January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

I know you guys have to believe that all these Republican witnesses are lying.

No, probably just trying to avoid a head-on with the DOJ. Hey Ace, maybe you don't know but Biden has sent out the DOJ now to assault and threaten just about anybody loosely connected to Trump to force them to testify against him! In effect, trying to CRIMINALIZE THE DEMOCRAT'S POLITICAL OPPOSITION so that the only ones left are Dem-friendly RINOs.

Their crime? Supporting Trump.

Now I know you being the far left communist partisan hack won't find any issue at all with that until next year when the reformed GOP start arresting, investigating, charging and harassing every democrat!

MAGA Just 20 more weeks.

What is striking about the disparate views concerning the January 6 assault on Congress and the unsupported claim of a stolen "Landslide!" that incited it is how Americans are now confronted with an official congressional investigation scrupulously and methodically presenting factual data featuring the sworn testimony of many within the Trump regime with first-person knowledge of the prelude to, the unfolding of, and the aftermath of the attack.

On the other hand, you have desperate claims that the repugnant mob were not actually Trump goons, but were antifa, BLM, or ordinary tourists, with an eerie resemblance to Trump goons, hundreds of whom were identified, apprehended, indicted, and prosecuted.

You have recounts, audits, and dozens of court appeals, none of which supported the self-serving fantasy of a stolen "Landslide!"

There are no challenges to the 2020 presidential election that Biden won by a margin of over 7 million votes, 306-232 electoral votes certified by all 50 states, Nowhere is even the most zealous Trump partisan politician or prosecutor able to contrive a pretext that satisfies the minimal evidentiary requirements to do so.

The hardcore "Trump won" fantasists have been relegated to the realm of ideological entertainment media where notions far too fantastical for litigation are hyped with uncritical abandon.

For some, That's Entertainment!
if they have all these records . why aren't showing them in this hearinng? an opinion is nothing with out proof behined it.
You do know that the REAL reason for Democrats putting on this show is a rather desperate attempt to divert attention from the DUMPSTER FIRE that is the Biden Administration?
Outta the park, Oldestyle. This little "hearing" is pushing "inappropriate use of power" because President Trump wanted to know what the election fraud was. Conveniently, Nancy Pelosi is using very naive people to push Trump out from ever running for office again. She has orchestrated this with others in the Democrat/RINO Deep State to get Trump any which way they can, and this isn't the last piece of baloney the American voters are being put through.

The Democrats remind me of the husband who killed his separated or divorced wife so that "if I can't have her, nobody else can have her either."

The Democrats are destroying businesses with BLM, more businesses with excessive costs of gasoline, and free speech with the likes of this hearing that wants private words Trump had with people with the credentials to check out whether the votes were changed by fraudulent votes or not.

This is a no-win hearing and it's just part of the Democrat strategy to destroy our Constitutional government. Their chief support comes from a naive freshman TDS Congresswoman who is currently having problems in her state with certain removal in the next election, because she underestimated their wisdom as conservative American citizens who value the Constitution and its amendments for citizens' rights to protect themselves from murderers, the right for their votes to be equal (one per person), the need for small states to have equality as is indicated by the College of Electors. The Democrats want to railroad America one cut at a time to eliminate the College of Electors so the kingpins in big states can smush small states to nonexistence. This is war for those small states. Brainwashed-by-socialist-history-professors who are freshmen in Congress may not realize that kicking out the College of Electors would result in such bitter incivilities there would be no compunctions for the powerful oligarchs to depopulate small states with nukes, and they're presently re-educating the military to be liberal lapdogs with nukes taking orders from a POTUS in power who got there with lying promises to bring peace. Nobody has called down them for ordering their opponents stalked and publicly humiliated over lies created to force the good to oppose them verbally. They're presently using verbals to try to neutralize a former President when their fake impeachment created by lies of a former first lady and her husband's "war room" liars and even Hollywood liberals who are leading Hollywood into a state of hatred pushback. Wise people will no longer put up with fake information, sexually humiliating movies and tv shows for their families.
if they have all these records . why aren't showing them in this hearinng? an opinion is nothing with out proof behined it.
So many Republicans, conservatives, and even senior Trump regime insiders, testifying under oath regarding the Cry Baby Loser's perfidy, and even his most fanatical weird worshipers utterly impotent in refuting any of it.

Oh, my.
"So many Republicans, conservatives, and even senior Trump regime insiders,..."

Notable in today damning testimony from the three DOJ leaders was......they were all put in place by Don Trump. They were hand-picked. They were his guys.

And, proud to be an American....and stood up to what they all thought was illegal, improper, corrupt.

Good for them. Good for America.

I've watched the five hearings to date.
It has been largely riveting TV.
Made so by Republicans.
Virtually all witnesses have been Republicans.
We ain't seeing a parade of Democrat partisans or critics at that witness table.
It has been Republicans. Many of them chosen for their jobs by......Don Trump.

I didn't know what to expect when these hearings began. But now, they have proven worth the wait. Worth the investment in time and money. And proven good for America. One step towards a long overdue corrective. Long overdue accountability.

ps....the testimony also puts to the lie those whiners on this political venue that 'anonymous sources' were always not credible. Well, we've read a fair share of some of the details of this testimony in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and others.....often with the caveat that it was from 'anonymous sources'.

My take on that is: Human self-preservation. Folks knew that if their name was attached...they would lose their livelihood, or worse their family would be endangered as we saw with those Georgia elections officials and mere poll workers.

But......and this is important.....but they had a sense of outrage in what they were witnessing. That there were corrupt motives and actions. So they took those reporters phone calls with the proviso that their names not be attached. At that time.

I'll speculate that a lot...a LOT.....of those 'anonymous sources' have fleshed out the details of this investigation, pointed investigators which trails to follow.
LOL... Nancy tells the committee he is off limits and cannot be deposed along with many other key people.. why is that?
He was deposed and testified under oath to the Committee.

Where in the hell do u guys get this fake shit from, that he wasn't???
lol the psychos are you freaks trying to pass off your petty ridiculous pogroms as serious investigations. Grow up, your crooked corrupt hacks are failing miserably.
Actually, they are not failing! They are doing a damn good job of piecing it all together! I never thought the hearings could be so informative and interesting! They've more than exceeded my expectations and the expectations of many others too! The committee has been busy, and it shows they've been working their butts off to get to the bottom of why it happened, and who was at the helm.... for the history books!
If it is not a trial, to the democrats minds, why are they purporting to bring forth what they call evidence with an eye toward conviction?

They even lie to themselves.

That's why it's called an investigation. There is no cross examination in an investigation. You should already know that. :icon_rolleyes:
You do know that the REAL reason for Democrats putting on this show is a rather desperate attempt to divert attention from the DUMPSTER FIRE that is the Biden Administration?
Beyond stupid. She announced this was coming not long after SeditionDay.
If it is not a trial, to the democrats minds, why are they purporting to bring forth what they call evidence with an eye toward conviction?

They even lie to themselves.
This is not a trial....it is an investigation, much like the Watergate investigation.

But democrats are hoping to see the crooks do A Perp Walk some day, on their way to a real court.... for their crimes, no doubt about it!
And yet not allowing one of the opposition to comment on what they are doing. No debate or cross comments. And the claim this to be bi-partisan? And honest?

Imbecile, if Republicans who've ignored subpoenas would have shown up and testified, they could have offered their comments, the ones you're crying about are missing, into the record. Clearly, "cross examination" is the latest rightard buzzword bouncing around the rightard echo chamber in yet another failed effort to attack this investigation. But the right looks like a bunch of wailing idiots, supporting Republicans who refuse to testify AND complaining they're only hearing one side of the story.
It is not a slaughter. It is turning more people against the morons running this country. A huge waste of time while the country is being destroyed. Wise up.


Notable in today damning testimony from the three DOJ leaders was......they were all put in place by Don Trump. They were hand-picked. They were his guys.

And, proud to be an American....and stood up to what they all thought was illegal, improper, corrupt.

Good for them. Good for America.

I've watched the five hearings to date.
It has been largely riveting TV.
Made so by Republicans.
Virtually all witnesses have been Republicans.
We ain't seeing a parade of Democrat partisans or critics at that witness table.
It has been Republicans. Many of them chosen for their jobs by......Don Trump.

I didn't know what to expect when these hearings began. But now, they have proven worth the wait. Worth the investment in time and money. And proven good for America. One step towards a long overdue corrective. Long overdue accountability.

ps....the testimony also puts to the lie those whiners on this political venue that 'anonymous sources' were always not credible. Well, we've read a fair share of some of the details of this testimony in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and others.....often with the caveat that it was from 'anonymous sources'.

My take on that is: Human self-preservation. Folks knew that if their name was attached...they would lose their livelihood, or worse their family would be endangered as we saw with those Georgia elections officials and mere poll workers.

But......and this is important.....but they had a sense of outrage in what they were witnessing. That there were corrupt motives and actions. So they took those reporters phone calls with the proviso that their names not be attached. At that time.

I'll speculate that a lot...a LOT.....of those 'anonymous sources' have fleshed out the details of this investigation, pointed investigators which trails to follow.
In addition to the authenticity inherent in the sworn, corroborative testimonies of state and Trump administration officials providing their first-hand accounts, you have the blatant evisceration of the Trumpy lie that the revelations are merely a farting-through-silk lynching of the king of petty vendettas, just another dastardly scheme by demonic "liberals" to impugn the lardbutt messiah.

Authentic , dyed-in-the-wool, conservative Republicans across America are finally being given center stage spotlight to expose the RINOs of Trumpery that have infested their Party since 2016.

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"Good-night, sweet prince;

And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. ”

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Imbecile, if Republicans who've ignored subpoenas would have shown up and testified, they could have offered their comments, the ones you're crying about are missing, into the record. Clearly, "cross examination" is the latest rightard buzzword bouncing around the rightard echo chamber in yet another failed effort to attack this investigation. But the right looks like a bunch of wailing idiots, supporting Republicans who refuse to testify AND complaining they're only hearing one side of the story.
Where was the so called cross examination in the Watergate investigation hearings? Duh, there were none!

Where this notion that in an investigation the crooks get to call the shots too, is fairytale land of the cuckoo bird!
Where was the so called cross examination in the Watergate investigation hearings? Duh, there were none!

Where this notion that in an investigation the crooks get to call the shots too, is fairytale land of the cuckoo bird!
Investigations do not have "cross examinations." They are revelatory, not judicial proceedings.

All revelations by the all the Republican witnesses testifying under oath that result in criminal indictments will follow the normal prosecutorial niceties, cross-examinations included.
So many Republicans, conservatives, and even senior Trump regime insiders, testifying under oath regarding the Cry Baby Loser's perfidy, and even his most fanatical weird worshipers utterly impotent in refuting any of it.

Oh, my.
And yet still and totally no one being allowed to ask counter questions. Kind of like a Russia style production - no defense allowed on the way to a predetermined verdict. Actually, it is more like a typical democrat run "investigation".
"Just say the election was corrupt, and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen".
Donald J Trump, to Republican Richard Donaghue - Sworn Testimony
The Trump Memorial on the Washington Mall (paid for by Mexico) must have this concise expression of Trumpery featured in glitzy casino flamboyance. I hope they also find a place for the statesmanlike,
There are so many pithy encapsulations of Trumpery by diehard Trumpers that merit conspicuous exposition for posterity.

Perchance, a running compilation akin to the Times Square scrolling headlines in garish, multicolored exuberance before which the people can bow and pray to the neon god they made.

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