Jeb Bush: Republicans Don't Need Conservatives to Win White House, Should Not Defund Exec Amnesty


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Apparently Old Jeb, is the Jake Starkey of the party.... the Manchurian Republican in the flesh!

Breitbart ^

Even though moderate Republican candidates lose presidential elections without the conservative base (see: George H.W. Bush '92, Bob Dole '96, John McCain '08, Mitt Romney '12), former Florida Governor and potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush thinks conservatives are not needed to win the White House. Bush believes that a presidential candidate who is "willing to lose the primary to win the general" has the best shot at the White House. *snip* Should Bush run, his embrace of comprehensive amnesty legislation and Common Core will put him at odds with conservative voters in the early primary states. .....
Of course, we also have McRomney with the exact same message!

The larger issue is what the Republicans should do NOW in order to maximize their chances in 2016. Paradoxically, the answer is to go easy on President Obama during the next two years. He has already dug himself into a deep hole, and there is no reason to give voters a reason for sympathy to help pull him out.

The GOP should not give him any budgetary reason to shut down the government and blame it on them, nor should they pass meaningless bills to repeal Obamacare or his executive actions on immigration (let SCOTUS and the next election handle that). Instead, they should make an outward display of cooperation (voters hate the appearance of confrontation) while passing a series of targeted bills that will serve as a party platform for 2016.
Bill O'Reilly said last night Romney should run again. If Romney did and got the nomination, southern Baptist repubs would stay home again and give the Dem nominee the election by default. O'Reilly needs to retire and stick to writing books.
Bill O'Reilly said last night Romney should run again. If Romney did and got the nomination, southern Baptist repubs would stay home again and give the Dem nominee the election by default. O'Reilly needs to retire and stick to writing books.

Although race and religion were largely taboo subjects in 2012, Romney's religion could become a deciding factor in 2016. I think he is an honorable man who is able to compartmentalize his beliefs, but he would have a hard time explaining them.
Bill O'Reilly said last night Romney should run again. If Romney did and got the nomination, southern Baptist repubs would stay home again and give the Dem nominee the election by default. O'Reilly needs to retire and stick to writing books.

Although race and religion were largely taboo subjects in 2012, Romney's religion could become a deciding factor in 2016. I think he is an honorable man who is able to compartmentalize his beliefs, but he would have a hard time explaining them.

Too many baptist Repubs view Mormonism as a cult.
Vigi, there is no one on the far right who can beat the Dems: not Perry, Cain, Santorum, Palin, or any of those wackadoodles.

Rand Paul, Christie, and Bush stand a chance, but not with you guys doing a war dance in face paint out on the edges of sanity.
Take note are running against Conservatives and Liberals will still paint you as a vile racist if you stand between their gal and the WH. Why pander? It gets you no where. Just ask McCain and Romney.
Romney also beat Obuma 3 weeks BEFORE the 2012 election... Do we call him President Romney now?

Daily Kos SEIU Poll Romney Beats Obama 50-46
Vigi, there is no one on the far right who can beat the Dems: not Perry, Cain, Santorum, Palin, or any of those wackadoodles.

Rand Paul, Christie, and Bush stand a chance, but not with you guys doing a war dance in face paint out on the edges of sanity.

Scott Walker, won 3 elections in 4 years, 2 of them being RECALL elections, where he got MORE VOTES each time than last, and he's in DARK BLUE, UNION OWNED Wisc.....Yes. you know NOTHING, but how to make us DEFINITELY lose, Manchurian Republican!
The election is two years away. The republican majority in the senate hasn't even been sworn it yet. Mary Landreu might lose the runoff saturday. Bush's candidacy isn't even on the table yet.
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The simple fact of the matter is, when republicans run moderates, they LOSE. There is only ONE WAY republicans are going to take the white house, and that's going to be to run a true conservative to bring the party together and give them a reason to vote, because without the conservative vote, republicans lose elections. I don't know how many times these pundits, talking heads and bull shitters need to witness this before they learn it.

The only republicans that are going to be able to pull off a white house win in '16 are going to be Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Dr. Carson, Allen West, or even someone like Trey Gowdy.
Take note are running against Conservatives and Liberals will still paint you as a vile racist if you stand between their gal and the WH. Why pander? It gets you no where. Just ask McCain and Romney.

Scott Walker is not far right, Vigi. He will use you and throw you away. McCain and Romney lost because they pandered to you folks, which scared many good Americans away, who rightfully fear your nonsense.

When Republicans reach toward the center, they win: Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and the younger Bush. When they reach toward the right, they lose: Dole, McCain, Romney. Most of America despises the far right.
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Take note are running against Conservatives and Liberals will still paint you as a vile racist if you stand between their gal and the WH. Why pander? It gets you no where. Just ask McCain and Romney.

Scott Walker is not far right, Vigi. He will use you and throw you away. McCain and Romney lost because they pandered to you folks, which scared many good Americans away, who rightfully fear your nonsense.

When Republicans reach toward the center, they win: Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and the younger Bush. When they reach toward the right, they lose: Dole, McCain, Romney. Most of America despises the far right.

Romney and McCain pandered to the Right? They ran from the Right. ....and you think Reagan and Bush Jr. were centrists? They are the most despised Presidents by the Left. Further, you dance on Nixon's grave; yet his policies would be embraced by the Left today. His legacy: he gave you the EPA.
The simple fact of the matter is, when republicans run moderates, they LOSE. There is only ONE WAY republicans are going to take the white house, and that's going to be to run a true conservative to bring the party together and give them a reason to vote, because without the conservative vote, republicans lose elections. I don't know how many times these pundits, talking heads and bull shitters need to witness this before they learn it.

The only republicans that are going to be able to pull off a white house win in '16 are going to be Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Dr. Carson, Allen West, or even someone like Trey Gowdy.

Carson-West would be a great ticket.
McCain and Romney kissed the far right's ass and then tried to make it up in general.

Jeb Bush fully understands. Kick the far right in the ass and win the nomination with a long haul approach.

Bush-Walker means life for the GOP, Carson-West is both the kiss and the kick of death for the GOP.
Take note are running against Conservatives and Liberals will still paint you as a vile racist if you stand between their gal and the WH. Why pander? It gets you no where. Just ask McCain and Romney.

Scott Walker is not far right, Vigi. He will use you and throw you away. McCain and Romney lost because they pandered to you folks, which scared many good Americans away, who rightfully fear your nonsense.

When Republicans reach toward the center, they win: Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and the younger Bush. When they reach toward the right, they lose: Dole, McCain, Romney. Most of America despises the far right.

I'd LOVE to see the check you get sent by the DNC for posting the utter BULLSHIT, and idiocracy you place here! I simply have no comeback on this bunch of tripe, as anyone versed in politics will understand!

I can't help but post this as a reply to all your left wing diatribes!


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