Jeb Bush Torpedoes His 2016 Chances: Says Crossing Border Illegally An Act Of Love

My guess is, little Stevie, Jeb wouldn't want your vote anyway...

I'm surprised you would even consider casting a vote for the man. His wife is a Mexican and his kids half Mexican after all...

I would never vote for him. My vote will be for a pure natural born Citizen named Sarah Palin. She wants to militarize the border.

And I think you should encourage all your buds to write her name in.

That'll show 'em who's in charge!

BTW, its was GeeDumbya who sank Jeb.

Should have annexed all of Mexico after the Mexican War.

No I really don't believe that, but we should have brought peasants here, educated them in the creation of a Constitutional form of Republic, armed them, trained them at West Point and sent them back to organize the other peasants in a mass revolution against the tyrants in Mexico City.
The U.S. somehow ends up on the wrong side 50% of the time.

Educate them??? Only about 15% of mexico is white. The rest is mestizo or amerindian and have intelligence on the level of north american indians.
He really said it and to me he is saying it's okay for wetbacks to illegally cross the border because it's the right thing to do. Here is his statement from Fox News Sunday this morning:

"I'm going to say this and it will be on tape, and so be it. The way I look at this is someone who comes to our country because they couldn't come legally, they come to our country because their family's dad who loves their children was worried that their children didn't have food on the table, and they wanted to make sure their family was intact. And they crossed the border because they had no other means to work to be able to provide for their family. Yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. it's kind of -- it's a -- it's an act of love. It's an act of commitment to your family. I honestly think that's a different kind of crime that should be, there should be a price paid, but it shouldn't be -- it shouldn't rile people up that people are actually coming to this country to provide for their families. And the idea that we're not going to fix this but with with comprehensive reform ends up trapping these people, when they could make a great contribution for their own their families but also for us."

Jeb Bush: Crossing the Border Illegally an 'Act of Love'
Well, he had no 2016 chances. This country will not elect another bush. Ever.
From the eye of the 911 hijackers it was an act of love to kill and die for Allah...where do you draw the line Jeb....
As though it isn't reason enough that the guy is a progressive, like most political piggy's he's a criminal too.

We need a president who is going to take seriously the abuses of government against it's citizens, and that person does not reside in the rank and file mainstream.

Sarah Palin took on corruption in Alaska within her own party and had several of them put in Jail. She would mop up Washington and the cronyism that infiltrates it.

I like Sarah Palin. I think she is a strong, direct person who served her state and the citizens of Alaska very well. She took on the corrupt Alaskan establishment- who were Republicans - and she kicked their whiny asses all the way Nome. It really should be a movie!!

She never asked to be thrown in the spotlight. But she accepted when asked! Who wouldn't? After the VEEP Nomination she was attacked mercilessly - she even had to endure some shitstain "journalist" who bought and moved into the house next door to her, for the express purpose of being a scumbag pest. It got very personal and very ugly. Imagine Bridgegate on fucking Steroids!! It was freakin' brutal and it had to have hurt. I imagine she had a lot of good cries at the time.

To her credit, she ignored all of it. All of the nastiness didn't make her want to quit. It made her try harder. She didn't just persevere, she prospered!! That pissed off the haters even more. She continues to champion causes and candidates she believes in and plays an active role in real "grassroots" politics. I admire that. I admire her. Period.

That being said- I believe that she is still far too divisive a figure to ever vie for the Presidency. She's perfectly suited to be an advocate for conservative causes and successful too - her endorsement has put a lot of good conservatives in office. I hope she continues that work.

That post expresses my feelings and impressions of Sarah Palin, completely including her future in politics. She is a rock. I applaud her veracity. :thup:
Whom moderates this forum?

A bitch starts a discussion with mentioning "wetbacks" so I'm wondering what douchebag is supposed to be moderating this site and why this garbage isn't erased for being fucking stupid.

You have freedom of speech, yes, but you also have a brain. Use it or kill yourself.
Whom moderates this forum?

A bitch starts a discussion with mentioning "wetbacks" so I'm wondering what douchebag is supposed to be moderating this site and why this garbage isn't erased for being fucking stupid.

You have freedom of speech, yes, but you also have a brain. Use it or kill yourself.

Such tolerance!!

Whom moderates this forum?

A bitch starts a discussion with mentioning "wetbacks" so I'm wondering what douchebag is supposed to be moderating this site and why this garbage isn't erased for being fucking stupid.

You have freedom of speech, yes, but you also have a brain. Use it or kill yourself.

Such tolerance!!

Fuck you and the racist who started this thread.
Jeb is a good man and I agree with his statement.

But, we still need to fix our illegal immigration problem. Nobody should be able to walk in without signing the guest book....

And Cruz or Christie, aren't going to fix it. Romney would, I believe.
Allow the Koch brothers to choose the GOP candidate. That should guarantee someone from the Right.

I think both parties are going to be pandering to the extremes in the 2016 cycle.

I expect a wingnut nominee from both parties...
Jeb is a good man and I agree with his statement.

But, we still need to fix our illegal immigration problem. Nobody should be able to walk in without signing the guest book....

And Cruz or Christie, aren't going to fix it. Romney would, I believe.

Yep, but that ship has sailed. The country passed on him in favor of the fraud Obamoran - they had to....... It'd be racist to kick the incompetent boob out after just one term! :lol:

I think they made a big mistake....
Jeb is a good man and I agree with his statement.

But, we still need to fix our illegal immigration problem. Nobody should be able to walk in without signing the guest book....

And Cruz or Christie, aren't going to fix it. Romney would, I believe.

Yep, but that ship has sailed. The country passed on him in favor of the fraud Obamoran - they had to....... It'd be racist to kick the incompetent boob out after just one term! :lol:

I think they made a big mistake....

The scuttlebutt is that Romney is really being encouraged to go for a third time's a charm run. :dunno:
And Cruz or Christie, aren't going to fix it. Romney would, I believe.

Yep, but that ship has sailed. The country passed on him in favor of the fraud Obamoran - they had to....... It'd be racist to kick the incompetent boob out after just one term! :lol:

I think they made a big mistake....

The scuttlebutt is that Romney is really being encouraged to go for a third time's a charm run. :dunno:


Has it occurred to any of you rightwing nitwits that this is what republicans need to be saying to mitigate the ignorance and hate expressed by an albeit small, but very vocal, minority of racists in the GOP.
I have mixed feelings.

I admire Jeb for being the guy to stand up to the nasty, anti-immigrant wing of his party.

Of course, the GOP's problem is it's schizophrenic view on this issue. The people who really run things, the 1%ers, want illegal labor. They want people they can cheat and abuse for low wages.

Meanwhile, the dumb-ass bubba rednecks who actually provide the votes for the GOP just live in mortal fear of a Mexican dating their daughters. And their fear has to be pandered to.

Of course, I wouldn't vote for Jeb because after watching his father and brother fuck up, well, everything, it's kind of hard to give them a third shot at it.

How would you feel about several million no a whole batch of million canadian conservatives coming across the border?

I wouldn't be upset "aboot" it.
And Cruz or Christie, aren't going to fix it. Romney would, I believe.

Yep, but that ship has sailed. The country passed on him in favor of the fraud Obamoran - they had to....... It'd be racist to kick the incompetent boob out after just one term! :lol:

I think they made a big mistake....

The scuttlebutt is that Romney is really being encouraged to go for a third time's a charm run. :dunno:

He's like a Mormon Jason Vorhees..


"Would you like to hear about another testament of Jesus Christ?"
As though it isn't reason enough that the guy is a progressive, like most political piggy's he's a criminal too.

We need a president who is going to take seriously the abuses of government against it's citizens, and that person does not reside in the rank and file mainstream.

Sarah Palin took on corruption in Alaska within her own party and had several of them put in Jail. She would mop up Washington and the cronyism that infiltrates it.

I like Sarah Palin. I think she is a strong, direct person who served her state and the citizens of Alaska very well. She took on the corrupt Alaskan establishment- who were Republicans - and she kicked their whiny asses all the way Nome. It really should be a movie!!

She never asked to be thrown in the spotlight. But she accepted when asked! Who wouldn't? After the VEEP Nomination she was attacked mercilessly - she even had to endure some shitstain "journalist" who bought and moved into the house next door to her, for the express purpose of being a scumbag pest. It got very personal and very ugly. Imagine Bridgegate on fucking Steroids!! It was freakin' brutal and it had to have hurt. I imagine she had a lot of good cries at the time.

To her credit, she ignored all of it. All of the nastiness didn't make her want to quit. It made her try harder. She didn't just persevere, she prospered!! That pissed off the haters even more. She continues to champion causes and candidates she believes in and plays an active role in real "grassroots" politics. I admire that. I admire her. Period.

That being said- I believe that she is still far too divisive a figure to ever vie for the Presidency. She's perfectly suited to be an advocate for conservative causes and successful too - her endorsement has put a lot of good conservatives in office. I hope she continues that work.

Why not just wear your "I'm Stupid" t-shirt?

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