Jared Kusher paid little or no income taxes between 2009 to 2016

Paying taxes is punishment? Given that asinine axiom, the poor and middle class must be doing something terribly wrong.

Really? Why then is this a FACT you ignore? Why should anyone get a free ride in this great country?

45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
Published: Apr 18, 2016 1:58 p.m. ET
77.5 million households do not pay federal individual income tax
The number of individuals and married couples paying no federal income tax has risen to 45.3 percent — up five percentage points from the Tax Policy Center’s original estimate two years ago.

The TPC forecasted in 2013 that the number of households not paying federal taxes would fall to 40.4 percent, crediting an improving economy and the expiration of temporary tax cuts designed to stimulate the economy.

New data from Joint Commission on Taxation led the TPC to cut the number of people paying federal income taxes by 3.9 million. In total, 77.5 million individuals and married couples — or tax units. as they are defined by the TPC — won’t pay income tax this year out of a total of 171.3 million. The previous estimate was for 66.2 million out of 163.8 million tax units not paying income tax in 2015.

A project of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, the TPC believes the number of people paying no federal income taxes will fall over time though not as quickly as was first thought.

In 2015, 45 Percent Of Americans Will Pay No Federal Income Taxes

Like JohnLaw, you really should educate yourself. Unless of course, you intend to make a fool of yourself again and, in that case, go for it!
Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
So you have no problem with Trump signing into law more deductions that will result in tens of millions of dollars of tax benefits for Kushner and Trump when he leaves office?

Do you imagine Trump could have crafted a tax cut package that wouldn't benefit Kushner in any way?

You realize that you're a moron, don't you?
You need to stop being a sap. There is a difference between a general tax cut and one targeted to the business your in and that benefits you and your family personally to the tune of millions of dollars.

Please cite it for us. I'd especially like to see the part that says, "the Kushner family shall pay no taxes...".
Ok could you clarify a few of the sticking points for me...

- "appears to"
- "almost no" or was it "none"
- "Confidential" .... "suggest" hmmm, ?

BTW, if one doesn't follow the example of Warren Buffet, Trump etc. and wring every scintilla of traction out of tax code provisions & loopholes; they won't be qualifying for those loopholes much longer, lol. Part of the duplicity demonstrated by the left is their shrill cries of the travesty of them & U not paying enough taxes, & stories of secretaries paying more than them... but they take every damn loophole (as they should). Part of what drew me to Trump early on was his ownership of utilizing the system, including chapter 7.

And tax holes that are against the law, what do you think they have so many shell and LCC's for, hiding money, but the rich can do that . Just crime families and they expect the working poor to pay all the taxes. You people are sick that you condone this behavior, its called white collar crime.
If they were against the law, then the IRS would have penalized him for it, or possibly put him in jail. What you object to is Kusher following the laws implemented by Congress.

Oh they have connections. They pay appraisers to appraise their buildings cheap. What laws, the laws did not start till this year. He has been a tax evader for many years.

He has been a tax evader for many years.

and the IRS STILL hasn't caught him?
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

Yes.....he did this legally....just like the left wingers do..... He used existing tax law to keep the money he earned. What is the problem?
Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
So you have no problem with Trump signing into law more deductions that will result in tens of millions of dollars of tax benefits for Kushner and Trump when he leaves office?

Nope....I know I don't...... our problem isn't tax revenue, our problem is politicians spending too much money. You can't fix a problem of waste, fraud and abuse until you cut the flow of money to the criminals.....
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

Crooks. Tax evaders , all of them.

You're making a laughingstock out of yourself.
Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
So you have no problem with Trump signing into law more deductions that will result in tens of millions of dollars of tax benefits for Kushner and Trump when he leaves office?

Do you imagine Trump could have crafted a tax cut package that wouldn't benefit Kushner in any way?

You realize that you're a moron, don't you?
You need to stop being a sap. There is a difference between a general tax cut and one targeted to the business your in and that benefits you and your family personally to the tune of millions of dollars.

Please cite it for us. I'd especially like to see the part that says, "the Kushner family shall pay no taxes...".
I never wrote the Kushner family "shall pay no taxes" nor did I write what Kushner did was illegal.
Like JohnLaw, you really should educate yourself. Unless of course, you intend to make a fool of yourself again and, in that case, go for it!
I think you ought to learn how to click on links. Your entire thesis is based on a report by the Tax Policy Center, which is a subsidy of the Brookings Institution. I traced the report back to what should have been their original report. I guess they pulled it. It's an empty page. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/numbers/displayatab.cfm?DocID=1535#q6 You might want to start with verifiable facts next time.
Oh Noes!!!!!
John Kerry hid his yacht in another state to avoid taxes on it when the ketchup lady could of easily paid.

He also had it built in New Zealand rather than an American Company to save some of that ketchup. But about those things, Progressives look the other way.
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.
This is common among all the extreme wealthy. Why would pick on just Jared? Are you yet another foolish partisan?
Pray tell, what did I post which is NOT true?
Huh? Where did I say that? All I'm doing is pointing out that the source your base your arguments on, doesn't exist. You are free to argue your opinions, which I have not commented on but you are NOT arguing facts.
I think you ought to learn how to click on links. Your entire thesis is based on a report by the Tax Policy Center, which is a subsidy of the Brookings Institution. I traced the report back to what should have been their original report. I guess they pulled it. It's an empty page. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/numbers/displayatab.cfm?DocID=1535#q6 You might want to start with verifiable facts next time.

45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

New Estimates Of How Many Households Pay No Federal Income Tax


45% of households owe no federal income tax for 2010 - Apr. 17, 2011

Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.
just take a dump and throw it. See where it sticks, huh?
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system he has rigged in his favor.

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

He is laughing? NO, you are laughing, lol...……..and so are we!

Your pathetic attempt at class envy is obvious. Why don't you and Christine "Blue Balls" Ford go sue him, lolololol!

Your denial of crony capitalism is pathetic.
Interesting statistic

Since we have an INCOME tax
It shows where most of the INCOME goes

Yes, the INCOME goes to those who work the hardest and the smartest. Why is that a problem for you?
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.
i smell a pardon on the way :D

and no, it's not good to have to laugh at the sheer level of corruption and appeasement and upsetting of ties with allies, that Trump has brought to the whitehouse.

i do hope you pick better next time, Americans.
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.
i smell a pardon on the way :D

and no, it's not good to have to laugh at the sheer level of corruption and appeasement and upsetting of ties with allies, that Trump has brought to the whitehouse.

i do hope you pick better next time, Americans.
Don’t fall for leftist propaganda. What Jared has done is done by all wealthy people, in the USA. It is not illegal.

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