January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

You read and comprehend what you posted. Gore had his people contest the election? And just exactly how is that different from conte34sting it himself? They did it on his behalf and by his direction.

He conceded when he found that nothing he could do would change the outcome and he had lost. He let it go because democrats at that time were less violent than they are now.

Gore, who was vice president and oversaw the election certification on January 6th, 2001, never did what Trump pressured Pence to do. That you can't conceive the difference only serves as evidence to just how brain-dead righties are.
What "time restrictions" did Trump go past? What law did Trump violate in asking for the election not to be certified?

Past the date of Safe Harbor, when all the states submit their respective certifications. And then again, delaying Congress on January 6th.
That was for the speech that he gave quite a distance from the Capitol building, BWK! You knew THAT...right?
And let's be honest here...there were almost zero weapons brought to the protest AT the Capital!

WTF? How do you know how many people had weapons? Very few, if any, were arrested during the riot. so many could have had weapons but not brandished them; and then dispersed after the riot.
He asked the Governor of Georgia to investigate 44,000 mail in ballots that came in late. He didn't ask anyone to "invent" anything!

No he didn't. He asked him to find enough votes to overturn the presidential election in Georgia. He recommended the Secretary of State simply issue a statement that he "recalculated" the results. Actual results didn't matter. And he threatened him with a crime if he didn't do it.
You read and comprehend what you posted. Gore had his people contest the election? And just exactly how is that different from conte34sting it himself? They did it on his behalf and by his direction.

He conceded when he found that nothing he could do would change the outcome and he had lost. He let it go because democrats at that time were less violent than they are now.
You read and comprehend what you posted. Gore had his people contest the election? And just exactly how is that different from conte34sting it himself? They did it on his behalf and by his direction.

He conceded when he found that nothing he could do would change the outcome and he had lost. He let it go because democrats at that time were less violent than they are now.
The Gore Campaign sought to have numerous people overturn an election! This is the quote from the other poster you idiot. It says nothing about contesting an election. Oldstyle said Gore was trying to overturn the election. That's false and a lie.

And what's the difference? :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: Do you play with a full deck? Did you watch the hearings? If not, wtf are you doing here?
So Trump ordered the insurrection through ESP? Some sort of telepathic ability? (eye roll)
This get's more bizarro world with each passing day with you people!
Go with ESP if that's what your bottom feeding, vegetating brain wants to tell you. I'm going with the forensic evidence.
You read and comprehend what you posted. Gore had his people contest the election? And just exactly how is that different from conte34sting it himself? They did it on his behalf and by his direction.

He conceded when he found that nothing he could do would change the outcome and he had lost. He let it go because democrats at that time were less violent than they are now.
That wasn't Trumps case. He had the various states try and use fake electors, with fake signatures, and fake documents to try and overturn the election. Something Gore never did.
That was for the speech that he gave quite a distance from the Capitol building, BWK! You knew THAT...right?
And let's be honest here...there were almost zero weapons brought to the protest AT the Capital!
Were you there, so as to know the inventory of weapons? The committee gave quite the list, contradicting any fantasies you may have.
So you are mind reading again? I seriously doubt that you know what the whole country thinks or knows. Especially since there are so many that call you on your BS.

The constitution and bill of right and all of our laws have zero meaning to the democrats who blindly pursue their quest for power without regard for the consequences. Just like you and your hate driven imagination and lies.
If that were true, we wouldn't have so many Republicans testifying about Republicans doing so many illegal things.
He asked the Governor of Georgia to investigate 44,000 mail in ballots that came in late. He didn't ask anyone to "invent" anything!
All I need is 11,780 votes. That isn't mail in votes he was asking about or talking about. In order to acquire 11,780 votes, the SOS would have needed to invent another 11,780 registered voters voting for Trump.
Again...what law did Trump break? Did he do almost everything that he could to challenge the result? Yes...without question! But what law did he break? You keep making that charge and you back it up with nothing.
You have to be brain dead. Seriously! Seek help.
All I need is 11,780 votes. That isn't mail in votes he was asking about or talking about. In order to acquire 11,780 votes, the SOS would have needed to invent another 11,780 registered voters voting for Trump.

Followed up with ...

And there's nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you've recalculated.

... and then ...

it is more illegal for you than it is for them because, you know what they did and you're not reporting it. That's a criminal, that's a criminal offense. And you can't let that happen. That's a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that's a big risk.

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