Jeff found dead

Fuck that, let his ass burn.
He was the ultimate sugar daddy respect lol
It figures you fucking tRumpkins would approve of the child molester.

Look bastard, don't you dare paint us all with a broad brush !!!!
I am happy this fuck is gone, I do wish however he had to endure and suffer a trial and face all those that he assaulted !
And those on his list of co-conspirators in these crimes? Are you all about them suffering too? Clinton and Trump could easily be on that list right? And it's a better than average chance they just might be. So be prepared. There are dozens of witnesses as we speak.

Anyone who has sex with kids, needs to be behind bars for the rest of their lives.
Does that include 20-40 year old Muslim men who take 8-12 year olds as brides too?
People have consensual sex at work all the time. .


and if they are a security guard, they get fired no questions asked.

So the real question is why do liberals hold a security guard to a much higher standard that their presidents? Do you really believe all that crap that this just hunky-dory under Scottish law like the libs were claiming?
It seems that almost EVERYONE is a conspiracy theorist on this one: Right, Left and Center. in our gov't and judicial system plunges even lower. Yay for us.
It seems that almost EVERYONE is a conspiracy theorist on this one: Right, Left and Center.

The deplorables think the Clintons did it, the #resistance thinks it was individual 1 (or the Russians), the center thinks it was a bi-partisan effort...

The suicide order actually came from Buckingham palace though in our gov't and judicial system plunges even lower.

What faith are you talking about?
Yay for us.

Eh, yay for lots of rich and powerful people who don't have to worry about embarrassing tapes and testimonies anymore you mean

It seems that almost EVERYONE is a conspiracy theorist on this one: Right, Left and Center. in our gov't and judicial system plunges even lower. Yay for us.

I mentioned when he was arrested the stories about Clinton and Trump weren't really the problem so much as they hadn't been proven. The problem was that with both of them it was easily believable.

Is it really a conspiracy to understand that something more than him killing himself was done wrong here?
It seems that almost EVERYONE is a conspiracy theorist on this one: Right, Left and Center. in our gov't and judicial system plunges even lower. Yay for us.

I mentioned when he was arrested the stories about Clinton and Trump weren't really the problem so much as they hadn't been proven. The problem was that with both of them it was easily believable.

Is it really a conspiracy to understand that something more than him killing himself was done wrong here?

Oh no, I think the conspiracy theories here are totally appropriate. I should have made that clear.
He was not on suicide watch, so that is the first answer needed.

Let me rephrase the question in that case, why wasn't he on suicide watch?

The papers and media have painted Jeff sessions as a child molester of kidnapped women from foreign countries. He seemed like a powerful man who earned enough money to buy his own private island and turn it into a porn country. He was also a street tough. His language may have his jailers feel like he was a very powerful man and should be minimally visited for only necessities like delivering food and checking his room once a week. Perhaps Mr. Sessions was depressed to know other people thought of him as a dirtbag rather than a Howard Hughes. When the realization was that he would never have the good life afforded him by the Billionaire Boys Club, and would spend the rest of his life in an 8x10 room, the truth caught up with him. He couldn't handle it, because bullies are noted for not doing well when confronted with someone who won't take it any more. He probably was depressed and sorry for doing snakesnotty things to infants. Living with that much avarice with no one to remove him from reality that sex had become for the man was too much for him to take. He saw his only route out of the misery he caused innocent girls, that he'd never had to face before, he probably liked the least, but his pride wouldn't let him face the consequences his behaviors merited, and he knew it.

May God have mercy on all those victims, if the legends about him and his fellows were true, and may God have mercy where he sees fit if the press lied. I have in my lifetime seen where the press created a crime out of one woman's sick mind, deceived by her schizophrenia to destroy the lives of a dozen people associated with the up-and-up business of the McMartin Day Care business. Her lie to cover up her husband's molestation of her child (or her own, she offed herself, so no one will ever know the truth) while the accused languished in a prison as overzealous social workers created false beliefs in children, kinda like the false scenario the Clintonistas pulled to acquire a third of the nation to believe that Hillary was a victim and a women's rights crusader, when in fact, she was greedy for power, power, and power alone. A lot of people who locked horns with her wound up dead in prison cells. The press ignored it. The press is celebrating this one. I'm guessing the truth lies somewhere in between.

I'm not a witness to anything the man did. My family protected its daughters up to a point post WWII, but no one could protect women who had knowledge of the facts of life and broke with her family's wisdom and did some experimenting to see how thrilling sex outside marriage was. I'm citing education on that one, and this society's permissiveness on the 60,000,000 American unborn citizens faced very ugly deaths on account of education's deception that human beings in the beginning stages of life do not matter and should not be considered deserving of protection. Education murdered 60,000,000 Americans in my book. And the prime educators, our accursed modern legislators, are perpetrating that myth further in totally destroying this nation of all the good it ever did by stepping aside in favor of having lucrative careers in power-mongering that a seat in the House or Senate afford them on the backs of dead children who are denied the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, just like everyone else.

The only way one of them can get rid of the precept, "If ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me," is to become atheists who no longer consider morality when making laws everyone is expected to obey. Lawmaking in this country has become the lynchpin in the first amendment since idiots now think that Satanism is a religion, and Witches whose themesong is "don't get mad, get even," is rampant in this nation as a consequence of it, too, being considered a religion. The founders did not consider anti-christism as religion, but not to worry, the crooks in the Judicial did with open minds in which many a brain spilt out. In my humble opinion, that is.

A sick and perverted society created Jeff Sessions and others just like him to deal with women in a society who deny their affections to men and turn to careers in male activities to assert their alleged "freedom." Unfortunately, it takes a person with sticktuitiveness to live through childbirth and trying to protect a child from the blessings of liberty that turns them into self-priviledged gooses, and that person, usually a mother or father, who tries to protect their own child from evil, will be singled out and hated by liberals who cannot see the forest for all the little trees in the way and curse people who call evil "evil". Parents can also be disinherited by their children for the disenheartening way children treat them these days due to atheism being so rampant. Go figure.
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He was assaulted or attempted suicide a few weeks ago.

The names of rich and powerful people he is going to name are released.

He is taken off suicide watch.

He commits suicide.

People have consensual sex at work all the time. .


and if they are a security guard, they get fired no questions asked.

So the real question is why do liberals hold a security guard to a much higher standard that their presidents? Do you really believe all that crap that this just hunky-dory under Scottish law like the libs were claiming?

Maybe you just can't anyone willing to have sex with you. Don't blame Bill Clinton.

A sitting Presuident can not be indicted. If that excuse works for that fat assed orange amoral POS you elected, it is good for Bill Clinton.

Fuck you & your hypocrisy.
He was the ultimate sugar daddy respect lol
It figures you fucking tRumpkins would approve of the child molester.

Look bastard, don't you dare paint us all with a broad brush !!!!
I am happy this fuck is gone, I do wish however he had to endure and suffer a trial and face all those that he assaulted !
And those on his list of co-conspirators in these crimes? Are you all about them suffering too? Clinton and Trump could easily be on that list right? And it's a better than average chance they just might be. So be prepared. There are dozens of witnesses as we speak.

Anyone who has sex with kids, needs to be behind bars for the rest of their lives.
Does that include 20-40 year old Muslim men who take 8-12 year olds as brides too?
Yes and those Mormoms that did it.
People have consensual sex at work all the time. .


and if they are a security guard, they get fired no questions asked.

So the real question is why do liberals hold a security guard to a much higher standard that their presidents? Do you really believe all that crap that this just hunky-dory under Scottish law like the libs were claiming?

Maybe you just can't anyone willing to have sex with you. Don't blame Bill Clinton.

A sitting Presuident can not be indicted. If that excuse works for that fat assed orange amoral POS you elected, it is good for Bill Clinton.

Fuck you & your hypocrisy.

Listen, RealTrumpster, Indictments for illegal activity can be deferred and issued after the President leaves office.

You probably already knew that because you are a fellow traveler and neocon like me. MAGA! Where did you get your hat?

That would certainly give someone the opportunity to enter Eppy's cell and hang him, if they were inclined. The real question is why the guards weren't doing their duty? Were other prisoners or staff engaged in a distraction?

Shows me that the Liberal Lie that Manafort was being held in solitary for his "own protection" is just bullshit. Liberal thugs can get to whomever they want.
These asses know there is a cover up everyone know the GD guard et it happen it was a pay off CHECK THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS... and tech. if they are smart that pay off monney won't be in G.D> bank only a leftist dumb ass does that move.


Green said, “It’s supposed to be impossible for this to happen, impossible. When the impossible occurs, we have to act with immediacy. We need to see the video immediately, and if the video doesn’t show us what it should, and there’s some technology that failed, Mr. Cavuto, we cannot allow ourselves to believe absurdities. … We have to see what happened, immediately.”
So let's see....the camera in Epstein's prison cell......wait for this.....

TADAAAA !!! Malfunctioned???? wasn't operating that night?


like Las Vegas? like on El Paso Walmart' shooting last week?


ain't that so convenient....

they think we are idiots.:mad-61:

And they'll get away with it.

They actually have a pile of shit over at treason central claiming Trump had Epstein whacked and we must IMPEACH.

MSNBC Regular Elie Mystal Loses It Over Jeffrey Epstein Death

The democrat party brazenly killed a threat to them while he was in federal custody, showing how much power the party has over the deep state.


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