Jeff found dead

Even some Dems and lefties openly state that the Clintons are corrupt and have a trail of dead associates.
Neat! That is not a murder accusation, though. Please try to focus.

Comrade, do you actually believe that Jeffery Epstein committed suicide? I get that the party is all to you, but are you TRULY able to suspend your mind to such an extent?
How many of your enemies committed suicide?
Kind of a stupid question, really. The clintons just plain know, have worked with, and are acquainted with many, many more people than him or you.

Not anymore.....They're all room temperature.
Why are you proud of acting stupid? I will never get that about trolls. I admit.
The Clinton's are the modern mafia.

And even that is an understatement!:mad-61:
So let's see....the camera in Epstein's prison cell......wait for this.....

TADAAAA !!! Malfunctioned???? wasn't operating that night?


like Las Vegas? like on El Paso Walmart' shooting last week?


ain't that so convenient....

they think we are idiots.:mad-61:
So let's see....the camera in Epstein's prison cell......wait for this.....

TADAAAA !!! Malfunctioned???? wasn't operating that night?


like Las Vegas? like on El Paso Walmart' shooting last week?


ain't that so convenient....

they think we are idiots.:mad-61:

If they really are saying that, then YES, they do think we all are idiots.

How many times have we heard "The camera malfunctioned" before? :laugh2: :right:

Oh, what a evil, screwed up world we live in. And what's even more sad are the oblivious willfully blind bootlickers who see nothing wrong with it.
So let's see....the camera in Epstein's prison cell......wait for this.....

TADAAAA !!! Malfunctioned???? wasn't operating that night?


like Las Vegas? like on El Paso Walmart' shooting last week?


ain't that so convenient....

they think we are idiots.:mad-61:

The cameras in Epstein's cell malfunctioned? All those other cameras malfunctioned? Just like when Seth Rich was murdered all the cameras in the vicinity malfunctioned and by golly the body cams on the police officers malfunctioned when they came on the scene. I'm beginning to think that it's the work of the dark side or else all the acquaintances of Hill and Bill who died or committed Arkancide were just unlucky. Then again, maybe those cameras were made in Somalia sweatshops by child slave labor..
Dead men tell no Clinton tales

I was just thinking that. So many people tied to the Clintons all die.

We may never know, and I can't say for sure.... but I wonder.... did he really kill himself..... really? Or did the mafia that surrounds the clintons take out another potential leak....
They may be stupid, but their fears weren't. Many non-Alex-Jones types expressed concern that Epstein wouldn't live to testify
They predict nefarious consoiracies about everything. Highlighting the very scant instances of coincidence shows how WRONG they always are, not how right they are.

And committing suicide means he won't be alive to testify. But no, they don't accept that as part of their magical foresight, and you chose careful language there. . So stop being so safe and coy, and describe exactly what they predicted.

You continue to miss, to steer widely around, the point I'm making. The problem I have with the official line isn't the claim that he killed himself. At this point, I think it's totally possible he did. What I can't quite get past is the WTF question of why they weren't watching him more closely. Regardless of how he died, someone let it happen. And we've lost a valuable opportunity to uncover the truth about what he did.

Then we can show how wrong they all were again, once we fully understand this event.

Of course. Depends on who 'they' is and exactly what you're thinking they're wrong about - but as a general statement, yeah. That's the way it goes.
Instead of sticking to the stone cold facts of the man is dead, and why is he dead, the liberals are trying to conjur up anothew emotion driven tale of how Trump done bad.
Latest: Jeff was found with bruises on his neck. He damn sure didn't strangle himself. Did someone or some people have him snuffed?
I saw he was taken off suicude watch!! Wasn't it just a day or so aqgo he was a suicide threat? Something smells real fishy!
Hear it looked like boot marks on his neck....
Like I said last night I’m feeling, not thinking, that I’m naive about how sordid and shocking the conduct is of some we held dear. The guys I know and hang with all did great and had fun too but not this shit
I think they realized it would make us puke so he had to go. Now all the coverup horseshit which is often worse.
Latest: Jeff was found with bruises on his neck. He damn sure didn't strangle himself. Did someone or some people have him snuffed?
I saw he was taken off suicude watch!! Wasn't it just a day or so aqgo he was a suicide threat? Something smells real fishy!
Hear it looked like boot marks on his neck....
Pretty easy fix for doctor to say he didn’t need the watch. I bet he begged for it to stay in place
So let's see....the camera in Epstein's prison cell......wait for this.....

TADAAAA !!! Malfunctioned???? wasn't operating that night?


like Las Vegas? like on El Paso Walmart' shooting last week?


ain't that so convenient....

they think we are idiots.:mad-61:
Nut job ... there's no proof of this.
Anita Broderick tweeted that maybe he isn't dead...that he is being held somewhere private and they put it out there that he died.

Meanwhile..I find it very very scarey (if he IS dead) that so many know stuff yet continue to cover shit up. I think satans demons are in bigger force than previously thought.
Anita Broderick tweeted that maybe he isn't dead...that he is being held somewhere private and they put it out there that he died.

Meanwhile..I find it very very scarey (if he IS dead) that so many know stuff yet continue to cover shit up. I think satans demons are in bigger force than previously thought.
I thought of that earlier....maybe he isn't dead...they better have an open casket at the funeral, that's all I know.
Posted on July 11th

He better be careful. He is probably on the Clintons hit list.
He’s on someone’s hit list

July 15...plenty of time for him to ‘hang himself’
When I made those comments I was being sarcastic...
NOT because I didn’t believe what I wrote...I did
But, as an unlikely possibility, not a probability in all likelihood

I honestly considered it COULD happen
but, I honestly didn’t believe it WOULD happen,
only because it would be SO suspicious

As far as I was concerned
they were making sure nothing happened to him...

Up until he was found semi conscious
and they were investigating whether or not
is was a suicide attempt or an attack

He was under suicide watch I thought

He’s probably been dead since that incident


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