Jared Kusher paid little or no income taxes between 2009 to 2016

Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
So you have no problem with Trump signing into law more deductions that will result in tens of millions of dollars of tax benefits for Kushner and Trump when he leaves office?

Do you imagine Trump could have crafted a tax cut package that wouldn't benefit Kushner in any way?

You realize that you're a moron, don't you?
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system he has rigged in his favor.

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

He is laughing? NO, you are laughing, lol...……..and so are we!

Your pathetic attempt at class envy is obvious. Why don't you and Christine "Blue Balls" Ford go sue him, lolololol!
Class envy!!!! ROFLMAO.

Profiting off your government service must be the new American, or should I say, Trumplican way.

Don't you people get tired of being taken for saps?
Virtually every member of Congress becomes a millionaire during their "service." Hillary is worth $150 million, and she says she was dead broke when she left the White House. Who do you think you're kidding?

Changes in Net Worth of U.S. Senators and Representatives (Personal Gain Index) - Ballotpedia
Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
So you have no problem with Trump signing into law more deductions that will result in tens of millions of dollars of tax benefits for Kushner and Trump when he leaves office?
The words, over the past decade have no meaning for you.
Do the words newly enacted tax laws that will result in greater tax advantages for Trump/Kushner and other real developers have no significance to you. Kushner may never have to pay taxes for his multimillion dollar income because of changes in the law.. You're okay with that.
Which laws are those?
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

Awesome...good for Kushner, all good taxpayers should exploit the tax code to their greatest benefit without breaking the law. Soooo, what’s the problem here?
The problem is devising tax laws that benefits Trump when he leaves he leaves office.
No, that isn't a problem. The tax laws don't say that Trump and his family pay this amount while everyone else pays more. The tax laws benefit everyone. That includes the Trumps.
Ok could you clarify a few of the sticking points for me...

- "appears to"
- "almost no" or was it "none"
- "Confidential" .... "suggest" hmmm, ?

BTW, if one doesn't follow the example of Warren Buffet, Trump etc. and wring every scintilla of traction out of tax code provisions & loopholes; they won't be qualifying for those loopholes much longer, lol. Part of the duplicity demonstrated by the left is their shrill cries of the travesty of them & U not paying enough taxes, & stories of secretaries paying more than them... but they take every damn loophole (as they should). Part of what drew me to Trump early on was his ownership of utilizing the system, including chapter 7.

And tax holes that are against the law, what do you think they have so many shell and LCC's for, hiding money, but the rich can do that . Just crime families and they expect the working poor to pay all the taxes. You people are sick that you condone this behavior, its called white collar crime.
If they were against the law, then the IRS would have penalized him for it, or possibly put him in jail. What you object to is Kusher following the laws implemented by Congress.
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

So, according to you buying real estate and investing in stock is bad?
Where do you get that from??????
This whole thread is about how it's criminal for anyone to lower their tax burden by buying real estate.
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

Crooks. Tax evaders , all of them.
You're even dumber than I ever imagined.

Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
So you have no problem with Trump signing into law more deductions that will result in tens of millions of dollars of tax benefits for Kushner and Trump when he leaves office?
The words, over the past decade have no meaning for you.
Do the words newly enacted tax laws that will result in greater tax advantages for Trump/Kushner and other real developers have no significance to you. Kushner may never have to pay taxes for his multimillion dollar income because of changes in the law.. You're okay with that.

I hear Qatar bailed him off on 666.
"Bailed him off?" Is that some kind of obscure financial terminology I've never heard?

Do you realize that you are only proving that you're a fucking dumbass?
Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
So you have no problem with Trump signing into law more deductions that will result in tens of millions of dollars of tax benefits for Kushner and Trump when he leaves office?

Wait, wait-------> Obama and Clinton came into the Whitehouse broke as crapola,and came out richer than poop.

Now you are telling all of us that a guy who financed his own campaign with his own dollars, is some kind of crook?

How pathetically weak is that argument?

It is so weak, the ants are lifting their legs to pee on you-)
Do yourself a favor and evict Obama and Clinton from your brain where they live rent free. Focus on the issue at hand.

The issue is, if Trump enacted those laws, unless he used a phone and a pen, they went thru the House and Senate first.

You're putting the blame in the wrong place.
I meant signed into law. The executive branch played a major role in the tax legislation, including pushing these tax breaks. Mitch and Paul do what the Don wants.
Deductions for depreciation have been in the tax code for generations, moron.
And tax holes that are against the law,

"tax hole" by virtue of being written into the tax code as being a "hole" otherwise commonly referred to as a 'loophole' can't be illegal if it is part of state or fed. code. U following me here, lol.
You have to be a special kind of stupid not to understand that using a "loophole" in the tax code is entirely legal.
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

Awesome...good for Kushner, all good taxpayers should exploit the tax code to their greatest benefit without breaking the law. Soooo, what’s the problem here?
The problem is devising tax laws that benefits Trump when he leaves he leaves office.

Do these laws you speak of force the bottom feeding freeloaders to finally start contributing? Will this fun fact change at all?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax

How do you define freeloader? Is a freeloader someone that takes government money than uses every means to avoid paying taxes?

Apparently, Jared Kushner is not part of the 20%. I pay income taxes that go to support Jared. Jared is the very definition of freeloader.
What government money did Kushner take?
Lock him up,
Lock him up.

we should start chanting this at Dem rallies, but we know that court comes first or plea bargaining for the poor.
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

So what?

Why would you want to boast about your ignorance of tax law and investments?

Your entire rant falls apart in your first paragraph. Even you, do not pay any income taxes when you buy a real estate investment or stocks, bonds or whatever. You pay taxes on them when they are SOLD and you have made a profit. Even you, can and sell a real estate investment and defer paying taxes for decades by using a 1031 tax-free exchange. I have used it many times and have taught my clients how to use it to their advantage. Even you are entitled to take depreciation on your real estate investments. That doesn't exempt the taxes on those deductions, it lowers your base.... Oh never mind, this is all way above your head.

Bottom line, educate yourself before you make a fool of yourself again. If you educate yourself, you'll learn that you are entitled to use the same tax laws to your benefit. Every year for decades I would meet with my CPA for a couple of hours or a day later on to go over what I needed to do for the rest of the year and what I should do for the coming year to LEGALLY pay as little income tax as possible. I once bought a Cadillac Escalade, not because I wanted an SUV but the tax benefits that year made it almost criminal to NOT buy one. Yeah, it was using the fine print of the tax law but, like you, I want to pay Uncle Sam as little as legally possible.

Why should people who work to earn a lot of money be punished?
We have a 21 trillion dollar deficit and you make this ridiculous comment.

You sure didn't whine when failed former President Barack Hussein Obama added TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to the debt, did you?
Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Kushner Paid No Federal Income Tax for Years, Documents Suggest

Kushner took advantage of the law allowing depreciation on his real estate holdings while his buildings dramatically increased in value. Kushner's personal income was about 1.5 million per year in which no tax was paid.

The good news for Kushner, Trump and other real estate developers is that they will not have to pay taxes for years to come because the White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

The bad news is for the middle classes that will see the deficit soar and its benefits decline.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank as his supporters cheer that he gives some of his salary, chump change, to charity while he reaps the benefits of a system that he has rigged in his favor to the tune of tens of millions or dollars with his changes in these new tax laws,

Trumpists truly are the world's biggest saps.

So, according to you buying real estate and investing in stock is bad?
Where do you get that from??????
This whole thread is about how it's criminal for anyone to lower their tax burden by buying real estate.

This comment is pure idiocy. Grow up. I never once mentioned that what Jared did was criminal or illegal.
Last edited:
Ok could you clarify a few of the sticking points for me...

- "appears to"
- "almost no" or was it "none"
- "Confidential" .... "suggest" hmmm, ?

BTW, if one doesn't follow the example of Warren Buffet, Trump etc. and wring every scintilla of traction out of tax code provisions & loopholes; they won't be qualifying for those loopholes much longer, lol. Part of the duplicity demonstrated by the left is their shrill cries of the travesty of them & U not paying enough taxes, & stories of secretaries paying more than them... but they take every damn loophole (as they should). Part of what drew me to Trump early on was his ownership of utilizing the system, including chapter 7.

And tax holes that are against the law, what do you think they have so many shell and LCC's for, hiding money, but the rich can do that . Just crime families and they expect the working poor to pay all the taxes. You people are sick that you condone this behavior, its called white collar crime.
If they were against the law, then the IRS would have penalized him for it, or possibly put him in jail. What you object to is Kusher following the laws implemented by Congress.

Oh they have connections. They pay appraisers to appraise their buildings cheap. What laws, the laws did not start till this year. He has been a tax evader for many years.
Ohhh so he took advantage of the LAW. Hmmm sounds illegal to me. Oh wait. It's NOT illegal.
So you have no problem with Trump signing into law more deductions that will result in tens of millions of dollars of tax benefits for Kushner and Trump when he leaves office?

Do you imagine Trump could have crafted a tax cut package that wouldn't benefit Kushner in any way?

You realize that you're a moron, don't you?
You need to stop being a sap. There is a difference between a general tax cut and one targeted to the business your in and that benefits you and your family personally to the tune of millions of dollars.

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