Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

So? Irving was a member of the Capitol Police Board.
Your link indicates he made that call unilaterally, without consulting Pelosi.
But you still blame Pelosi, right?
Irving said Pelosi's policy was no NG, he was following her orders. So yeah, I blame Pelosi.
I also call bullshit that Irving made the NG call without consulting with Pelosi directly.
Firstly WHAT Bowser letter.? It was Trump who mailed both
Bowser And Pelosi a letter { My quess on the best WH stationary }
and Pelosi either Never opened that Trump letter or tossed it in
her waste basket.Because Bowser sent Pelosi her Letter,Trump
mailed her.The Trump letter was mailed { sent } within a week or a few
days prior to January 6th.
Sean Hannity Interviewed on his Fox Show by Trump aide Kash
Patel who explained explicitly about the letter.
POLITIFACT { Inaccurate on purpose } Government Fact Checker
got it wrong.Dint ever both using Kash Patel's first name.
Instead using half ass wording to make Trump out to be a Liar.
Nothing New among D.C. pack of scumbag ridden wolves.
Crap like Trump never wrote a letter Authorizing use of the
National Guard.NO! ... Trump wrote a letter to both Pelosi and
Bowser Requesting { not Authorizing} use of the National Guard.
Got how this dopey pack of Democrat-inspired ass clowns operate.
Same crap we had with the Faux Quid Pro Quo Zelensky
phone call { Basis for Trump's first Impeachment }
and 3 + years of a DNC/Hillary paid Steele Dossier.
Lies and total B.S.
With abject pride by it's users { Scumbag MSM and it's
patrons like CNN and MSNBC }.
1. This Bowser letter:

2. Stop typing lies. Prove your points with links or just stop typing.
1. That (or something similar)was said to Trump’s SecDef who was THE ONLY PERSON who could have made it happen.
And HE ignored it. Bowser asked for and got a small number of NG to help with traffic issues

2.Irving is not Pelosi and there is no claim that any communication went on between them. ALSO.
That only has to do with a request for support. It is in no way a refusal of support. Had Trump actually ORDERED NG and followed up on that order his SecDef would have made it happen

Save us the QAnon musings mmmkay?
The House GOP needs to have a hearing with people under oath to find out EXACTLY why the NG was NOT deployed as requested by Trump and Sund.
I never quoted any map. Try again. The tunnel entrances were the targets and there was a fight to enter.

Once again you should check out those timeline videos.....you might learn something.
The tunnels lead all over the nearby buildings. There was a fight in one of the tunnels of one of the entrances. This is not what the threat assessment is referring to.
If the NG was requested, where were they? Only a president in collusion with the insurrectionists would have allowed J6 to go on.
EXACTLY. We need the House GOP to find out exactly why the NG was not deployed for j6 as requested by Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund. IMHO they were blocked by Pelosi & Bowser, but we'll see what they say under oath.
The House GOP needs to have a hearing with people under oath to find out EXACTLY why the NG was NOT deployed as requested by Trump and Sund.
Why do you suppose they don’t? Because it would highlight what you fuckers did that day? Yeah. That
The tunnels lead all over the nearby buildings. There was a fight in one of the tunnels of one of the entrances. This is not what the threat assessment is referring to.
Exactly. An entrance tunnel not one of the connecting tunnels
This probably the umpteenth thread on the very same issue, providing the very same facts as presented in each thread before, they lose the same arguments every time and comeback like all over again.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Elektra provide “facts” which don’t support his insane claims
The tunnels lead all over the nearby buildings. There was a fight in one of the tunnels of one of the entrances. This is not what the threat assessment is referring to.
Well,dude, you need to breach the tunnel entrances to gain access to the tunnel system to gain entry into the capitol building.......smfh......duh.
Well,dude, you need to breach the tunnel entrances to gain access to the tunnel system to gain entry into the capitol building.......smfh......duh.
No you don’t

They are unrelated

The tunnel where the MAGARATS almost squashed that cops head and killed the woman Boylan was just an entrance to the building
Yeah. He is stupid. The VP has largely ceremonial duties (with the exception of breaking ties)

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi was derelict in her duty to protect the Capitol. No equal to the Speaker of the House in the Senate.
Well,dude, you need to breach the tunnel entrances to gain access to the tunnel system to gain entry into the capitol building.......smfh......duh.
The fight in the tunnel you’re referring to wasn’t a tunnel entrance. The tunnel entrances are spread out among various administrative buildings next to the Capitol.
The House GOP needs to have a hearing with people under oath to find out EXACTLY why the NG was NOT deployed as requested by Trump and Sund.
They already no why, they have access to the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol
The House GOP needs to have a hearing with people under oath to find out EXACTLY why the NG was NOT deployed as requested by Trump and Sund.
Because they didn’t think Trump’s supporters would get so violent.

It’s not complicated.
Because they didn’t think Trump’s supporters would get so violent.

It’s not complicated.
Pelosi said Trump is a danger, yet you claim pelosi did not expect danger?
Democratic House speaker Nancy Pelosi denounced the Senate's acquittal of President Donald Trump on Wednesday and said he remains "an ongoing threat to American democracy

“That was a threat. Presidents should not bring threats to the floor of the House," the California Democrat told a group of reporters at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
"Last night, President Trump yet again threatened to cause chaos in the lives of millions of Americans if he doesn't get his way. Make no mistake: the President said he will purposefully hurt American communities to force American taxpayers to fund an immoral, ineffective and expensive border wall.

Nancy Pelosi describes Donald Trump as the 'most dangerous person in the history of America' and warns the country 'can't withstand another four years' of his presidency​

Pelosi said Trump is a danger, yet you claim pelosi did not expect danger?
I don't think she expect a violent mob of thousands of MAGA faithful breaking down the doors of the Capitol.

They never needed the National Guard to defend the Capitol for something like this before. There was no request or recommendations for the National Guard put to Nancy Pelosi before the riot.
I don't think she expect a violent mob of thousands of MAGA faithful breaking down the doors of the Capitol.

They never needed the National Guard to defend the Capitol for something like this before. There was no request or recommendations for the National Guard put to Nancy Pelosi before the riot.
that you know of

and yet, we do know that Pelosi was at war with Trump,

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