Jeb Bush not ruling out 2016

I think we should pick a random name from the phone book. Might do better than what we have been getting.

Phone book -- guess I'm showing my age here.
Jeb Bush is a Floridian. He was only a so so governor. My biggest beef, but not the only big beef, with him is that he's a major crook. Back in the early 80s we had a huge S&L scandal down in South Florida. Thousands of people lost everything. Jeb Bush made a bajillion dollars. The only reason he didn't get prosecuted was because his daddy was POTUS.

Additionally, Jeb is a progressive Republican, a RINO, and a NeoCon.
If the GOP is stupid enough to run him they deserve to fade away as a party.

To the bolded: How is that even possible?

Neocons, RINOs, and Progresives are not mutually exclusive. A NeoCon is definitely not conservative, and therefor not truly a Republican. Progressives support big government and there are certainly progressive Republicans.
Why anyone with a functioning brain would vote for a Bush is beyond me.

Jeb Bush, and his entire family deserve to rot in hell. Every cousin, every child etc. Human filth.
for those of you counting him out, I've got Two words for you;

Mitt Romney

If he's the only moderate running, the dnc owned media will drum out all the conservatives

Seriously, you are going to blame the MSM for Mittens?


Hey, guy, reality check. Mitten won because he was the guy the rich- the people who really run your party - wanted.

Now, maybe they won't run as naked a plutocrat next time, but the GOP nominee will be approved by Wall Street. If you Rabble and Rubes get any other ideas, that person will be found in bed with a dead hooker.
Mitt will never win a primary against Chris Christie. Ann Coulter said that last time.
But does the country want to go that route.

Jeb Bush hints at 2016 | MSNBC

Can't say much about the Bush clan in the face of the Clintons.

I think he has a great chance of becoming the next President. However, he's not doing himself a lot of favors by being so ambiguous about it. I feel he should come out and say, "Yes, I want to be President and if I sense the people are with me, I am going to run to win." I didn't like every episode of the "West Wing" but there was an exchange on there once where one guy said to the other something like , "Someone running for President has to belive that the Gods have conspired to put him in this position and destiny demands that he run."

I believe that is true. Bush may not have the ego necessary to run.
Jeb is certainly not my first choice, but I would not underestimate his ability. If Obama could get elected, who knows what could happen?
Absolutely, Jeb would be better than the other party. I personally believe though that we need to have a real conservative for GOP candidate in 2016. Someone like Ted Cruz. Otherwise, you'll have many social conservative Republicans just staying home on election day.

Yea baby, that's the ticket. Give us Ted Croooooooz
I think Ted Cruz would be far more acceptable to most ALL Republicans, in spite of the false hopes of idiotic libs! He is more of a unifier than most realize. Time will tell.

I don't believe Cruz will be the nominee, but you never know. I didn't think the country would nominate an inexperienced, unvetted, lying POS like B. Hussein Obama, but they did, and look at the mess we are in! The gullibility of the country has taken a hit, and hopefully they will elect a Republican, whoever it is.

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