Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

You still believe in the concept of them against us. That has been a major problem of mankind since it's inception. Good luck with that.
It is them vs US seems you support the them
Old news, her judgment was already rendered. trump has not yet had his day in court.
two fake impeachments are not a day in court? They have nothing on him that would stand up in any court or before any jury and they know it.
the dem/libs and the DC establishment are so scared of Trump that they keep making up false accusations to throw at him. its pathetic
They want America to tire if Trump so badly they make shit up hoping something will finally stick. But that only works on the weakest of minds.
That's what happens in courts. Lies don't cut it. Facts make all the difference in the world. They are the proof of Innocence or guilt.
then lets see all the facts on the Biden family corruption and bribery, lets see all the facts on "Russian misinformation" claims. lets see all the facts on the 2020 election vote fraud. Lets see all the data on the Kennedy murder. Lets see it all, aren't we as american citizens entitled to see all the truth?
the dem/libs and the DC establishment are so scared of Trump that they keep making up false accusations to throw at him. its pathetic
Everything that has happened, trump did to himself. I and millions and millions of other Americans couldn't help but see it, call people like you instruct their heads in the sand saying he didn't do that. Good luck with that.
then lets see all the facts on the Biden family corruption and bribery, lets see all the facts on "Russian misinformation" claims. lets see all the facts on the 2020 election vote fraud. Lets see all the data on the Kennedy murder. Lets see it all, aren't we as american citizens entitled to see all the truth?
Most of what you said has already been debunked. Try to keep up with the times. Preferably the New York times if you want the truth.
Everything that has happened, trump did to himself. I and millions and millions of other Americans couldn't help but see it, call people like you instruct their heads in the sand saying he didn't do that. Good luck with that.
yep, "peacefully and patriotically" is an incitement to violence. Why hasn't Ray Epps been charged with inciting a riot? Why did Pelosi refuse Trump's offer of troops to protect the capital? 2020 was a successful coup of the US government and you fools think that was a good thing because your masters told you that you must hate Trump.
Most of what you said has already been debunked. Try to keep up with the times. Preferably the New York times if you want the truth.
The NY times is part of the lying cabal that committed the coup. are you really that stupid?
yep, "peacefully and patriotically" is an incitement to violence. Why hasn't Ray Epps been charged with inciting a riot? Why did Pelosi refuse Trump's offer of troops to protect the capital? 2020 was a successful coup of the US government and you fools think that was a good thing because your masters told you that you must hate Trump.
As usual, you guys keep asking ridiculous questions and expect answers to the absurd. Just look at what's obvious and face reality.
As usual, you guys keep asking ridiculous questions and expect answers to the absurd. Just look at what's obvious and face reality.
nice dodge, now answer the questions or STFU and go away.

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