Jeff found dead

Epstein died from Suicide today!
Somebody had him switched off. Probably some tRumpkin who thought he would incriminate the *president*.
No, it would be the Clinton's, associates that have dirt on them seem to like suicide.
That's a thoroughly debunked meme. Anyone who still believes it is a few sandwiches shy of a picnic.
It's above 2. How many of your enemies committed suicide? 2 is a joke by the way.
Epstein died from Suicide today!
Somebody had him switched off. Probably some tRumpkin who thought he would incriminate the *president*.
No, it would be the Clinton's, associates that have dirt on them seem to like suicide.
That's a thoroughly debunked meme. Anyone who still believes it is a few sandwiches shy of a picnic.
They predict nefarious consoiracies about everything. Highlighting the very scant instances of coincidence shows how WRONG they always are, not how right they are.

And committing suicide means he won't be alive to testify. But no, they don't accept that as part of their magical foresight, and you chose careful language there. . So stop being so safe and coy, and describe exactly what they predicted.

Then we can show how wrong they all were again, once we fully understand this event.

There is no word "consoiracies" I will assume you mean 'conspiracies.' Other than that, I agree that it is easy to claim conspiracies in hindsight. That being said, latest is that he was found with bruises on his neck. They don't mention any noose, sheet, or anything else just that they discovered him dead on his cell floor with bruises on his neck. How does one commit suicide by strangling oneself with one's own hands? Is that even possible? We need more info obviously.

Discovery of unconscious Epstein with neck bruises a possible suicide attempt: Source

Discovery of unconscious Epstein with neck bruises a possible suicide attempt: Source
A law enforcement official confirmed that Epstein had been discovered in his cell on Wednesday with 'bruising around the neck'
Clearly, they are powerful enough to reach into federal prison.

you people are so short sighted. The Clinton's are small fish compared to the people associated with this freak. The Clinton's are yesterday's news. move on.
Your opinion. Small fish or not, they clearly have the power to reach anyone they chose, if they are responsible for this.

We all know an investigation will turn up nothing and his death will never be solved. Like so many others.

They no longer have that power, they lost it when Hillary lost. They have nothing to offer anyone. They had the power before because of their positions and what they could offer people. That is all gone now.
Well, that is just a silly thing to say. They still have a great deal of power.

How? Their power always centered around what they could do for other people in exchange for favors. They have nothing to offer now, they have no power to help anyone.

If it were not for people like you they would be gone and forgotten
Too many skeletons in their closet. They cannot go away.
You have to laugh. All the Trupettes talking about Bill Clinton.

Donald Trump:
1) is on a video standing with Epstein oogling & discussing young girls.
2) Is on video saying how he & his bud Jerry like young women.
3) Is on video admitting he knew Epstein was a child rapist as he liked young girls.
4) Is accused by a woman of rape when she was 13 at an Epstein party

But hey, that Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton never shoewed any interest in underaged girls. Trump has.
SURE and then you woke up curled up in the fetal position and started sucking your thumb because you realized it was only a dream

He likes em like Monica, just barely legal. Hillary is nauseating, but that’s just wrong. He’s got a history of hanging with freaks like wine stain and dead Jeff. Rest in pieces.

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Monica was 22. Monica pursued Bill Clinton.

Trump barged in MS Teen USA dressing room hoping to see young girls undressed. He is accused of raping a 13 year old.

I live in a very Republican area of PA. 4 days a week, they are arresting someone of molestation or assault of under aged girls.

Why are Republicans the deviant ones?

Clinton did his dirty deed with Monica in the workplace, and that is despicable. If Clinton was some conservative black guy working as a security guard and took some honky girl into the guard's shed, he would have been fired on the spot. Clear case of Liberal Privilege.
So why don't you just jump into your racist bullshit.

People have consensual sex at work all the time. Clinton cheated & that was a bad thing. His term ended & who knows if could have won after that.

We all know Trump cheated on every one of his wives & you assfucks STILL voted for him. So how about you quit pretending you give a flying fuck about a person's morals.

You lost that card when you voted for Trump.

We don’t know that you aren’t more of a scumbag than both of them put together. You voted for hilly.

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How many of your enemies committed suicide?
Kind of a stupid question, really. The clintons just plain know, have worked with, and are acquainted with many, many more people than him or you.
They have multiple friends that committed suicide when they were suppose to testify against them. How blind you are.
They have multiple friends that committed suicide when they were suppose to testify against them.
Multiple, eh? Wow! Multiple?!?!

And how many people in total were set to testify against them? Wait, lets modify that, sunce you are lying and some of those people were merely questioned or part of an investigation.

So, how many people have been involved in investigations against two of the most successful peple in politics and law for 30 years?

How many?
Epstein died from Suicide today!
Somebody had him switched off. Probably some tRumpkin who thought he would incriminate the *president*.
No, it would be the Clinton's, associates that have dirt on them seem to like suicide.
That's a thoroughly debunked meme. Anyone who still believes it is a few sandwiches shy of a picnic.
How many associates committed suicide with the Clinton's. How many with you? Got to remember one of the suicides was done with 2 different guns.
They don't mention any noose, sheet, or anything else just that they discovered him dead on his cell floor with bruises on his neck.
So what?

How does one commit suicide by strangling oneself with one's own hands?
Oh, I see. So, because that was not mentioned, you now know none of it exists.

That's really poor logic.

Your answers are vapid. As usual. I asked a question about the facts so far as we know them. You don't want to discuss or make any opinion. I get that. Just stop insulting people, stay out of the thread if you have nothing of substance to add.
How many of your enemies committed suicide?
Kind of a stupid question, really. The clintons just plain know, have worked with, and are acquainted with many, many more people than him or you.

Not anymore.....They're all room temperature.
Why are you proud of acting stupid? I will never get that about trolls. I admit.
The only one acting stupid around here is you. Even some Dems and lefties openly state that the Clintons are corrupt and have a trail of dead associates. Which goes to show that not everyone is so blatantly partisan, to the point of throwing common sense and intellectual honesty out the window.
How many of your enemies committed suicide?
Kind of a stupid question, really. The clintons just plain know, have worked with, and are acquainted with many, many more people than him or you.

Not anymore.....They're all room temperature.

Why are you proud of acting stupid? I will never get that about trolls. I admit.

Well your comment was insulting (go figure LOL) and totally unsupported by facts. In fact, I found it so funny I made a joke of it. Now you are butthurt.......Poor little TDSer.
How many of your enemies committed suicide?
Kind of a stupid question, really. The clintons just plain know, have worked with, and are acquainted with many, many more people than him or you.

Not anymore.....They're all room temperature.
Why are you proud of acting stupid? I will never get that about trolls. I admit.
The Clinton's are the modern mafia.

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