Jeb Bush: I'm Concerned About Asian 'Anchor Babies,' Not Hispanic Ones


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship.

Bush used the term last week in an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett in reference to "birth tourism," which is the growing phenomenon of groups of Chinese women paying agencies to bring them to the U.S. to have their babies so that they can grow up as American citizens.

"If there's fraud or if there's abuse, if people are bringing pregnant women ... to have babies simply because they can do it, then there ought to be greater enforcement," he said to Bennett. "That's the legitimate side of this. Better enforcement so that you don't have these, you know, 'anchor babies,' as they're described, coming into the country."

Bush clarified his position on a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border Monday, during which he met with local leaders to discuss his immigration and border security platform.

“What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed, where there’s organized efforts, and frankly it’s more related to Asian people coming into our country having children in that organized effort, taking advantage of a noble concept, which is birthright citizenship,” he said.

When a reporter asked him if he thought his use of the term "anchor baby" would hurt his support among Hispanic and Latino voters, he dismissed the question:“Nothing about what I said should be viewed as derogatory toward immigrants at all,” he said.

In continuing to shrug off his use of the term, he said that people should “chill out,” and accused his opponents and the media of waging a war on political correctness and taking his comments out of context, even though "anchor baby" is typically used as a derogatory description of the children of undocumented immigrants.

More: Jeb Bush Clarifies That He’s Concerned About Asian 'Anchor Babies,' Not Hispanic Ones

So, now it's not them Mexicans. It's them Asian anchor babies that be the problem. Which border is them Asians crossing?
WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship.

Bush used the term last week in an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett in reference to "birth tourism," which is the growing phenomenon of groups of Chinese women paying agencies to bring them to the U.S. to have their babies so that they can grow up as American citizens.

"If there's fraud or if there's abuse, if people are bringing pregnant women ... to have babies simply because they can do it, then there ought to be greater enforcement," he said to Bennett. "That's the legitimate side of this. Better enforcement so that you don't have these, you know, 'anchor babies,' as they're described, coming into the country."

Bush clarified his position on a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border Monday, during which he met with local leaders to discuss his immigration and border security platform.

“What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed, where there’s organized efforts, and frankly it’s more related to Asian people coming into our country having children in that organized effort, taking advantage of a noble concept, which is birthright citizenship,” he said.

When a reporter asked him if he thought his use of the term "anchor baby" would hurt his support among Hispanic and Latino voters, he dismissed the question:“Nothing about what I said should be viewed as derogatory toward immigrants at all,” he said.

In continuing to shrug off his use of the term, he said that people should “chill out,” and accused his opponents and the media of waging a war on political correctness and taking his comments out of context, even though "anchor baby" is typically used as a derogatory description of the children of undocumented immigrants.

More: Jeb Bush Clarifies That He’s Concerned About Asian 'Anchor Babies,' Not Hispanic Ones

So, now it's not them Mexicans. It's them Asian anchor babies that be the problem. Okay...
There literally is a cottage industry here in California of Asian women, usually Chinese, coming here on "vacation" at 9 months. There are travel agents for this and they set them up with the hospitals and post-natal care and everything.
WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship.

Bush used the term last week in an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett in reference to "birth tourism," which is the growing phenomenon of groups of Chinese women paying agencies to bring them to the U.S. to have their babies so that they can grow up as American citizens.

"If there's fraud or if there's abuse, if people are bringing pregnant women ... to have babies simply because they can do it, then there ought to be greater enforcement," he said to Bennett. "That's the legitimate side of this. Better enforcement so that you don't have these, you know, 'anchor babies,' as they're described, coming into the country."

Bush clarified his position on a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border Monday, during which he met with local leaders to discuss his immigration and border security platform.

“What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed, where there’s organized efforts, and frankly it’s more related to Asian people coming into our country having children in that organized effort, taking advantage of a noble concept, which is birthright citizenship,” he said.

When a reporter asked him if he thought his use of the term "anchor baby" would hurt his support among Hispanic and Latino voters, he dismissed the question:“Nothing about what I said should be viewed as derogatory toward immigrants at all,” he said.

In continuing to shrug off his use of the term, he said that people should “chill out,” and accused his opponents and the media of waging a war on political correctness and taking his comments out of context, even though "anchor baby" is typically used as a derogatory description of the children of undocumented immigrants.

More: Jeb Bush Clarifies That He’s Concerned About Asian 'Anchor Babies,' Not Hispanic Ones

So, now it's not them Mexicans. It's them Asian anchor babies that be the problem. Okay...
There literally is a cottage industry here in California of Asian women, usually Chinese, coming here on "vacation" at 9 months. There are travel agents for this and they set them up with the hospitals and post-natal care and everything.

Thank you. I didn't know that. However, I doubt Trump will switch his anti-Mexican rhetoric to anti-Asian rhetoric. I think I can see why Bush switched.
Yeah....................but the bigots on the right are only worried about the Mexicans, because they are an easier target to point at.

Asian anchor babies don't have the same anger rousing effect that Mexican anchor babies do.
Yeah....................but the bigots on the right are only worried about the Mexicans, because they are an easier target to point at.

Asian anchor babies don't have the same anger rousing effect that Mexican anchor babies do.

Amen! The NaziCons are after them Mexicans! Mexicians evoke more anger, fear and hate!
Does anyone else think that Jeb is a spineless little creep for switching his "anchor baby" rhetoric over to Asians? Actually, I think that is funny as hell - and cowardly. At least Adolf Trump has a spine.
Yeah, that's the ticket.

I don't care if anyone does this, dual citizenship means that they will grow up to pay US taxes even if they do not live here or renounce their citizenship.
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Well, Jeb had balls for what, 18 hours? Then he walked back his comment on anchor babies. Okay, Jeb. I was seriously looking at you for a minute there. Thought you could be a candidate. Go back to Florida.
Jeb sucks and his gaffes get a fraction of the doomsday-level reactions Romney's gaffes received. Major double-standard in the GOP
Jeb sucks and his gaffes get a fraction of the doomsday-level reactions Romney's gaffes received. Major double-standard in the GOP
The front-runner gets the most media glare. Jeb is so pathetically irrelevant right now that anything he says is reported just because he's Jeb Bush not because it's interesting.
Jeb sucks and his gaffes get a fraction of the doomsday-level reactions Romney's gaffes received. Major double-standard in the GOP
The front-runner gets the most media glare. Jeb is so pathetically irrelevant right now that anything he says is reported just because he's Jeb Bush not because it's interesting.

Asians are going to find that very interesting at the polls. Jeb is just proving in a very painful way that George is the smart one after all.
WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship.

Bush used the term last week in an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett in reference to "birth tourism," which is the growing phenomenon of groups of Chinese women paying agencies to bring them to the U.S. to have their babies so that they can grow up as American citizens.

"If there's fraud or if there's abuse, if people are bringing pregnant women ... to have babies simply because they can do it, then there ought to be greater enforcement," he said to Bennett. "That's the legitimate side of this. Better enforcement so that you don't have these, you know, 'anchor babies,' as they're described, coming into the country."

Bush clarified his position on a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border Monday, during which he met with local leaders to discuss his immigration and border security platform.

“What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed, where there’s organized efforts, and frankly it’s more related to Asian people coming into our country having children in that organized effort, taking advantage of a noble concept, which is birthright citizenship,” he said.

When a reporter asked him if he thought his use of the term "anchor baby" would hurt his support among Hispanic and Latino voters, he dismissed the question:“Nothing about what I said should be viewed as derogatory toward immigrants at all,” he said.

In continuing to shrug off his use of the term, he said that people should “chill out,” and accused his opponents and the media of waging a war on political correctness and taking his comments out of context, even though "anchor baby" is typically used as a derogatory description of the children of undocumented immigrants.

More: Jeb Bush Clarifies That He’s Concerned About Asian 'Anchor Babies,' Not Hispanic Ones

So, now it's not them Mexicans. It's them Asian anchor babies that be the problem. Okay...
There literally is a cottage industry here in California of Asian women, usually Chinese, coming here on "vacation" at 9 months. There are travel agents for this and they set them up with the hospitals and post-natal care and everything.

Thank you. I didn't know that. However, I doubt Trump will switch his anti-Mexican rhetoric to anti-Asian rhetoric. I think I can see why Bush switched.
Trump is an equal opportunity nazi. Mexicans are what exercises most of his goose steppers, but asians are close behind.

Sanders is more anti asian than anti mexican.
WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship.

Bush used the term last week in an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett in reference to "birth tourism," which is the growing phenomenon of groups of Chinese women paying agencies to bring them to the U.S. to have their babies so that they can grow up as American citizens.

"If there's fraud or if there's abuse, if people are bringing pregnant women ... to have babies simply because they can do it, then there ought to be greater enforcement," he said to Bennett. "That's the legitimate side of this. Better enforcement so that you don't have these, you know, 'anchor babies,' as they're described, coming into the country."

Bush clarified his position on a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border Monday, during which he met with local leaders to discuss his immigration and border security platform.

“What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed, where there’s organized efforts, and frankly it’s more related to Asian people coming into our country having children in that organized effort, taking advantage of a noble concept, which is birthright citizenship,” he said.

When a reporter asked him if he thought his use of the term "anchor baby" would hurt his support among Hispanic and Latino voters, he dismissed the question:“Nothing about what I said should be viewed as derogatory toward immigrants at all,” he said.

In continuing to shrug off his use of the term, he said that people should “chill out,” and accused his opponents and the media of waging a war on political correctness and taking his comments out of context, even though "anchor baby" is typically used as a derogatory description of the children of undocumented immigrants.

More: Jeb Bush Clarifies That He’s Concerned About Asian 'Anchor Babies,' Not Hispanic Ones

So, now it's not them Mexicans. It's them Asian anchor babies that be the problem. Which border is them Asians crossing?

Jeb sucks and his gaffes get a fraction of the doomsday-level reactions Romney's gaffes received. Major double-standard in the GOP
The front-runner gets the most media glare. Jeb is so pathetically irrelevant right now that anything he says is reported just because he's Jeb Bush not because it's interesting.

Asians are going to find that very interesting at the polls. Jeb is just proving in a very painful way that George is the smart one after all.
The Republicans had already lost all immigrant populations, especially now that they are running on the lie that they can change the 14th amendment. This is a deliberate calculated act, they think they can get ALL the white people to vote their bigotry.
Jeb does seem especially dumb. Maybe George W. is the smart one?
I have been saying fuck Jeb since there was a hint about him running. I can't say FUCK JEB any better.

FUCK JEB and the rest of the Goddamned RINOs.

Jeb sucks and his gaffes get a fraction of the doomsday-level reactions Romney's gaffes received. Major double-standard in the GOP

Romney made plenty of gaffes before he was the last republicrat standing, and you can bet your ass that if Jeb is the last republicrat standing everything stupid he's ever said will suddenly become front page material.

That's why we can't let the democrook media choose Jeb as the nominee or any of the other RINOs.

Am I the only one wondering why any immigrant would vote Republican?

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