Jeb Bush: Next president should privatize Social Security

Over ANY 40 year period the market has had positive returns well above Treasury Bills

That's awesome, when you figure out how I can invest $1 today in a stock present in 1975, let me know.

Look up dollar cost averaging maybe you'll learn something
That's great, you read a few pages on investing, and you think you're Warren Buffet now. This is exactly why its good morons like you are forced to buy retirement insurance - to insure you against your own false sense of intelligence.

Dollar cost averaging fails the ordinary worker because the ordinary worker, on average, faces lay-offs and stagnant wages when stocks are priced low and tends to receive his pay raises and more hours when stocks are priced high - THEREFORE - the inescapable economic reality is that workers have less money to invest when stocks are priced low and more money to invest when stocks are priced high. This is in fact part of what drives the swings in the stock market. DERP. The average investor does not beat the market.

Tell me - honestly - you are doing dollar cost averaging, right? How long have you been investing the same amount of money in terms of total dollars? 5 years ? 10 years? You get a raise, you don't start investing more? If you get laid off - do you plan on keeping up your dollar cost investing?

I've been dollar cost averaging since I was 18 and could buy investments.

So you're only putting aside the same monthly amount in savings that you were when you were 18 ?

As it is today I own my own business and we invest about 30% of our gross income every year

Uhh, I hate to break it to you, but that's not dollar cost averaging dude.

I don't need to dollar cost average any more idiot.

Then why did you say "I've been dollar cost averaging since I was 18" ?

When I was working for other people I did save a set amount of money every month. When I got a raise I added it to the savings.

That's not dollar cost averaging, either.

When I got those third paychecks is a month I saved those, I saved every dime of my tax returns as well.

Also, not dollar cost averaging.

It's called discipline.
But its definitely not called dollar cost averaging.

Investing the same amount every month is dollar cost averaging moron

DEFINITION of 'Dollar-Cost Averaging - DCA'
The technique of buying a fixed dollar amount of a particular investment on a regular schedule, regardless of the share price. More shares are purchased when prices are low, and fewer shares are bought when prices are high.
Hey Sheep do some math.

Take 15% of your lifetime income and do a calculation of how much you would have if you got a 7% return on that over your life time then tell me that SS is a better deal

The current payroll tax is 6.2%. Not 15%. You can put the other 8.8% wherever you want.
Your employer matches it or didn't you know that?

The total of all FICA taxes is 7.5 from the employee and 7.5% from the employer or 15% of the employee's income.

Let people have that 15% to invest and no one would need medicare.

People wouldn't invest it.

You are aware aren't you that seniors without income get all the welfare benefits that anyone else gets.

Make them invest it. If they don't choose their investments then make the default T bills.
Hey Sheep do some math.

Take 15% of your lifetime income and do a calculation of how much you would have if you got a 7% return on that over your life time then tell me that SS is a better deal

The current payroll tax is 6.2%. Not 15%. You can put the other 8.8% wherever you want.
Your employer matches it or didn't you know that?

The total of all FICA taxes is 7.5 from the employee and 7.5% from the employer or 15% of the employee's income.

Let people have that 15% to invest and no one would need medicare.

People wouldn't invest it.

You are aware aren't you that seniors without income get all the welfare benefits that anyone else gets.

Make them invest it. If they don't choose their investments then make the default T bills.

lol, I thought you called force some sort of indentured servitude. Who said that? You?
I'm sorry, but anyone who peruses this board for ten minutes realizes there are A LOT of rubes in this world. And those rubes are ripe for the plucking by financial frauds who will strip them and leave them naked in the street.

And then those millions upon million upon millions of bankrupt rubes will demand the government support them when they turn 65 and have no nest egg.

I'm sure Wall Street loooooooooves the idea of more money falling into their hands. Love, love, love it.
Why do you have to pay someone to invest for you when you can do it yourself.

Shit you can look up Warren Buffet's portfolio and copy it if you want just get an E trade account and pay a small fee for each trade

If you are pedestrian moron, yes, you can copy Warren Buffet's portfolio.

Yeah I'm sure you do better than he does right?

BTW that was simply an example to illustrate that you do not have to pay anyone to manage your money.

I didn't expect you to understand

It doesn't matter how Warren Buffet has done, it only matters how good he will do. Why do you insist that its possible
Whoever said you were?
You want the state to cover people when they make poor choices.
That makes me responsible.
That's not what social security retirement does.
Social security does not cover people who make poor retirement investment choices?

It prevents them from squandering 15% of their money on poor investment choices, yes.

Retirement insurance should be the foundation of any retirement portfolio, as the biggest uncertainty about retirement is how long one will live.

Sorry but if you took the 15% the government steals from you and saved another 15% you'd have plenty to live on no matter how logn you lived and you'd be able to leave some to your family

Would have.

I haven't gotten in a car accident in 20 years. Guess I shouldn't have bought insurance, right?
I'm sorry, but anyone who peruses this board for ten minutes realizes there are A LOT of rubes in this world. And those rubes are ripe for the plucking by financial frauds who will strip them and leave them naked in the street.

And then those millions upon million upon millions of bankrupt rubes will demand the government support them when they turn 65 and have no nest egg.

I'm sure Wall Street loooooooooves the idea of more money falling into their hands. Love, love, love it.
Why do you have to pay someone to invest for you when you can do it yourself.

Shit you can look up Warren Buffet's portfolio and copy it if you want just get an E trade account and pay a small fee for each trade
Oh my God. That is one of the stupidest investment strategies I have ever heard. You'd be one of those dead broke idiots at 65 I was talking about.
Hey Sheep do some math.

Take 15% of your lifetime income and do a calculation of how much you would have if you got a 7% return on that over your life time then tell me that SS is a better deal

The current payroll tax is 6.2%. Not 15%. You can put the other 8.8% wherever you want.
Your employer matches it or didn't you know that?

The total of all FICA taxes is 7.5 from the employee and 7.5% from the employer or 15% of the employee's income.

Let people have that 15% to invest and no one would need medicare.

People wouldn't invest it.

You are aware aren't you that seniors without income get all the welfare benefits that anyone else gets.

Make them invest it. If they don't choose their investments then make the default T bills.

lol, I thought you called force some sort of indentured servitude. Who said that? You?

Not me.

People are already forced to fork their money over to the government so why not force them to save it in a private account instead.

Shit I'd settle for forcing them to put their contribution in a private account and the employer contribution can go to SS like it does now.

People would still be far better off in retirement
Why do you have to pay someone to invest for you when you can do it yourself.

Shit you can look up Warren Buffet's portfolio and copy it if you want just get an E trade account and pay a small fee for each trade

If you are pedestrian moron, yes, you can copy Warren Buffet's portfolio.

Yeah I'm sure you do better than he does right?

BTW that was simply an example to illustrate that you do not have to pay anyone to manage your money.

I didn't expect you to understand

It doesn't matter how Warren Buffet has done, it only matters how good he will do. Why do you insist that its possible
You want the state to cover people when they make poor choices.
That makes me responsible.
That's not what social security retirement does.
Social security does not cover people who make poor retirement investment choices?

It prevents them from squandering 15% of their money on poor investment choices, yes.

Retirement insurance should be the foundation of any retirement portfolio, as the biggest uncertainty about retirement is how long one will live.

Sorry but if you took the 15% the government steals from you and saved another 15% you'd have plenty to live on no matter how logn you lived and you'd be able to leave some to your family

Would have.

I haven't gotten in a car accident in 20 years. Guess I shouldn't have bought insurance, right?

The state forces you to would you if you weren't forced to?
Jesus christ, what is wrong with this nut?
WASHINGTON – Jeb Bush thinks the next president will need to privatize Social Security, he said at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday – acknowledging that his brother attempted to do so and failed. It’s a position sure to be attacked by both Republicans and Democrats.

Bush has previously said he would support raising the retirement age to get Social Security benefits, a common position among Republicans. And he backed a partial privatization that House Republicans have proposed that would allow people to choose private accounts.

The future of Social Security has become one of the most hotly contested issues in national politics, and both parties have accused the other of threatening its survival. Republicans argue that Democrats’ refusal to change the program will lead to its bankruptcy. Democrats sayprivatization would kill the program and leave elderly Americans at the mercy of the stock market. Plus, any discussion of changing the system often creates fear in older Americans beyond or nearing the age of retirement, who also tend to vote in the greatest numbers.

Republicans have split on the answer to fix the program, which could begin to pay out more than it takes in as more baby boomers retire and younger generations aren’t able to pay enough into the system to keep it going. Understanding the fear privatization proposals create, some Republicans have argued that the retirement age should be increased or means-testing established instead. Many Democrats advocate raising the ceiling for the tax that funds it.
Jeb Bush Next president should privatize Social Security
The one good thing is, he will never get elected now..
SSI is the worst of immoral ponzi schemes that was set up as a lie and steals from one to give to another. It will not last and it cannot last. Those are the facts. Now, how to fix it? I say, the government destroyed it because it thought it needed the money more than the people who put it in. Now, we should not keep it in the government's dirty hands.
We aren't talking about SSI.
I'm sorry, but anyone who peruses this board for ten minutes realizes there are A LOT of rubes in this world. And those rubes are ripe for the plucking by financial frauds who will strip them and leave them naked in the street.

And then those millions upon million upon millions of bankrupt rubes will demand the government support them when they turn 65 and have no nest egg.

I'm sure Wall Street loooooooooves the idea of more money falling into their hands. Love, love, love it.
Why do you have to pay someone to invest for you when you can do it yourself.

Shit you can look up Warren Buffet's portfolio and copy it if you want just get an E trade account and pay a small fee for each trade
Oh my God. That is one of the stupidest investment strategies I have ever heard. You'd be one of those dead broke idiots at 65 I was talking about.

another idiot who doesn't understand a simple example.

All I was trying to illustrate was that you don't have to pay someone to invest for you there are thousands of resources available and looking at the portfolios of successful investors is merely one of them
If you are pedestrian moron, yes, you can copy Warren Buffet's portfolio.

Yeah I'm sure you do better than he does right?

BTW that was simply an example to illustrate that you do not have to pay anyone to manage your money.

I didn't expect you to understand

It doesn't matter how Warren Buffet has done, it only matters how good he will do. Why do you insist that its possible
That's not what social security retirement does.
Social security does not cover people who make poor retirement investment choices?

It prevents them from squandering 15% of their money on poor investment choices, yes.

Retirement insurance should be the foundation of any retirement portfolio, as the biggest uncertainty about retirement is how long one will live.

Sorry but if you took the 15% the government steals from you and saved another 15% you'd have plenty to live on no matter how logn you lived and you'd be able to leave some to your family

Would have.

I haven't gotten in a car accident in 20 years. Guess I shouldn't have bought insurance, right?

The state forces you to would you if you weren't forced to?

Yes. Only a moron would drive around without liability insurance.
I'm sorry, but anyone who peruses this board for ten minutes realizes there are A LOT of rubes in this world. And those rubes are ripe for the plucking by financial frauds who will strip them and leave them naked in the street.

And then those millions upon million upon millions of bankrupt rubes will demand the government support them when they turn 65 and have no nest egg.

I'm sure Wall Street loooooooooves the idea of more money falling into their hands. Love, love, love it.
Why do you have to pay someone to invest for you when you can do it yourself.

Shit you can look up Warren Buffet's portfolio and copy it if you want just get an E trade account and pay a small fee for each trade
Oh my God. That is one of the stupidest investment strategies I have ever heard. You'd be one of those dead broke idiots at 65 I was talking about.

another idiot who doesn't understand a simple example.

All I was trying to illustrate was that you don't have to pay someone to invest for you there are thousands of resources available and looking at the portfolios of successful investors is merely one of them

My God, you are clueless.

DIY investing. "Thousands of resources available". Holy shit, the frauds would just loooooooove the millions of rubes like you!

"Come on down to Bob's Waterfront Properties Investments and we will make you a millionaire by Christmas!"
Yeah I'm sure you do better than he does right?

BTW that was simply an example to illustrate that you do not have to pay anyone to manage your money.

I didn't expect you to understand

It doesn't matter how Warren Buffet has done, it only matters how good he will do. Why do you insist that its possible
Social security does not cover people who make poor retirement investment choices?

It prevents them from squandering 15% of their money on poor investment choices, yes.

Retirement insurance should be the foundation of any retirement portfolio, as the biggest uncertainty about retirement is how long one will live.

Sorry but if you took the 15% the government steals from you and saved another 15% you'd have plenty to live on no matter how logn you lived and you'd be able to leave some to your family

Would have.

I haven't gotten in a car accident in 20 years. Guess I shouldn't have bought insurance, right?

The state forces you to would you if you weren't forced to?

Yes. Only a moron would drive around without liability insurance.

It depends on your situation

Do you keep fire and collision on a car that's paid off?
And so, its not really insurance. Thank you.
It is. Its called Social Security Retirement Insurance
The fact that it is called insurance on no way means it IS insurance.

It is insurance because it fits the definition of the word "insurance". You pay premiums over time. If you attain retirement age or are disabled, you can make a claim on the policy. If neither of those events happen, you don't get anything. Its the very definition of retirement and disability insurance.

Do you not get what words mean?
I'm sorry, but anyone who peruses this board for ten minutes realizes there are A LOT of rubes in this world. And those rubes are ripe for the plucking by financial frauds who will strip them and leave them naked in the street.

And then those millions upon million upon millions of bankrupt rubes will demand the government support them when they turn 65 and have no nest egg.

I'm sure Wall Street loooooooooves the idea of more money falling into their hands. Love, love, love it.
Why do you have to pay someone to invest for you when you can do it yourself.

Shit you can look up Warren Buffet's portfolio and copy it if you want just get an E trade account and pay a small fee for each trade
Oh my God. That is one of the stupidest investment strategies I have ever heard. You'd be one of those dead broke idiots at 65 I was talking about.

another idiot who doesn't understand a simple example.

All I was trying to illustrate was that you don't have to pay someone to invest for you there are thousands of resources available and looking at the portfolios of successful investors is merely one of them

My God, you are clueless.

DIY investing. "Thousands of resources available". Holy shit, the frauds would just loooooooove the millions of rubes like you!

I do just fine thank you very much
It doesn't matter how Warren Buffet has done, it only matters how good he will do. Why do you insist that its possible
It prevents them from squandering 15% of their money on poor investment choices, yes.

Retirement insurance should be the foundation of any retirement portfolio, as the biggest uncertainty about retirement is how long one will live.

Sorry but if you took the 15% the government steals from you and saved another 15% you'd have plenty to live on no matter how logn you lived and you'd be able to leave some to your family

Would have.

I haven't gotten in a car accident in 20 years. Guess I shouldn't have bought insurance, right?

The state forces you to would you if you weren't forced to?

Yes. Only a moron would drive around without liability insurance.

It depends on your situation

Do you keep fire and collision on a car that's paid off?

I suppose if you have no assets to lose it might make sense, but you'd really just be pushing the cost onto others. Other than that you're a real moron if you don't have it.

Do you keep fire and collision on a car that's paid off?

I said liability insurance. Not collision. Pay attention.
I'm sorry, but anyone who peruses this board for ten minutes realizes there are A LOT of rubes in this world. And those rubes are ripe for the plucking by financial frauds who will strip them and leave them naked in the street.

And then those millions upon million upon millions of bankrupt rubes will demand the government support them when they turn 65 and have no nest egg.

I'm sure Wall Street loooooooooves the idea of more money falling into their hands. Love, love, love it.
Why do you have to pay someone to invest for you when you can do it yourself.

Shit you can look up Warren Buffet's portfolio and copy it if you want just get an E trade account and pay a small fee for each trade
Oh my God. That is one of the stupidest investment strategies I have ever heard. You'd be one of those dead broke idiots at 65 I was talking about.

another idiot who doesn't understand a simple example.

All I was trying to illustrate was that you don't have to pay someone to invest for you there are thousands of resources available and looking at the portfolios of successful investors is merely one of them

Looking at the porfolios of successful investors is about as moronic as you can get. Its the worst example of survivorship bias in the investing world ("survivorship bias" - you might not find that term in your DIY investing books, you should look it up though)
That's awesome, when you figure out how I can invest $1 today in a stock present in 1975, let me know.

That's great, you read a few pages on investing, and you think you're Warren Buffet now. This is exactly why its good morons like you are forced to buy retirement insurance - to insure you against your own false sense of intelligence.

Dollar cost averaging fails the ordinary worker because the ordinary worker, on average, faces lay-offs and stagnant wages when stocks are priced low and tends to receive his pay raises and more hours when stocks are priced high - THEREFORE - the inescapable economic reality is that workers have less money to invest when stocks are priced low and more money to invest when stocks are priced high. This is in fact part of what drives the swings in the stock market. DERP. The average investor does not beat the market.

Tell me - honestly - you are doing dollar cost averaging, right? How long have you been investing the same amount of money in terms of total dollars? 5 years ? 10 years? You get a raise, you don't start investing more? If you get laid off - do you plan on keeping up your dollar cost investing?

I've been dollar cost averaging since I was 18 and could buy investments.

So you're only putting aside the same monthly amount in savings that you were when you were 18 ?

As it is today I own my own business and we invest about 30% of our gross income every year

Uhh, I hate to break it to you, but that's not dollar cost averaging dude.

I don't need to dollar cost average any more idiot.

Then why did you say "I've been dollar cost averaging since I was 18" ?

When I was working for other people I did save a set amount of money every month. When I got a raise I added it to the savings.

That's not dollar cost averaging, either.

When I got those third paychecks is a month I saved those, I saved every dime of my tax returns as well.

Also, not dollar cost averaging.

It's called discipline.
But its definitely not called dollar cost averaging.

Investing the same amount every month is dollar cost averaging moron

Yeah, but that's not what you were doing.

"When I got a raise I added it to the savings." - You

"When I got those third paychecks is a month I saved those, I saved every dime of my tax returns as well." - You

Those amounts are not the same every month - hence - not dollar cost averaging - by your own definition.

Dollar cost averaging is only useful as a short term strategy. If you were to, say, come into $12,000 cash all of a sudden, you might invest $1000 a month in the market for a year instead of dropping the 12k all at once.

As a long term strategy, as you have just illustrated - it is not practical to maintain. Workers tend to have more money to invest when stock prices are high and less when they are low - reality is the opposite of dollar cost averaging.

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