Jeb Bush interview

I dont see anything he says about amnesty. I do see he wants to enforce the law.
Keep trying.

All due respect Rabbi, you have to read between the lines. Who was it that that told us crossing the border illegally is an act of love?? Face it the guy considers hispanics his people and will give them special treatment. He's a fat fuck, who should be spit on by every republican voter.
No, I dont have to read between the lines. I have to see evidence Bush supports amnesty before I'll believe it.

And anyone who opposes all immigration is a nit wit.

Where did I say I oppose all imigration?
see Rocko and any people that provided links . boosh supporters are going to support the boosh no matter what so its a waste of time to go looking for links . All you really have to do is look at the boosh family to see where his / their sympathy lies !!
So Rabbi why does Gutierrez think Jeb will pass Amnesty?
and in my post number 22 , it should actually read that boosh supporters or RINO supporters are the same thing as I note that the good Rabbi put boosh as his forth choice .
and most republican / rinos / moderates that are frontrunners are nothing more than 'rinos' anyway Rabbi !!
That doesnt begin to substantiate the idea that Bush stands for amnesty. You'll have to try harder.
Jeb Bush I Can Persuade Conservatives on Amnesty - Breitbart
I dont see anything he says about amnesty. I do see he wants to enforce the law.
Keep trying.

All due respect Rabbi, you have to read between the lines. Who was it that that told us crossing the border illegally is an act of love?? Face it the guy considers hispanics his people and will give them special treatment. He's a fat fuck, who should be spit on by every republican voter.
No, I dont have to read between the lines. I have to see evidence Bush supports amnesty before I'll believe it.

And anyone who opposes all immigration is a nit wit.

Where did I say I oppose all imigration?
It was Pismoe in #15.
see Rocko and any people that provided links . boosh supporters are going to support the boosh no matter what so its a waste of time to go looking for links . All you really have to do is look at the boosh family to see where his / their sympathy lies !!
You understand you made a statement about Bush's views on immigration and then failed to produce links that supported that, right?
For the record Bush supports enforcing immigration laws. Are you opposed to enforcing immigration laws?
and in my post number 22 , it should actually read that boosh supporters or RINO supporters are the same thing as I note that the good Rabbi put boosh as his forth choice .
In addition to being stupid you also cannot read. I said Bush was not even my fourth choice.
well , I think that you can read Rabbi . If I'm correct then you read where I said that I wasn't going to WASTE my time providing links to the obvious . I mean , its the boosh family that being talked about , everyone knows that they and the 'boosh' being discussed are pro immigration . He11 , the 'boosh' being discussed even identified himself as 'hispanic' on some kind of form that he filled out sometime in the past . Anyway , my eyes , ears and reading plus common sense observation tells me that the 'boosh' and family is pro immigration .
and the Rabbi is even impolite and a name caller and that makes me smile , C'mon Rabbi , the 'boosh' is a moderate 'rino' like his old man and his brother !! He11 , one pushed 'compassionate conservatism' and the other pushed 'conservatism with its thousand points of light' . And this current 'boosh' says that ILLEGAL ALIENS crash USA borders out of an act of love Rabbi !!
and both the old man and 'gwb' Allowed the constant flow of illegal aliens into the USA . This new 'boosh' will do the same . Same goes for a 'rubio' , one of the 'gang of eight'. Same goes for a 'christy' , look at new jersey one of the most corrupt states in the USA . Probably the same for other 'rinos' but what I've said is good enough for this post Rabbi !!
well , I think that you can read Rabbi . If I'm correct then you read where I said that I wasn't going to WASTE my time providing links to the obvious . I mean , its the boosh family that being talked about , everyone knows that they and the 'boosh' being discussed are pro immigration . He11 , the 'boosh' being discussed even identified himself as 'hispanic' on some kind of form that he filled out sometime in the past . Anyway , my eyes , ears and reading plus common sense observation tells me that the 'boosh' and family is pro immigration .
Everyone knows the GOP is for rich white people.
Everyone knows the GOP hates blacks, gays, and women.
Everyone knows the Koch Brothers dictate who gets nominated in the GOP
Eveyrone knows big corporations run this country.

When you have to appeal to "everyone knows" you've lost the battle.
You dont like Jeb Bush not for any reason but his name is Bush and you've been conditioned by both leftists and rightists to hate Bush. You dont need a reason beyond that.
you see what I typed Rabbi , draw your own conclusions , ok with me !! Others on the board also saw my reasoning and I'm happy with that Rabbi !! Anyway , Hilary , bernie sanders or 'pochahantas warren' are going to get my vote over a 'boosh' or republican rino Rabbi !!
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you see what I typed Rabbi , draw your own conclusions , ok with me !! Others on the board also saw my reasoning and I'm happy with that Rabbi !! Anyway , Hilary , bernie sanders or 'pochahantas warren' are going to get my vote over a 'boosh' or republican rino Rabbi !!
My conclusion is you are brain damaged.
hey 'LLaugher' , yeah , looks that way although I'm not fighting . Just stating what I'm going to do if a 'rino' like the 'boosh' gets the nomination . I'm surprised at the Rabbi though , looks like he is just another person that likes to throw insults !!
Woooooooohoooooo! It's a regular idiot nutter fight! With all due respect, of course!

Megyn Kelly doesn't give softball interviews! Best chuckle of the day!
Sez the guy with the clown avatar. Yeah we take you real seriously.

If you took me seriously....I'd start to worry about my sanity.

I must say, however, you were very impressive in this thread....demanding that your buddies elaborate on their opinion of good ol' Jeb. You usually reserve such filibuster tactics for our liberal participants.

You see.....nobody has to find proof that Jeb would likely provide amnesty to those already here. Shit.....a politico such as yourself should know that. He's not 100% batshit he knows that the GOP had better get busy with meaningful immigration reform if they are to remain competitive.

Ya big dummy, ya!
see what I mean LLaugher , looks like the Rabbi may be just another rino / repub / moderate supporter !!

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