January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

That doesn't follow.

Certainly your grasp of logic is not as poor as you just demonstrated, or you wouldn't be able to feed yourself.

So I will chalk that post up to the fact that you are going to do all of that anyway and found a convenient time to tell the world that you are going to do it.

Else, your post is beyond bizarre and would be indicative of very low mental function.
Are you jealous? You think that he is trying to take your habits from you? After all, that is what you constantly do.
No, I will be a normal, rational adult and blame him for waiting 3 hours to do it. But thanks for the horrible,childish advice, I guess.

Good luck with that laughable horseshit.
If you were ever normal the entire world would freeze over, along with hell.

YOUR statement is horseshit.
That doesn't follow.

Certainly your grasp of logic is not as poor as you just demonstrated, or you wouldn't be able to feed yourself.

So I will chalk that post up to the fact that you are going to do all of that anyway and found a convenient time to tell the world that you are going to do it.

Else, your post is beyond bizarre and would be indicative of very low mental function.
Still, probably near the top of MAGA IQ rankings....:cool:
Are you out of your mind? The Gore Campaign sought to overturn the election repeatedly.

Let me repeat what I said since your response was a non-sequitur...

Gore never sought to have one person overturn the election. A person with a stake involved, no less.

I took the liberty to highlight the salient part you chose to ignore.
Why? Why wouldn't the FIRST thing that was done once the Capitol was breached have been evacuating Members? Who was still in the Capitol and why were they there?

They did begin evacuating once the building was breached. But not everyone had been evacuated yet when Ashes Targetpractice attempted to breach that police barricade.
That's an outright lie and I think you know it, Faun. You know as well as I do that there is video of Capitol Police opening doors and allowing people into the building. It's telling that you feel the NEED to lie about that!

Because they were overwhelmed. The first ones to enter broke into the Capitol. In other parts, the mob went to war with police. In other parts, the mob forced the police to abandon blocking an entrance. And in yet another location, the police acquiesced and let them enter without a fight.
They said protesting from a sidewalk in front of the Supreme Court building was protected by the First Amendment...they DID NOT say that protesting in front of a Justice's home was protected protest!
A public sidewalk is a public sidewalk. It matters not if it's in front of a court or in front of a home. Even the law you cite offers no distinction. People have a First Amendment right to protest on a public sidewalk.
A public sidewalk is a public sidewalk. It matters not if it's in front of a court or in front of a home. Even the law you cite offers no distinction. People have a First Amendment right to protest on a public sidewalk.

Not really
haha of course they stalked and threatened him they showed up to his house harassed him! helll someone tried to kill him..

You don't know what the word, "stalk" means and the guy who threatened Kavanaugh was arrested.
You don't know what the word, "stalk" means and the guy who threatened Kavanaugh was arrested.
of course he was

and more need to be…it’s sad it escalated to an attempt on his life…but when xiden ans the top brass are encouraging this lawless behavior from their brownshirts irs what’s expected

Not really

  • Your rights are strongest in what are known as “traditional public forums,” such as streets, sidewalks, and parks. You also likely have the right to speak out on other public property, like plazas in front of government buildings, as long as you are not blocking access to the government building or interfering with other purposes the property was designed for.
of course he was

and more need to be…it’s sad it escalated to an attempt on his life…but when xiden ans the top brass are encouraging this lawless behavior from their brownshirts irs what’s expected

That is beyond sad, it's condemnable. No one's life should be threatened. Still the others protested peacefully on a public sidewalk, which is protected by the First Amendment.

Today's hearing was a total and thorough take down of the biggest liar to ever try and steal an election. Attorney General Barr and many others threw daggers into Trump's claims of a "stolen election." Despite the best efforts of his Cult members, his efforts to steal the win from President Biden failed miserably, in the courts and the court of public opinion.

It's now up to Attorney General Garland to deal with Trump via an aggressive prosecution of his sedition efforts! Locking him up lets him off easy! Bigly!!!
The walls are falling in on Trump and his criminal syndicate. And damn all those to hell who support what they support. Which is destroying Democracy; Opinion | Harvard study helps confirm Trump's Jan. 6 guilt
Funny that you bring up 2000 mules which makes an allegation that the Left wants to ignore. But, the fact is that it's just an allegation at this point and needs to be investigated. I don't claim it PROVES anything. But, don't people in criminal cases testify under oath, but both sides (prosecution and defense) question to ensure that the truth is found and justice is served.
So far, most of the top brass has pleaded the Fifth. People who are not guilty have no reason to plead the Fifth.
When you have staged questions and prepared answers...with no chance of a rebuttal or a follow up question from the opposition...is it REALLY testimony...or is it just propaganda?
I haven't heard any opposition, and if there is any, they've been invited to come tell a different story. They haven't and they won't, because there is no other story.

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