Jan 6 tapes you were forbidden to see by Pelosi. Mar. 6 & 7 Tucker Carlson, Fox News 9:00 pm Est.

There was no insurrection you retard. Nobody has been charged with that. Your utter ignorance and stupidity on full display. It’s Democrat sheep shooting things up, killing cops, burning and looting businesses.

Yes, it was only Sedition. :icon_rolleyes:
Sorry dumbfuck. Medical examiner said stroke. NO sign of any trauma. Requires a truly special dumbass to not be able to understand that. Oh wait, it’s you...

The medical examiner examiner also said the events that transpired on Sedition day contributed to his death. Why do you ignore that part?
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Whatever dude.
Seriously. Steel reserve is good stuff...if you like union made in America malt liquor. It's pretty strong (8.1) so if you live in the south, religious laws may make selling illegal. I know when I lived in Woodstock, Georgia they didn't sell beer over 5.9 percent.

2 24 oz cans that typically will cost bt 4 and 5 bucks for both, will have you feeling pretty damn good, if not straight up drunk.

When I was younger we used to play Edward 40 hands with Old English malt liquor. Your buddies duct tape each hand to a 40oz and they won't cut the tape off until the bottles are both empty...which isn't that big a deal until you got to piss.
Right, he died from a stroke, and the events of that day contributed. Per the medical examiner that you cited as an authority.

So is he suddenly not an authority now?
The events at the capitol building had nothing to do with his death.

NO ONE tried to overthrow the government.

If they had, we'd be having a different discussion right now.
They tried to stop the constitutional counting of electorial votes. Many were convicted of sedition.

Do you not know what sedition is?
Trumpers are so ignorant. Echo chambers fry your brain dude.

"Prosecutors showed the jury messages Dolan sent the group, stating that "there is no coming back" if he was forced to fight for Trump, and that he was prepared to "get a prison sentence, tagged with treason, or a bullet from the very people I would protect."

"In my perspective, standing up against an incoming administration that I didn't see as legitimate it would be treasonous," Dolan testified of the message. "I was trying to prepare myself for that eventuality. I was trying to get into my mind that I would be viewed as an enemy to the country, although I viewed myself as fighting for our country."

"If anything was going to happen to stop the certification of the election, that was going to be it," he added."

And again...

"As he testified Tuesday, federal agents showed jurors the pistol and semiautomatic rifle Dolan brought with him to the Washington area. He said he and others were willing to take up arms if necessary to keep Republican President Donald Trump in office.

“It seemed to me a lot of us were prepared — I was prepared — to stop the certification process one way or the other,” Dolan said. When asked by the prosecutor how they would achieve that goal, Dolan responded: “By any means necessary. That’s why we brought our firearms.”

See what you miss when you live in an echo chamber?
Right, he died from a stroke, and the events of that day contributed. Per the medical examiner that you cited as an authority.

So is he suddenly not an authority now?
Contributory issues do discern”from” versus “with” and lib loons are applying that for this but refused to do so for Covid

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