Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

The panel also contends that Trump falsely signed court documents attesting to evidence of election fraud that he was told was inaccurate and that he incited the crowd at a Jan. 6 rally by telling them to march on the Capitol and “fight like hell.” Amid the mob attack on the Capitol, they say Trump incited further violence by tweeting an attack on then-Vice President Mike Pence, who was fleeing from the mob at that very moment. And as the attack continued and allies pleaded with him to intervene, Trump refused to directly tell the mob to leave.
The entire January 6th speech that he gave is on Politico, all 250 short, boring paragraphs of it. He wasn't the only speaker that advocated violence and aggression. But he was the only one ( devious enough ) to put in a single one sentence disclaimer in the middle of all that hatred directed at Congress. Trump is truly diabolical with all his schemes and plots. And he honestly ( the only thing that is honest about him ) seems to believe his own lies. In his mind he is always the hero and when it appears to him that he is not, then he's being persecuted. So, believing all this allows him to live with himself.

wonder why Trump sat idly by for 183 minutes.
Why did Obama sit idly for 13 hours during Benghazi ?
Because there was a time lag between the two attacks. You do know there's a time difference between Washington DC and Benghazi?
There is no time lag when dealing with real time military operations
Then they have to show ALL THE EVIDENCE!

Videos inside and outside the Capitol building. Documents regarding Epps and any other FBI stooges.

Everything! I watched the hearings and the things they were saying trump was responsible for were totally ludicrous.




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Then they have to show ALL THE EVIDENCE!

Videos inside and outside the Capitol building. Documents regarding Epps and any other FBI stooges.

Everything! I watched the hearings and the things they were saying trump was responsible for were totally ludicrous.

A win for the good guys.
It doesn't mean it doesn't exist. As a matter of fact it does.
I understand you believe it is true, a good conspiracy theory has to have at least a little basis in fact, I understand our government does things to protect us that we don't want to know about. You just want to know about it. I don't. Because with all the terrorist Nations out there plotting cyber attacks and much more against us, the playing field was never level. We end up having to accept the reality of our situation. I just believe we're the good guys. You must think your country has betrayed you and they're the bad guys. Easiest solution would be to move to another country. Try Russia North Korea China Iran, they have no secret operations, their corruption is obvious and matter of fact
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There's only one problem with the two sources that you cited about Trump supporting the capital police and asking the rioters to be peaceful. They are marked with 138 p.m. and 2:13 p.m. times. The speech you gave began around noon and ended at 1:10 p.m.. from 1:25 onward he was in his private dining room speaking to no one. So those quotes are bogus. Just more lies trying to protect the king of lies. Try telling the truth next time.
Once the Select Committee publishes its findings it will prove exceedingly difficult for the DoJ to ignore the matter any longer.
The "select committee of hand picked Trump Bashers" findings don't mean jackshit to the DOJ, Junior. That was all a stage show put on for YOUR benefit in order to try to sway more voters to vote democrat in the midterms. They will look at the real evidence, then act as they did for every other "crisis" like they did for Hillary's secret files, destroyed government evidence, misuse of intelligence, selling favors to foreign countries for personal gain, or Obumma's wiretapping the WH, conspiring against a future administration, filing false reports with the FISA court, fake Russia collusion hearings, failure to protect the Capitol during an official function, and secretly working with companies to suppress news not favorable to them!"

Musk's disclosures? Yeah... right... you go right on deluding yourself that that is the case.
Think what you want, Buttercup, the Twitter Files reveal a conspiracy 10,000X worse than Watergate, with top government intelligence agencies working with private industry pressuring, directing them on who to silence, what stories to print, what news to cover up, or doing it themselves so that Biden got in office and stayed there. We have a real KGB on our hands. The biggest scandal ever to rock the USA and heads will roll if we are to ever have a republic ever again.

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