January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

With all due respect, BWK...this committee has held 8 hearings now and have YET to produce even the smallest bit of proof that Donald Trump asked for an insurrection on January 6th! So what's the point of this?
The point of all this, is that Trump refused to listen to sixty judges who told him he lost. His staff told him he lost is another point. And when that didn't work, he tried to get the SOS of Georgia to invent 11,780 votes so he could cheat. Which is another point. And another point was when he endorsed an illegal slate of electors to forge signatures to overturn an a legal election. And when that didn't work, he summoned a mob to try and get Pence not to count the votes on January 6th by inciting violence and death, implicating Trump with manslaughter. And you want to know what the point of this is? With all due respect, is your brain fried?
The point of all this, is that Trump refused to listen to sixty judges who told him he lost. His staff told him he lost is another point. And when that didn't work, he tried to get the SOS of Georgia to invent 11,780 votes so he could cheat. Which is another point. And another point was when he endorsed an illegal slate of electors to forge signatures to overturn an a legal election. And when that didn't work, he summoned a mob to try and get Pence not to count the votes on January 6th by inciting violence and death, implicating Trump with manslaughter. And you want to know what the point of this is? With all due respect, is your brain fried?
And not to mention...

The Gore Campaign sought to have numerous people overturn an election! Learn to fucking read for starters. Secondly, had Gore refused the outcome, then why did he concede? I'll be waiting.
You read and comprehend what you posted. Gore had his people contest the election? And just exactly how is that different from conte34sting it himself? They did it on his behalf and by his direction.

He conceded when he found that nothing he could do would change the outcome and he had lost. He let it go because democrats at that time were less violent than they are now.
After the Loser instructed his lickspittles to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell", they went to the Capitol and fought like hell.

What did the Loser do for three hours as they fought like hell?
And you can show specific example of them fighting like hell? When and where? Only in your desired outcome and it is totally false, again.

As for where Trump was, that has been explained to the degree where even your biased committee is no longer asking about it.

Time to move to reality, if you can even find it.
The point of all this, is that Trump refused to listen to sixty judges who told him he lost. His staff told him he lost is another point. And when that didn't work, he tried to get the SOS of Georgia to invent 11,780 votes so he could cheat. Which is another point. And another point was when he endorsed an illegal slate of electors to forge signatures to overturn an a legal election. And when that didn't work, he summoned a mob to try and get Pence not to count the votes on January 6th by inciting violence and death, implicating Trump with manslaughter. And you want to know what the point of this is? With all due respect, is your brain fried?
So Trump didn't believe he lost? Is that something you needed this show trial to tell you? He did everything he could to challenge the result! Is that something you didn't know before this show trial?
In what way did Trump incite "violence and death"? Was it when he told people to protest peacefully? Or was it when he volunteered to provide additional National Guard help?
Again...what's the point of this show trial other than diverting attention from how badly Joe Biden and the Democrats have managed to FUBAR the country in two years?
Surely you aren't that stupid? Who would be so stupid as to ask for an insurrection? LOL! You commit one, you don't ask for it.
So you admit that Trump never DID ask for an insurrection and that what occurred was a protest that got out of hand because security was planned so poorly by those in charge of it? Now we're getting somewhere, BWK!
After the Loser instructed his lickspittles to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell", they went to the Capitol and fought like hell.

What did the Loser do for three hours as they fought like hell?
He also told them to protest peacefully, Schmidlap! But you know that...don't you?
Gore went to court to get a recount within the given time restrictions and in accordance with the law.

Trump pressed his VP to declare him the president outside of the courts and past time restrictions.

You're beyond demented to compare those two. :cuckoo:
What "time restrictions" did Trump go past? What law did Trump violate in asking for the election not to be certified?
And not to mention...

And here's the thing, the whole country knows this, including his sycophant supporters. But they don't care. Why? It's really quite simple actually. His supporters are Fascists. They want this country turned into a Gestapo. That's why they play along with all the lies and criminality. They are not American patriots. The "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" has zero meaning for these people. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, the rule of law, Christianity, family values, it's all smoke and mirrors for these people. This is our battle. Trump is merely a symptom of it.
He also told them to protest peacefully, Schmidlap! But you know that...don't you?
Was that before or after he had them take down the magnetometers in order for his terrorist supporters to go in armed with weapons? You knew that too right?
So you admit that Trump never DID ask for an insurrection and that what occurred was a protest that got out of hand because security was planned so poorly by those in charge of it? Now we're getting somewhere, BWK!
No one needs to ask for an insurrection you idiot. Your own actions give the permission. Somebody help this poor guy. He's totally clueless.
So Trump didn't believe he lost? Is that something you needed this show trial to tell you? He did everything he could to challenge the result! Is that something you didn't know before this show trial?
In what way did Trump incite "violence and death"? Was it when he told people to protest peacefully? Or was it when he volunteered to provide additional National Guard help?
Again...what's the point of this show trial other than diverting attention from how badly Joe Biden and the Democrats have managed to FUBAR the country in two years?
His staff told him he lost. Whatever he believes has no relevance. When he decided to take the law in his own hands to break it, that's when it became relevant.

You're right, he did everything he could, which included illegally trying to change the outcome, so my vote wouldn't count. He's a cheater and a criminal, and it was proven.

Trump made zero phone calls to any agencies to stop the insurrection.

Taking down the magnetometers p[roved to the world that he wanted the terrorists to go in armed. LOL! Dude, you don't have a prayer, and you have no skin in this game. It's really pathetic and disgusting trying to defend the indefensible.
Was that before or after he had them take down the magnetometers in order for his terrorist supporters to go in armed with weapons? You knew that too right?
That was for the speech that he gave quite a distance from the Capitol building, BWK! You knew THAT...right?
And let's be honest here...there were almost zero weapons brought to the protest AT the Capital!
His staff told him he lost. Whatever he believes has no relevance. When he decided to take the law in his own hands to break it, that's when it became relevant.

You're right, he did everything he could, which included illegally trying to change the outcome, so my vote wouldn't count. He's a cheater and a criminal, and it was proven.

Trump made zero phone calls to any agencies to stop the insurrection.

Taking down the magnetometers p[roved to the world that he wanted the terrorists to go in armed. LOL! Dude, you don't have a prayer, and you have no skin in this game. It's really pathetic and disgusting trying to defend the indefensible.
Again...what law did Trump break? Did he do almost everything that he could to challenge the result? Yes...without question! But what law did he break? You keep making that charge and you back it up with nothing.
And here's the thing, the whole country knows this, including his sycophant supporters. But they don't care. Why? It's really quite simple actually. His supporters are Fascists. They want this country turned into a Gestapo. That's why they play along with all the lies and criminality. They are not American patriots. The "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" has zero meaning for these people. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, the rule of law, Christianity, family values, it's all smoke and mirrors for these people. This is our battle. Trump is merely a symptom of it.
So you are mind reading again? I seriously doubt that you know what the whole country thinks or knows. Especially since there are so many that call you on your BS.

The constitution and bill of right and all of our laws have zero meaning to the democrats who blindly pursue their quest for power without regard for the consequences. Just like you and your hate driven imagination and lies.
That was for the speech that he gave quite a distance from the Capitol building, BWK! You knew THAT...right?
And let's be honest here...there were almost zero weapons brought to the protest AT the Capital!
And those weapons were in the possession of the tame law enforcement beholding to the democrats.
No one needs to ask for an insurrection you idiot. Your own actions give the permission. Somebody help this poor guy. He's totally clueless.
So Trump ordered the insurrection through ESP? Some sort of telepathic ability? (eye roll)
This get's more bizarro world with each passing day with you people!
His staff told him he lost. Whatever he believes has no relevance. When he decided to take the law in his own hands to break it, that's when it became relevant.

You're right, he did everything he could, which included illegally trying to change the outcome, so my vote wouldn't count. He's a cheater and a criminal, and it was proven.

Trump made zero phone calls to any agencies to stop the insurrection.

Taking down the magnetometers p[roved to the world that he wanted the terrorists to go in armed. LOL! Dude, you don't have a prayer, and you have no skin in this game. It's really pathetic and disgusting trying to defend the indefensible.
You better hurry up and take a crap as you are so full of shit you may explode.

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