January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

Cool. So how did they explain the fact that GOP observers were kicked out when told counting was stopped, then just resumed counting when they left?
Why don't you research it. Your answer is at your finger tips.
lol as if you would be able to know integrity, Uncle Remus and his fellow Circus acts on the committee certainly can't. Like I said, they need it on TV because the scam is aimed at illiterates. They're desparate over their looming losses in the mid-terms, and the GOP hacks aren't any paragons of character either when it comes to supporting Trump. They're just like you, zero credibility. Biden can't can't anybody elected,he's a lame duck in his first term. All that cheating you clowns did only sank you deeper in your racist shit storm; your bse is literally assaulting and killing each other in the streets , not just murdering cops and old white people like you hoped.
Psychotic rant! Seek help!!! :eek:
lol as if you would be able to know integrity, Uncle Remus and his fellow Circus acts on the committee certainly can't. Like I said, they need it on TV because the scam is aimed at illiterates. They're desparate over their looming losses in the mid-terms, and the GOP hacks aren't any paragons of character either when it comes to supporting Trump. They're just like you, zero credibility. Biden can't can't anybody elected,he's a lame duck in his first term. All that cheating you clowns did only sank you deeper in your racist shit storm; your bse is literally assaulting and killing each other in the streets , not just murdering cops and old white people like you hoped.
Your racist screed fails to impugn the video record - much of it self-incrimination by the nearly nine hundred Trump goons identified, apprehended, and prosecuted - and the sworn testimony of so many Trump insiders and Republican office holders.

The U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol is establishing the official record of the Loser's desperate attempts to thwart the democratic will. It is their legacy to American history.

The pathetic dupes who have been hornswoggled by the Loser are not intellectually capable of challenging the substance of what is being exposed. They merely rave inanely, bleating their weird worship to no avail.
"We have lots of conspiracy theories. We just don't have the evidence."
Drunken, Drippin' Rudy Giuliani
And many dismissed embarrassing Rudy as being considerably removed from reality.

This is the most pithy and succinct encapsulation of the Trump conspiracy to sabotage the will of the American People that I have come across.

The savory chimera that Trump pulls from his butt dazzle the weird worshipers, but they are airy-fairy fripperies in the sphere of evidentiary, substantive criteria.

The true believers never seem to tax themselves over their dogma that is preached by their propaganda masters withering, shriveling, and disintegrating wherever it encounters the strictures of reality.

Screen Shot 2022-06-22 at 8.01.50 AM.png

"I don't care if he's pleasuring himself by watching you on tv, all the Trump goons must leave peacefully, immediately.
And try to get this clown to stop shrieking 'Whispering Ray sent us!'"

It's easy to "dismember" any allegation when no one can question or present another point of view. When you have a pre-determined outcome, "evisceration" is automatic.

They will all get to present their side at their trials. Given what has come out so far, they should probably exercise their right to remain silent, and enter a plea deal with the prosecution.
I have, and nobody has debunked the fact the election was stolen.
It's been debunked.

The team of election, envelope openers, and ballot removal team was sent home after they separated all eligible absentee votes from their envelopes, and unfolded and smoothed for the feed in to the electronic vote scanners, and put in to ballot "suitcases", and under the clothed folding table, until the votes were to be counted by another team of election workers responsible for getting the ballots scanned and counted.

The election watchers were not sent home....the Republican AND Democratic poll watcher both left with the team there to open the envelopes because they thought they were done for the night and not because any election supervisor sent them home. It was NOT just the GOP poll watcher that left, the DNC poll watcher left too.

By Georgia LAW the poll watchers only must be present, is during the absentee envelope opening process, and not during the scanning vote process, but they are always welcomed to stay. They were called back though....

The video of the arena SHOWS those ballots under the folding table that were brought out to be scanned, were PUT THERE by the election workers in charge of opening and separating and smoothing the folds, and securing them in to a ballot holding suitcase, and put under this table until counting.

They were NOT fake ballots brought in to stuff the vote.

Security video PROVES IT.
Because if you tell the truth, you don't need to remember anything, when you lie, you need to follow a written down account/list, like on a teleprompter.
Actually I think it's more of a "I'm not going to lie...I'm just going to tell part of the story or word it in a way that makes it look like something else so I need the teleprompter so I DON'T say something that can get me charged with lying under oath"! once the Republican take over in November!
Cool. So how did they explain the fact that GOP observers were kicked out when told counting was stopped, then just resumed counting when they left?
They say:

"That's an embarrassing cult fantasy. Shut your dumb ass up and take it to court, or go sit in the corner with the alien abductees and the spoonbenders."
Well, any 'hearings' being chaired by a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, one of the more racist. corrupt, and dishonest collections of pols in the Federal legislature, is by definition a fraud. Example:

As most know, Maxine Waters is a low life who calls for murders of white people fairly often and promotes violence nearly every time she opens her mouth. She is second in seniority of that criminal syndicate.

Nearly all of them are racists and promote violence. Like Patrick Moynihan pointed out decades ago, black pols and the black middle class well merely use hood rats and their violence to extort bennies for themselves, and that is all the Black Caucus ever does.
Your racist screed fails to impugn the video record - much of it self-incrimination by the nearly nine hundred Trump goons identified, apprehended, and prosecuted - and the sworn testimony of so many Trump insiders and Republican office holders.

The U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol is establishing the official record of the Loser's desperate attempts to thwart the democratic will. It is their legacy to American history.

The pathetic dupes who have been hornswoggled by the Loser are not intellectually capable of challenging the substance of what is being exposed. They merely rave inanely, bleating their weird worship to no avail.

As a joke poster, you're pretty lame even for a commie. lol 'official Record' of Democratic Party criminal corruption is all you will achieve; you're losing votes over this Circus, and your racist Uncle Remus bloviating for hours is especially hilarious.

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