Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

his marriage and family ties is a way to buy votes from Hispanics 'jwoodie' .

Oh yeah, that's why he married his wife... :rolleyes:
Hey, it could be a conspiracy theory like all those birther theories that were planned when Barack was a newborn. They all knew he would run for president one day.

Same with Jeb.. So see? :lol:
that's how they did it in the old days to consolidate power , make treaties . All the 'royals' in Europe are related through arranged marriages. Doesn't really matter though as the main message of mine is to stay away from the bush family and all its garbage .
and I visit lots of boards and my feel is that this new bush is not being accepted by many . Same thing on this board with lefties and righties dissing bush . Sure there are the group that supports bush but doesn't seem to be overwhelming to my eyes . We will see !! As I always say , its the young people and their offspring that will have to deal with what they vote into office / power .
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Scandal would be the only thing other than illness or accident that would keep him from the nomination.

He will continue the GOP moderate policy of reaching out to Hispanics and women while continuing the marginalization of the far right. The far right has no candidate the mainstream would accept, except may be Rand Paul.
The right wing are such contrarians that they'd rather lose than do something a liberal suggests.

Right, it never occurred to you that what you suggest is just always stupid, did it?

Give me an example of something liberals suggest that isn't liberal that was rejected?

Remember how liberals were in love with Romney in the primary? He was a moderate, frankly you would have a hard time caring which side won? Republicans took that advice, suddenly he was to the right of Genghis Khan and he lost.

Your turn.
The right wing are such contrarians that they'd rather lose than do something a liberal suggests.
Remember how liberals were in love with Romney in the primary
I'm afraid Romney was never loved by the left. Bain was an issue from day one. Sorry to burst your bubble.

What was and wasn't an issue is irrelevant to my point. So seriously, you don't remember all the Democrats saying Romney during the primaries was the Republican's best candidate, he was the moderate. You seriously don't remember that?

And you didn't answer my question. What have liberals suggested that wasn't liberal that Republicans lost rather than adopt? You made the claim, back it up. The risk in pulling crap out of your ass and posting it is you may get called out on it. For you, that day has come. Back it up.
the Republican base is not that stupid..He 's not an exciting candidate, he doesn't inspire anything. What does he stand for really? He wont get the nomination

Wait a minute. Not exciting, doesn't inspire, doesn't stand for anything?

That describes Romney to a tee.

And McCain

And Dole

And for that matter, Bush's father and brother
You made the claim, back it up. The risk in pulling crap out of your ass and posting it is you may get called out on it. For you, that day has come. Back it up.
Arab Spring. Conservatives didn't want to help at all, because liberals wanted to. When it was their idea they were all for invading Iraq, but were against much smaller shows of force when a liberal suggested it. The results aren't all in yet, but Tunisia elected a moderate. Khadafi is gone and Egypt decided the Muslim Brotherhood wasn't their cup of tea. Syria might have been a win too, if the conservatives hadn't dragged their feet and allowed ISIS to take control. Nice going!!!
his marriage and family ties is a way to buy votes from Hispanics 'jwoodie' .

Oh yeah, that's why he married his wife... :rolleyes:
Hey, it could be a conspiracy theory like all those birther theories that were planned when Barack was a newborn. They all knew he would run for president one day.

Same with Jeb.. So see? :lol:
Birther theories? From the time he was born? That sure worked out well lol.
You made the claim, back it up. The risk in pulling crap out of your ass and posting it is you may get called out on it. For you, that day has come. Back it up.
Arab Spring. Conservatives didn't want to help at all, because liberals wanted to. When it was their idea they were all for invading Iraq, but were against much smaller shows of force when a liberal suggested it. The results aren't all in yet, but Tunisia elected a moderate. Khadafi is gone and Egypt decided the Muslim Brotherhood wasn't their cup of tea. Syria might have been a win too, if the conservatives hadn't dragged their feet and allowed ISIS to take control. Nice going!!!

OK, shit for brains. Tell me how I'm a "conservative." Give me some issues that I am conservative and i am not libertarian.

I'm glad you're not all black and white like the Republicans, you know, that makes you smarter than they are? Even Jake knows I'm not a Republican.
OK, shit for brains. Tell me how I'm a "conservative." Give me some issues that I am conservative and i am not libertarian. I'm glad you're not all black and white like the Republicans, you know, that makes you smarter than they are? Even Jake knows I'm not a Republican.
So substitute libertarian for conservative, I don't care. Calling yourself libertarian just tells me you have a lot of growing up to do.
like I say Carib , marriage between countries big powerful families is a long time practice that has happened in many euro countries throughout history . Probably happened in all parts of the world . I don't see my thinking of a bush and powerful Mexican family political alliance as being farfetched . Like I have said, 150 million American girls in the USA and the bush marries a Mexican .
kaz is being run in circles, CrusaderFrank is grumpy.

The GOP mainstream will not tolerate a far right conservative as presidential candidate and probably only a Rand Paul in the Veep spot but would prefer someone else.

The GOP mainstream will continue reaching out to women and minorities, and could care less what 'libertarians' think about it at all.

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