats restricting freedom of speech?
Then they have to show ALL THE EVIDENCE!

Videos inside and outside the Capitol building. Documents regarding Epps and any other FBI stooges.

Everything! I watched the hearings and the things they were saying trump was responsible for were totally ludicrous.

Trump claimed it was the greatest movement in US history.

The J6 panel cannot "urge" anything. Prosecutors at DoJ must decide.
Indeed. The DoJ will decide. Once the Select Committee publishes its findings it will prove exceedingly difficult for the DoJ to ignore the matter any longer.
Besides, none of it will make a damn bit of difference, Trump is the irresistible force, especially now that Musk has exposed the Deep State.
Irresistible force? Musk's disclosures? Yeah... right... you go right on deluding yourself that that is the case. :itsok:
Thank you for your own troubled, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, hate-driven, partisan feelings and opinions.

Every year thst goes by, every failed 'We've got him THIS time' moment that fails, ending inore liberal tears and screaming at the sky drives you freaks a little more over the edge, more desperate to 'get Trump'.

Seriously, after 6+ years of tjis derangement, get some serious psychological help.

The fact that you

- Give Jillary a pass for initiating the latgest criminal political scandal in US history

- Give Barry and his administration criminal for their proven failed attempted coup

- Give the FFBIs pass for vkolating the Constitution, violating US law, violating the Patriot Act, defrauding the FISA Court no less than 12 times, illegally spying on Americans, willingly knowingly admittedly participating in a failed coup attempt,refusing to comy with Presidents' orders, refusing to comply with FOIA laws / requests, obstructing justice, hiding evidence in and refusing to investigate numerous criminal cases IOT protect Democrats...

- Hiving Democrats a pass for conducting criminal coup Impeachments based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses, for manufacturing false evidence IOT overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President from office, for making threats against USSC Justices, calling for violence against them, for inciting another failed political assassination against them, and for calling for an actual insurrection after not getting their way in RvW

- Giving the US AG a pass for protecting violent extremists threatening the Justices, refusing to enforce laws neant to protect them, intentionally targeting Conservatives after RvW, protecting liberal domestic terrorists who have damaged burnt down over 140 churches since June

and ONLY care about 'getting Trump" in any way possible makes you a very cognitively-impaired, hate-filled, sick, sad little man and a threat to our democracy and equal justice, just as much as those mentioned above.

Again, get serious help, and may God have mercy on your soul.
You see that's where you're mistaken, Democrats and liberals do not have TDS. It is you people that have TDS, you continually try to defend the words and actions of this madman. By now, you know you can't win. Yes he has gotten away with a lot of garbage but it's all coming to an end he went too far he pushed the limits and started hurting our nation. Any good he supposedly did was decimated by all the crimes he did against our nation.
By announcing that anyone who says one more word about Biden's election being derived from 2000 mules would be severely dealt with. :th_avatar107484_8:You welcome. :thanks:
www.factcheck.org>evidence gaps in " 2000 mules " - " NOT determinative, definitive proof. And that's the facts.
You see that's where you're mistaken, Democrats and liberals do not have TDS. It is you people that have TDS, you continually try to defend the words and actions of this madman. By now, you know you can't win. Yes he has gotten away with a lot of garbage but it's all coming to an end he went too far he pushed the limits and started hurting our nation. Any good he supposedly did was decimated by all the crimes he did against our nation.

www.factcheck.org>evidence gaps in " 2000 mules " - " NOT determinative, definitive proof. And that's the facts.

This needs it's own thread. l can't do it. Things are out of control at Mara Lago.


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