Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

and if you are correct JAKE , then I would accept a far leftie rather than a moderate like bush .
Democrat: we want the express train to redistribution!!

Jeb: Hell no! We'll take the local
like I say Carib , marriage between countries big powerful families is a long time practice that has happened in many euro countries throughout history . Probably happened in all parts of the world . I don't see my thinking of a bush and powerful Mexican family political alliance as being farfetched . Like I have said, 150 million American girls in the USA and the bush marries a Mexican .
You talking to me? I don't care who he married or for what reason. The Bush brand has been compromised. So has Hillary's. The run for president is the Super Bowl of global politics and she's just got too much baggage. You don't think that will be mentioned?
yeah Carib , I was addressing you and yer comment or wouldn't address my comment to you Carib !!
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Scandal would be the only thing other than illness or accident that would keep him from the nomination.

He will continue the GOP moderate policy of reaching out to Hispanics and women while continuing the marginalization of the far right. The far right has no candidate the mainstream would accept, except may be Rand Paul.

LOL... Your love for Christie gone already? No way in hell Bush gets the nomination. no matter how much money the chamber of commerce at the rest of the establishment gives him...Sorry fake not happening.
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Scandal would be the only thing other than illness or accident that would keep him from the nomination.

He will continue the GOP moderate policy of reaching out to Hispanics and women while continuing the marginalization of the far right. The far right has no candidate the mainstream would accept, except may be Rand Paul.

LOL... Your love for Christie gone already? No way in hell Bush gets the nomination. no matter how much money the chamber of commerce at the rest of the establishment gives him...Sorry fake not happening.
If Jeb and Hillary both get the nominations, it will be a concession to mediocrity.
the Republican base is not that stupid..He 's not an exciting candidate, he doesn't inspire anything. What does he stand for really? He wont get the nomination

Wait a minute. Not exciting, doesn't inspire, doesn't stand for anything?

That describes Romney to a tee.

And McCain

And Dole

And for that matter, Bush's father and brother
And? Romney, McCain, Dole lost Bush 41 only won because he was Reagan's V.P. Bush 43 lost the popular vote the first time, and won the second time because was strong on fighting terrorism and kept us safe after 9/11
I'm not too concerned a candidates name, I do worry about electing Plutocrats in either D or R clothing. Hard work (as GWB used to say) isn't something a Bush or a Romney ever experience; hard work IMO is working for a nasty boss for low wages and no opportunity to advance.

Not only do Jeb Bush show his Neo Con colors by signing on with Cheney, Rumsfelt, Wolfowitz and Libby he is now changing out of his Wall Street Colors and trying to be seen as just another one of us:

"Last year, he took a step into the rarefied world of private equity and offshore investments, joining with former banking executives and a Chinese airline company to make bets on natural gas exploration and shipping. One of the funds was set up in the United Kingdom, a structure that allows the company to shield overseas investors from U.S. taxes."

Quote taken from here:

Jeb Bush shifting focus quits firm that has profited from Obamacare - LA Times
Also, the Bushes are pure evil. I know they look warm and friendly and Apple Pie American, but they are absolutely the most evil people on the planet.

It's no coincidence that Reagan was almost assassinated when HW was his VP, Putin and the oligarchs rose to power in Russia with the help of HW and Dubya took a nation on a glide path to decades of peaces and unbelievable prosperity and turned us into a broke, Neo-Fascist police state worse than anything Orwell even dreamed
the Republican base is not that stupid..He 's not an exciting candidate, he doesn't inspire anything. What does he stand for really? He wont get the nomination

Wait a minute. Not exciting, doesn't inspire, doesn't stand for anything?

That describes Romney to a tee.

And McCain

And Dole

And for that matter, Bush's father and brother
And? Romney, McCain, Dole lost Bush 41 only won because he was Reagan's V.P. Bush 43 lost the popular vote the first time, and won the second time because was strong on fighting terrorism and kept us safe after 9/11

Too bad he didn't keep us safe on 9/11 and created ISIS by invading and occupying Iraq, using the word crusade and telling radical Muslim's to "bring it on". But hell, anyone can make a mistake.
You made the claim, back it up. The risk in pulling crap out of your ass and posting it is you may get called out on it. For you, that day has come. Back it up.
Arab Spring. Conservatives didn't want to help at all, because liberals wanted to. When it was their idea they were all for invading Iraq, but were against much smaller shows of force when a liberal suggested it. The results aren't all in yet, but Tunisia elected a moderate. Khadafi is gone and Egypt decided the Muslim Brotherhood wasn't their cup of tea. Syria might have been a win too, if the conservatives hadn't dragged their feet and allowed ISIS to take control. Nice going!!!
Conservatives are responsible for ISIS... Lol.. Obama's been president for 6 years. Libya is now a failed terrorist state. Obama supported the muslim brotherhood and even sanction arms sales to Egypt because the military overthrew them. Obama threatened Syria then changed his mind. Obama lifts some of the sanctions against Iran and gets nothing.... Yeah he's a fucking genius alright
And? Romney, McCain, Dole lost Bush 41 only won because he was Reagan's V.P. Bush 43 lost the popular vote the first time, and won the second time because was strong on fighting terrorism and kept us safe after 9/11

Hmmmmm, interesting. Hmmmmmmm......

Actually, of the people you mention, and then going back about 70 years in time, Bush Sr. has the most impressive overall resume of them all. He also came from way behind Dukakis and won a solid landslide in 1988. And Reagan had almost nothing to do with his campaign. Are you reading childrens' books again?


and Bush Jr. indeed lost in the NPV in 2000, by 0.52%. He did cross over the 50% threshold in 2004 but barely won in the EC, 286-251-1, and just 60,000 vote switches in Ohio would have put John Kerry in the White House. Bush's win in 2004 was, to be generous, underwhelming, but he did indeed win.
the Republican base is not that stupid..He 's not an exciting candidate, he doesn't inspire anything. What does he stand for really? He wont get the nomination

Wait a minute. Not exciting, doesn't inspire, doesn't stand for anything?

That describes Romney to a tee.

And McCain

And Dole

And for that matter, Bush's father and brother
And? Romney, McCain, Dole lost Bush 41 only won because he was Reagan's V.P. Bush 43 lost the popular vote the first time, and won the second time because was strong on fighting terrorism and kept us safe after 9/11

Too bad he didn't keep us safe on 9/11 and created ISIS by invading and occupying Iraq, using the word crusade and telling radical Muslim's to "bring it on". But hell, anyone can make a mistake.

Even if it costs us more than 7 trillion, including interest.
the Republican base is not that stupid..He 's not an exciting candidate, he doesn't inspire anything. What does he stand for really? He wont get the nomination

Wait a minute. Not exciting, doesn't inspire, doesn't stand for anything?

That describes Romney to a tee.

And McCain

And Dole

And for that matter, Bush's father and brother
And? Romney, McCain, Dole lost Bush 41 only won because he was Reagan's V.P. Bush 43 lost the popular vote the first time, and won the second time because was strong on fighting terrorism and kept us safe after 9/11

Too bad he didn't keep us safe on 9/11 and created ISIS by invading and occupying Iraq, using the word crusade and telling radical Muslim's to "bring it on". But hell, anyone can make a mistake.

Are are you liberals really this stupid? Say it isn't so? To blame 9/11 on Bush who'd only been in office a few months? really? Lets be real here. As far as Isis it grow under Obama and should have never happend. if Obama had not pulled out of Iraq completely which actually gave us no benefit at all. None simply campaign promise bullshit red meat for the leftist He sat there and watched them grow.
And? Romney, McCain, Dole lost Bush 41 only won because he was Reagan's V.P. Bush 43 lost the popular vote the first time, and won the second time because was strong on fighting terrorism and kept us safe after 9/11

Hmmmmm, interesting. Hmmmmmmm......

Actually, of the people you mention, and then going back about 70 years in time, Bush Sr. has the most impressive overall resume of them all. He also came from way behind Dukakis and won a solid landslide in 1988. And Reagan had almost nothing to do with his campaign. Are you reading childrens' books again?


and Bush Jr. indeed lost in the NPV in 2000, by 0.52%. He did cross over the 50% threshold in 2004 but barely won in the EC, 286-251-1, and just 60,000 vote switches in Ohio would have put John Kerry in the White House. Bush's win in 2004 was, to be generous, underwhelming, but he did indeed win.

Fuck Bush... You like him? all the more reason to dislike the squishy, moderate, establishment type candidates. Ok he may be a good man, but for president he'd have never been, if not for Reagan
You made the claim, back it up. The risk in pulling crap out of your ass and posting it is you may get called out on it. For you, that day has come. Back it up.
Arab Spring. Conservatives didn't want to help at all, because liberals wanted to. When it was their idea they were all for invading Iraq, but were against much smaller shows of force when a liberal suggested it. The results aren't all in yet, but Tunisia elected a moderate. Khadafi is gone and Egypt decided the Muslim Brotherhood wasn't their cup of tea. Syria might have been a win too, if the conservatives hadn't dragged their feet and allowed ISIS to take control. Nice going!!!
Conservatives are responsible for ISIS... Lol.. Obama's been president for 6 years. Libya is now a failed terrorist state. Obama supported the muslim brotherhood and even sanction arms sales to Egypt because the military overthrew them. Obama threatened Syria then changed his mind. Obama lifts some of the sanctions against Iran and gets nothing.... Yeah he's a fucking genius alright

Really, GWB is now a conservative? I thought the RW had tossed W under the bus for his liberality and deficit spending. As I have written, anyone can make mistakes; invading & occupying Iraq, getting over 4,500 American's service personnel killed an tens of thousand seriously or permanently wounded all on borrowed money was one (or maybe half a dozen mistakes, but whose counting).

Neither GWB nor Obama had a road map to follow when they took office; sadly for Obama he had to put up with Boehner and McConnell two inept pols, both ambitious, partisan assholes who put their career first, the Plutocrats second and their party and base a distant third. The first of us? Not even an after thought.

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