Jeff found dead

"Under 45 & Barr, America has become an unrecognizable joke of lawlessness & corruption. In no other time would something like Epstein’s death been permitted to happen. The total implosion of ethical governance has happened 10 times faster than I ever thought it could." - Rev Al Sharpton
Who listens to Sharpton?

Thanks for the link!

Good riddance...I just said to the wife last night I was shocked he was still alive with the list of powerful people he was associated with.
Clearly, they are powerful enough to reach into federal prison.

you people are so short sighted. The Clinton's are small fish compared to the people associated with this freak. The Clinton's are yesterday's news. move on.
Your opinion. Small fish or not, they clearly have the power to reach anyone they chose, if they are responsible for this.

We all know an investigation will turn up nothing and his death will never be solved. Like so many others.

They no longer have that power, they lost it when Hillary lost. They have nothing to offer anyone. They had the power before because of their positions and what they could offer people. That is all gone now.
He was the ultimate sugar daddy respect lol
It figures you fucking tRumpkins would approve of the child molester.

Look bastard, don't you dare paint us all with a broad brush !!!!
I am happy this fuck is gone, I do wish however he had to endure and suffer a trial and face all those that he assaulted !
And those on his list of co-conspirators in these crimes? Are you all about them suffering too? Clinton and Trump could easily be on that list right? And it's a better than average chance they just might be. So be prepared. There are dozens of witnesses as we speak.
Take them all down. Child molester a must pay regardless of party.
If you cared about children getting molested you wouldn’t be a democrat
Child molesters and those who condone and even seem to envy in your case, their behavior belong behind bars
Bill Clinton went to Pedo island like 24 times?

Come on, guys. This is a Clinton hit. Epstein could have made a deal and rolled on many powerful people.

Throw the body on the Clinton pile.

The official Clinton body count grows and grows. And I think the list may be much longer, but these are the names I've managed to keep track of people who were all close to the Clintons who died under strange circumstances. Not one of them had a clear cut and dry explanation. Can anyone name anyone else famous they know who has had even just THREE such cases surrounding them?

1 – James McDougal
2 – Mary Mahoney
3 – Vince Foster
4 – Ron Brown
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II
6 – Paul Tulley
7 – Ed Willey
8 – Jerry Parks
9 – James Bunch
10 – John Wilson
11 – Kathy Ferguson
12 – Bill Shelton
13 – Gandy Baugh
14 – Florence Martin
15 - Suzanne Coleman
16 – Paula Grober
17 – Danny Casolaro
18 – Paul Wilcher
19 – Jon Parnell Walker
20 – Barbara Wise
21 – Charles Meissner
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard
23 – Barry Seal
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr.
25 – Stanley Huggins
26 – Herschel Friday
27 – Kevin Ives
28 -- Don Henry
29 – Keith Coney
30 – Keith McMaskle
31 – Gregory Collins
32 -- Jeff Rhodes
33 -- James Milan
34 -- Jordan Kettleson
35 -- Richard Winters
36 -- Klaus Eberwein
37 -- Kurt Smolek
38 -- Major William S. Barkley Jr.
39 -- Captain Scott J . Reynolds
40 -- Sgt. Brian Hanley 

41 -- Sgt. Tim Sabel
42 -- Major General William Robertson
43 -- Col. William Densberger
44 -- Col. Robert Kelly
45 -- Spec. Gary Rhodes
46 -- Steve Willis 

47 -- Robert Williams
48 -- Conway LeBleu
49 -- Todd McKeehan
50 -- Jeffrey Epstein

NOW ----- we all know that if this were Trump, not only would it be front page news, but the Democrats would be demanding an immediate investigation to look into! HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE not only for the MSM to publicly ask questions of the Clinton connection to Epstein, but for there to be any actual formal investigation, like actually going to the Clintons and ASKING QUESTIONS, getting statements, and dare I say, demanding to see records, computer drives much less raiding the Clinton home at 3AM with CNN across the street kicking in the door?

Oh look! Bet that Bleach Bit and document shredder are getting a real workout now!
Thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory.

Anyone who still believes it is an idiot
Mere Koinky Dink.

Bald-faced lies. many people....all over the world, wanted him dead....internationally

not just the Clintons.

food for thought.

he didn't stand the ghost of a chance.
Latest: Jeff was found with bruises on his neck. He damn sure didn't strangle himself. Did someone or some people have him snuffed?

Thanks for the link!

Good riddance...I just said to the wife last night I was shocked he was still alive with the list of powerful people he was associated with.
Clearly, they are powerful enough to reach into federal prison.

you people are so short sighted. The Clinton's are small fish compared to the people associated with this freak. The Clinton's are yesterday's news. move on.
Your opinion. Small fish or not, they clearly have the power to reach anyone they chose, if they are responsible for this.

We all know an investigation will turn up nothing and his death will never be solved. Like so many others.

They no longer have that power, they lost it when Hillary lost. They have nothing to offer anyone. They had the power before because of their positions and what they could offer people. That is all gone now.
Well, that is just a silly thing to say. They still have a great deal of power.
Thanks for the link!

Good riddance...I just said to the wife last night I was shocked he was still alive with the list of powerful people he was associated with.
Clearly, they are powerful enough to reach into federal prison.

you people are so short sighted. The Clinton's are small fish compared to the people associated with this freak. The Clinton's are yesterday's news. move on.
Your opinion. Small fish or not, they clearly have the power to reach anyone they chose, if they are responsible for this.

We all know an investigation will turn up nothing and his death will never be solved. Like so many others.

They no longer have that power, they lost it when Hillary lost. They have nothing to offer anyone. They had the power before because of their positions and what they could offer people. That is all gone now.
Well, that is just a silly thing to say. They still have a great deal of power.

How? Their power always centered around what they could do for other people in exchange for favors. They have nothing to offer now, they have no power to help anyone.

If it were not for people like you they would be gone and forgotten
Re the OP, certainly an interesting development. Some posters certainly called that one. I guess as the fake 'collusion' scandal fades away and in fact turns back onto their Party's collisions with foreign powers against their own country, and it becomes more and more clear just how criminal the Democrats have been, with the Party dividing among the assorted criminal syndicates and violent racist gangs, they can't present yet another fake scam to deflect from the inevitable 'discoveries'. Stashing Epstein in a cell in a Democrat controlled city noted for it's hundreds of years of corruption and organized crime history was sort of crazy.
It really would not surprise me to find out he isn't dead at all. El Chapo was always able to buy his way out of prison in Mexico. I don't believe our justice system is any less corrupt.
You have to laugh. All the Trupettes talking about Bill Clinton.

Donald Trump:
1) is on a video standing with Epstein oogling & discussing young girls.
2) Is on video saying how he & his bud Jerry like young women.
3) Is on video admitting he knew Epstein was a child rapist as he liked young girls.
4) Is accused by a woman of rape when she was 13 at an Epstein party

But hey, that Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton never shoewed any interest in underaged girls. Trump has.
SURE and then you woke up curled up in the fetal position and started sucking your thumb because you realized it was only a dream

He likes em like Monica, just barely legal. Hillary is nauseating, but that’s just wrong. He’s got a history of hanging with freaks like wine stain and dead Jeff. Rest in pieces.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Monica was 22. Monica pursued Bill Clinton.

Trump barged in MS Teen USA dressing room hoping to see young girls undressed. He is accused of raping a 13 year old.

I live in a very Republican area of PA. 4 days a week, they are arresting someone of molestation or assault of under aged girls.

Why are Republicans the deviant ones?

Clinton did his dirty deed with Monica in the workplace, and that is despicable. If Clinton was some conservative black guy working as a security guard and took some honky girl into the guard's shed, he would have been fired on the spot. Clear case of Liberal Privilege.
So why don't you just jump into your racist bullshit.

People have consensual sex at work all the time. Clinton cheated & that was a bad thing. His term ended & who knows if could have won after that.

We all know Trump cheated on every one of his wives & you assfucks STILL voted for him. So how about you quit pretending you give a flying fuck about a person's morals.

You lost that card when you voted for Trump.
Epstein died from Suicide today!
Somebody had him switched off. Probably some tRumpkin who thought he would incriminate the *president*.
No, it would be the Clinton's, associates that have dirt on them seem to like suicide.
That's a thoroughly debunked meme. Anyone who still believes it is a few sandwiches shy of a picnic.

It's not just a meme, you fool, those are actual people who actually died, and pretty much all of them had dirt on the Clintons. You extreme partisans are nauseating.
They may be stupid, but their fears weren't. Many non-Alex-Jones types expressed concern that Epstein wouldn't live to testify
They predict nefarious consoiracies about everything. Highlighting the very scant instances of coincidence shows how WRONG they always are, not how right they are.

And committing suicide means he won't be alive to testify. But no, they don't accept that as part of their magical foresight, and you chose careful language there. . So stop being so safe and coy, and describe exactly what they predicted.

Then we can show how wrong they all were again, once we fully understand this event.

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