Jan 6 tapes you were forbidden to see by Pelosi. Mar. 6 & 7 Tucker Carlson, Fox News 9:00 pm Est.


NO ONE tried to overthrow the government.

If they had, we'd be having a different discussion right now.

And yet prosecutors have recordings of some individuals planning to do that. Now the discussion is ... how many years will they serve in prison for seditious conspiracy.
NO ONE tried to overthrow the government.

Now the world knows why the J6 committee and their MSM lackeys didn't want the full J6 video footage released. They have all been lying. It was all about trying to keep Trump from running for reelection and to deflected from his stolen 2020 reelection. The first thing that is obvious and indisputable now is the fact that there was no attempt to overthrow anything.

And I would expect that the people and families of all those arrested and falsely imprisoned on false charges will be having some awfully big lawsuits against J6 members and the media now who perpetrated the lies.
Reminding the voting public about the failed insurrection is a plus for the Democrats. Your unhinged anger is rather delicious though. You should partake in the classic right wing pass time of shooting up a shopping center or something to calm your nerves.

Man...your unhinged rage prevents you from reading the message you're responding to..
There was no insurrection you retard. Nobody has been charged with that. Your utter ignorance and stupidity on full display. It’s Democrat sheep shooting things up, killing cops, burning and looting businesses.
I heard it was five people who died--all protesters--and Officer Sicnic who passed away the next day.

It requires a special type of dumbass to think that an officer just happened to drop dead and had nothing to do with the trauma the day before. But luckily for us...whenever we require a special type of dumbass...you show up.
Sorry dumbfuck. Medical examiner said stroke. NO sign of any trauma. Requires a truly special dumbass to not be able to understand that. Oh wait, it’s you...
Clearly caused by the trauma of being assaulted by protestors.
Flaming fart shows up for a beating now. Sorry asshole. The medical examiner said no signs of trauma. Period. Stroke. Period. Caused by lifestyle. He wasn’t hit with any fire extinguisher. He even told his sister that all that happened was he got hit with some pepper spray from a fellow officer. I’ll believe the medical examiner over a know nothing like you.
Now the world knows why the J6 committee and their MSM lackeys didn't want the full J6 video footage released. They have all been lying. It was all about trying to keep Trump from running for reelection and to deflected from his stolen 2020 reelection. The first thing that is obvious and indisputable now is the fact that there was no attempt to overthrow anything.

And I would expect that the people and families of all those arrested and falsely imprisoned on false charges will be having some awfully big lawsuits against J6 members and the media now who perpetrated the lies.

Lying about what, shvantz? You think the violence they revealed didn't happen because there's other video not depicting violence?


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