Jeb Bush Torpedoes His 2016 Chances: Says Crossing Border Illegally An Act Of Love

Sarah Palin took on corruption in Alaska within her own party and had several of them put in Jail. She would mop up Washington and the cronyism that infiltrates it.

I like Sarah Palin. I think she is a strong, direct person who served her state and the citizens of Alaska very well. She took on the corrupt Alaskan establishment- who were Republicans - and she kicked their whiny asses all the way Nome. It really should be a movie!!

She never asked to be thrown in the spotlight. But she accepted when asked! Who wouldn't? After the VEEP Nomination she was attacked mercilessly - she even had to endure some shitstain "journalist" who bought and moved into the house next door to her, for the express purpose of being a scumbag pest. It got very personal and very ugly. Imagine Bridgegate on fucking Steroids!! It was freakin' brutal and it had to have hurt. I imagine she had a lot of good cries at the time.

To her credit, she ignored all of it. All of the nastiness didn't make her want to quit. It made her try harder. She didn't just persevere, she prospered!! That pissed off the haters even more. She continues to champion causes and candidates she believes in and plays an active role in real "grassroots" politics. I admire that. I admire her. Period.

That being said- I believe that she is still far too divisive a figure to ever vie for the Presidency. She's perfectly suited to be an advocate for conservative causes and successful too - her endorsement has put a lot of good conservatives in office. I hope she continues that work.

Why not just wear your "I'm Stupid" t-shirt?

Because you bought the last one. Surprisingly that XXXXXXXL was still available.
I like Sarah Palin. I think she is a strong, direct person who served her state and the citizens of Alaska very well. She took on the corrupt Alaskan establishment- who were Republicans - and she kicked their whiny asses all the way Nome. It really should be a movie!!

She never asked to be thrown in the spotlight. But she accepted when asked! Who wouldn't? After the VEEP Nomination she was attacked mercilessly - she even had to endure some shitstain "journalist" who bought and moved into the house next door to her, for the express purpose of being a scumbag pest. It got very personal and very ugly. Imagine Bridgegate on fucking Steroids!! It was freakin' brutal and it had to have hurt. I imagine she had a lot of good cries at the time.

To her credit, she ignored all of it. All of the nastiness didn't make her want to quit. It made her try harder. She didn't just persevere, she prospered!! That pissed off the haters even more. She continues to champion causes and candidates she believes in and plays an active role in real "grassroots" politics. I admire that. I admire her. Period.

That being said- I believe that she is still far too divisive a figure to ever vie for the Presidency. She's perfectly suited to be an advocate for conservative causes and successful too - her endorsement has put a lot of good conservatives in office. I hope she continues that work.

Why not just wear your "I'm Stupid" t-shirt?

Because you bought the last one. Surprisingly that XXXXXXXL was still available.

WoooooooooHooooooooo! Yer a funny one! Great work!
I'm sponsoring a friend of mine for US Citizenship. He's from Italy. I have to send in three years worth of Tax returns.

Where's the love from Jeb?

Jeb, please, please, please drop fucking dead
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The vast majority of Republicans would completely disagree with Jeb on this.

A real "act of love" would be for these lawbreakers to stay in their own damn country and fix the problems that causes these bastards to sneak into our country completely disrespecting our laws.
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I like it

Let Jeb Bush run on a reasonable immigration policy and let all the other Republicans attack him for it. It will bode well with the electorate
As an outsider looking in I always thought that Jeb Bush appears to have a little more common sense than his brother. But you can never tell until the press pack start turning him over.
As for Palin, she is entertaining, but every time I see her I can't help but wonder what she would be like in a XXX movie.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jeb Bush apology filter

< criminal act > is an act of love

Illegal immigration is an act of love

Robbing a liquor store at gunpoint is an act of love

Insider trading is an act of love

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Jeb was never the right guy. If they run him, hillary will win. The GOP needs to stop worrying about special interest minorities and think about the majority of the country.
So what the OP is saying is that one by one the electable Republicans are going to let themselves be knocked out of contention, in the primaries, by the extremists on the Right?

Sounds good.
So what the OP is saying is that one by one the electable Republicans are going to let themselves be knocked out of contention, in the primaries, by the extremists on the Right?

Sounds good.

What it says is that the RNC should not run another RINO or a dem with an R behind his name.

Romney lost because too many conservatives and republicans saw him as a RINO. The country needs a real choice in 16-------a true conservative constitutionalist or the marxist collectivist liberal big-government liar Hillary.
So what the OP is saying is that one by one the electable Republicans are going to let themselves be knocked out of contention, in the primaries, by the extremists on the Right?

Sounds good.

What it says is that the RNC should not run another RINO or a dem with an R behind his name.

Romney lost because too many conservatives and republicans saw him as a RINO. The country needs a real choice in 16-------a true conservative constitutionalist or the marxist collectivist liberal big-government liar Hillary.

The problem with true conservatives is that even Republicans won't vote for them
So what the OP is saying is that one by one the electable Republicans are going to let themselves be knocked out of contention, in the primaries, by the extremists on the Right?

Sounds good.

What it says is that the RNC should not run another RINO or a dem with an R behind his name.

Romney lost because too many conservatives and republicans saw him as a RINO. The country needs a real choice in 16-------a true conservative constitutionalist or the marxist collectivist liberal big-government liar Hillary.

The problem with true conservatives is that even Republicans won't vote for them

then how do you explain the congressional elections of 2010? you need to face reality, RW, you are not mainstream, you are far left. When Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley, the most liberal college in the world, the tide has turned. Our young people want their chance at success, they realize that liberalism will doom them to mediocrity and are rejecting it.
Never mind this shit, Jeb Bush is a crook.

Few people are more conservative than I am but I will never ever vote for Jeb. Back in the early 80s there was a S&L scandal in South Florida. Thousands lost everything. Jeb Bush made millions. The only reason that douchebag isn't in jail is that at the time, his daddy was POTUS.

Not true!
What it says is that the RNC should not run another RINO or a dem with an R behind his name.

Romney lost because too many conservatives and republicans saw him as a RINO. The country needs a real choice in 16-------a true conservative constitutionalist or the marxist collectivist liberal big-government liar Hillary.

The problem with true conservatives is that even Republicans won't vote for them

then how do you explain the congressional elections of 2010? you need to face reality, RW, you are not mainstream, you are far left. When Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley, the most liberal college in the world, the tide has turned. Our young people want their chance at success, they realize that liberalism will doom them to mediocrity and are rejecting it.


Conservatives cannot even win the GOP nomination, let alone a Presidential election. But they do a great job in ruining any chance a moderate Republicans have of winning

A moderate Republican can beat a moderate Democrat
A conservative Republican cannot beat a moderate Democrat

When Republicans abandon the middle, they leave it to the Democrats
I would never vote for him. My vote will be for a pure natural born Citizen named Sarah Palin. She wants to militarize the border.

Jeb Bush is not a "pure natural born Citizen?" Do tell...

Sarah Palin? :lmao: She doesn't have a hope in hell of winning the nomination much less the Big Chair.

You really are a delusional loser, boy...

palin will always have cheering crowd in the lower IQ uneducated section of poitics, she is a joke even to her own party, she is an embarrassment and a buffoon. If anyone thinks she would get the votes of educated people to become president that person needs some serious mental health help
And there ya go folks... it's NOT ok to call Bush to task for sounding like an open border liberal democrat, but it's just FINE to bash the holy hell out of a decent American patriot like Sarah Palin for wanting the laws enforced.

You people ALL need your fucking heads examined, for Christ sake, listen to yourselves.
The problem with true conservatives is that even Republicans won't vote for them

then how do you explain the congressional elections of 2010? you need to face reality, RW, you are not mainstream, you are far left. When Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley, the most liberal college in the world, the tide has turned. Our young people want their chance at success, they realize that liberalism will doom them to mediocrity and are rejecting it.


Conservatives cannot even win the GOP nomination, let alone a Presidential election. But they do a great job in ruining any chance a moderate Republicans have of winning

A moderate Republican can beat a moderate Democrat
A conservative Republican cannot beat a moderate Democrat

When Republicans abandon the middle, they leave it to the Democrats
Pure leftist horse shit propaganda.

I know you're hoping that if you repeat that fucking garbage enough, you'll maybe get some uninformed conservative to believe it.

Ain't workin' here, skippy. We know you're PAID to be here and spread that kind of BULL SHIT.

The gig is up for you, bubble head.
Never mind this shit, Jeb Bush is a crook.

Few people are more conservative than I am but I will never ever vote for Jeb. Back in the early 80s there was a S&L scandal in South Florida. Thousands lost everything. Jeb Bush made millions. The only reason that douchebag isn't in jail is that at the time, his daddy was POTUS.

Not true!

Makes no difference. Two Bush's already in the white house is enough. True conservatives, patriots and constitutionalists are looking for new blood that will follow the law.

Jebb should just shut his pie hole. His chances of getting elected president after his new illegal alien ass kissing comments are in the toilet anyway.
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Bush will be the GOP's guy . He has name recognition & they have no one else ......Palin could not win a real political race to save her life . Rand Paul is a flake & Ted Cruz is a freaking Canadian ! So Bush is the 2016 loser.
then how do you explain the congressional elections of 2010? you need to face reality, RW, you are not mainstream, you are far left. When Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley, the most liberal college in the world, the tide has turned. Our young people want their chance at success, they realize that liberalism will doom them to mediocrity and are rejecting it.


Conservatives cannot even win the GOP nomination, let alone a Presidential election. But they do a great job in ruining any chance a moderate Republicans have of winning

A moderate Republican can beat a moderate Democrat
A conservative Republican cannot beat a moderate Democrat

When Republicans abandon the middle, they leave it to the Democrats
Pure leftist horse shit propaganda.

I know you're hoping that if you repeat that fucking garbage enough, you'll maybe get some uninformed conservative to believe it.

Ain't workin' here, skippy. We know you're PAID to be here and spread that kind of BULL SHIT.

The gig is up for you, bubble head.

Why have Conservatives done so poorly in GOP primaries? Even Republican voters stay away from them

Look at it this way. If you are a right leaning moderate and have a choice between a left leaning moderate and a far right conservative, which way are you going to go?

If Republicans forfeit the center they can never win a national election
Whom moderates this forum?

A bitch starts a discussion with mentioning "wetbacks" so I'm wondering what douchebag is supposed to be moderating this site and why this garbage isn't erased for being fucking stupid.

You have freedom of speech, yes, but you also have a brain. Use it or kill yourself.

Your mindboggling ignorance and misplaced and misguided indignation is - once again - duly noted.

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