Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

You are absolutely full of shit !
Cheating the people's choice of re-electing President is the defecation. And we insist that Biden is removed and out of the White House he has disgraced for 2 years now. He needs to be removed physically if his bags are not on the doorstep by the time the sun rises to.orrow morning. What a wonderful day that will be. Border closed. Drilling for oil reinstated. Inflation deflating, prices going down, Deep State omerta outed and incarcerated. Jan 6 discredited for the frame job Pelosi rammed down American throats. American Founders honored by real patriots. God is just and good! Yea!!!
Cheating the people's choice of re-electing President is the defecation. And we insist that Biden is removed and out of the White House he has disgraced for 2 years now. He needs to be removed physically if his bags are not on the doorstep by the time the sun rises to.orrow morning. What a wonderful day that will be. Border closed. Drilling for oil reinstated. Inflation deflating, prices going down, Deep State omerta outed and incarcerated. Jan 6 discredited for the frame job Pelosi rammed down American throats. American Founders honored by real patriots. God is just and good! Yea!!!
You are totally delusional.
I understand you believe it is true, a good conspiracy theory has to have at least a little basis in fact, I understand our government does things to protect us that we don't want to know about. You just want to know about it. I don't. Because with all the terrorist Nations out there plotting cyber attacks and much more against us, the playing field was never level. We end up having to accept the reality of our situation. I just believe we're the good guys. You must think your country has betrayed you and they're the bad guys. Easiest solution would be to move to another country. Try Russia North Korea China Iran, they have no secret operations, their corruption is obvious and matter of fact

There's only one problem with the two sources that you cited about Trump supporting the capital police and asking the rioters to be peaceful. They are marked with 138 p.m. and 2:13 p.m. times. The speech you gave began around noon and ended at 1:10 p.m.. from 1:25 onward he was in his private dining room speaking to no one. So those quotes are bogus. Just more lies trying to protect the king of lies. Try telling the truth next time.
It's not a conspiracy theory when we actually see the FBI, DOJ, ATF, mainstream media, and unelected officials working together to control the government, and make new laws through the means of regulations. If you want safety over your rights you deserve neither.
It's not a conspiracy theory when we actually see the FBI, DOJ, ATF, mainstream media, and unelected officials working together to control the government, and make new laws through the means of regulations. If you want safety over your rights you deserve neither.
What you believe, what you perceive in this world becomes your reality. I can't help you, you're already too far gone.
There are times I wish Trump runs and wins in 2024.

That way he can be impeached for January 6th, and tried as a sitting president.
The last thing we need is that lunatic in politics ever again. He really needs to be in prison, where he belongs.
The last thing we need is that lunatic in politics ever again. He really needs to be in prison, where he belongs.
We have one or should I say many lunatics in the democrat party starting with Joe Biden. But of course you'll give the democrat party a pass
The J6 panel cannot "urge" anything. Prosecutors at DoJ must decide.

Besides, none of it will make a damn bit of difference, Trump is the irresistible force, especially now that Musk has exposed the Deep State.
Why cant they? I can urge them too as well. So can you. The King of England can URGE the DoJ to prosecute anyone anywhere for any thing. Doesnt mean the DoJ will actually do it but the urging will still be there.

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