Jeff Sessions wants police to take more cash from American citizens

Here's another one that is pure bs too " PROTESTING"


Arizona passes bill that will allow govt to seize your property if a protest turns violent |
As long as they have iron clad proof I dont have a problem with it.

Iron clad proof must be established by a court of law. Police gather evidence and establish the facts of a case. They do not try a case or pronounce judgement.

They just make bs up as they go along. Hammering anything they can just as long as they can make all the pieces fit.

If they can't charge the person, they courts can and will get this " Charge your money/ belongings " for the crime. Your money is guilty as charged.

The only way asset forfeiture should be legal is if they bust a dude/dudette with fifty lbs of weed and they have no other means of income.
The thought of more confiscation of assets from criminals, gives me a raging hard on. Maybe they'll think first the next time they want to do something stupid.

It's too bad it doesn't work like that.

You can have it done to you. All it takes is being pulled over.
Among a few other situations.

I'm not really concerned. The incidence of people committing multiple crimes and never getting caught, is infinitely higher than the people being arrested for crimes they didn't commit. So everyone needs to share the guilt equally. "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs." Isn't that how it's all supposed to work, from the left's point of view? If you're gonna share the wealth, you might as well to share the guilt too.

It's all a matter of perspective, son. Is it a forest or just some trees?

In one of the most uncivilized and preposterous loopholes in America, federal agents are allowed to steal citizens’ assets

All the money – $16,000 in cash – that Joseph Rivers said he had saved and relatives had given him to launch his dream in Hollywood is gone, seized during his trip out West not by thieves but by Drug Enforcement Administration agents during a stop at the Amtrak train station in Albuquerque.

Rivers, 22, wasn’t detained and has not been charged with any crime since his money was taken last month.

That doesn’t matter. Under a federal law enforcement tool called civil asset forfeiture, he need never be arrested or convicted of a crime for the government to take away his cash, cars or property – and keep it.

Rivers was left penniless, his dream deferred.....................CONTINUED

From the Albuquerque Journal article: DEA to Traveler: Thanks, I’ll Take That Cash

The DEA Strikes Again – Agents Seize Man’s Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges
The incidence of people committing multiple crimes and never getting caught, is infinitely higher than the people being arrested for crimes they didn't commit.

Police are the only morally authorized use of force on civilians in society. Police MUST err on the side of caution in all cases. And in no case should any American (regardless of his alleged crimes) be deprived of property without due process.

You might remember we fought a war over just this very thing.

I somehow doubt that those colonials were trafficking in drugs.

No instead it was booze.
The thought of more confiscation of assets from criminals, gives me a raging hard on. Maybe they'll think first the next time they want to do something stupid.

It's too bad it doesn't work like that.

You can have it done to you. All it takes is being pulled over.
Among a few other situations.

I'm not really concerned. The incidence of people committing multiple crimes and never getting caught, is infinitely higher than the people being arrested for crimes they didn't commit. So everyone needs to share the guilt equally. "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs." Isn't that how it's all supposed to work, from the left's point of view? If you're gonna share the wealth, you might as well to share the guilt too.

It's all a matter of perspective, son. Is it a forest or just some trees?

In one of the most uncivilized and preposterous loopholes in America, federal agents are allowed to steal citizens’ assets

All the money – $16,000 in cash – that Joseph Rivers said he had saved and relatives had given him to launch his dream in Hollywood is gone, seized during his trip out West not by thieves but by Drug Enforcement Administration agents during a stop at the Amtrak train station in Albuquerque.

Rivers, 22, wasn’t detained and has not been charged with any crime since his money was taken last month.

That doesn’t matter. Under a federal law enforcement tool called civil asset forfeiture, he need never be arrested or convicted of a crime for the government to take away his cash, cars or property – and keep it.

Rivers was left penniless, his dream deferred.....................CONTINUED

From the Albuquerque Journal article: DEA to T
The thought of more confiscation of assets from criminals, gives me a raging hard on. Maybe they'll think first the next time they want to do something stupid.

It's too bad it doesn't work like that.

You can have it done to you. All it takes is being pulled over.
Among a few other situations.

I'm not really concerned. The incidence of people committing multiple crimes and never getting caught, is infinitely higher than the people being arrested for crimes they didn't commit. So everyone needs to share the guilt equally. "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs." Isn't that how it's all supposed to work, from the left's point of view? If you're gonna share the wealth, you might as well to share the guilt too.

It's all a matter of perspective, son. Is it a forest or just some trees?

In one of the most uncivilized and preposterous loopholes in America, federal agents are allowed to steal citizens’ assets

All the money – $16,000 in cash – that Joseph Rivers said he had saved and relatives had given him to launch his dream in Hollywood is gone, seized during his trip out West not by thieves but by Drug Enforcement Administration agents during a stop at the Amtrak train station in Albuquerque.

Rivers, 22, wasn’t detained and has not been charged with any crime since his money was taken last month.

That doesn’t matter. Under a federal law enforcement tool called civil asset forfeiture, he need never be arrested or convicted of a crime for the government to take away his cash, cars or property – and keep it.

Rivers was left penniless, his dream deferred.....................CONTINUED

From the Albuquerque Journal article: [URL='']DEA to Traveler: Thanks, I’ll Take That Cash

raveler: Thanks, I’ll Take That Cash[/URL]

The DEA Strikes Again – Agents Seize Man’s Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges

While it's fuked up if the guy wasnt doing anything wrong I dont see any reason to travel with this much cash.
He could have sent a wire transfer from his bank to a bank in the area he was heading to.
You have to be flat out stupid to travel with this much cash when it can be stolen by a criminal or the cops.

Stupid to a degree, but I've known people who would take cash with them for lets say a down payment on a home. They didn't want to use checks ( it's tracked) just like when you use your bank card everything you do is tracked and traced.

Knowing what I do though i'm not so sure I would carry that much money on me.
As long as they have iron clad proof I dont have a problem with it.

Iron clad proof must be established by a court of law. Police gather evidence and establish the facts of a case. They do not try a case or pronounce judgement.

They just make bs up as they go along. Hammering anything they can just as long as they can make all the pieces fit.

If they can't charge the person, they courts can and will get this " Charge your money/ belongings " for the crime. Your money is guilty as charged.

The only way asset forfeiture should be legal is if they bust a dude/dudette with fifty lbs of weed and they have no other means of income.

At the risk of being a broken record, and because this is an important issue, it doesnt matter if it's 50 metric tonnes of weed. Until there's been a day in court, no seizures of assets.
You have to be flat out stupid to travel with this much cash when it can be stolen by a criminal or the cops.

Stupid to a degree, but I've known people who would take cash with them for lets say a down payment on a home. They didn't want to use checks ( it's tracked) just like when you use your bank card everything you do is tracked and traced.

Knowing what I do though i'm not so sure I would carry that much money on me.

Hold up now...
Why would you care if they tracked your down payment?
They're going to know where you live anyway so whats the point?
We paid 378k in cash for our current home.
And yes we used banks for the process because it's the easiest way to deal with a purchase of that size.
You'd have to be a complete idiot to carry that much cash....or a drug dealer.
As long as they have iron clad proof I dont have a problem with it.

Iron clad proof must be established by a court of law. Police gather evidence and establish the facts of a case. They do not try a case or pronounce judgement.

They just make bs up as they go along. Hammering anything they can just as long as they can make all the pieces fit.

If they can't charge the person, they courts can and will get this " Charge your money/ belongings " for the crime. Your money is guilty as charged.

The only way asset forfeiture should be legal is if they bust a dude/dudette with fifty lbs of weed and they have no other means of income.

At the risk of being a broken record, and because this is an important issue, it doesnt matter if it's 50 metric tonnes of weed. Until there's been a day in court, no seizures of assets.

Are you mentally impaired in some way?
I stated a long time ago that there needs to be rock solid evidence and a trial before anyone can seize your assets.
The thought of more confiscation of assets from criminals, gives me a raging hard on. Maybe they'll think first the next time they want to do something stupid.

Maybe they should be convicted of something first. This is out and out theft. Instead of reforming it Sessions wants to double down. Criminal behavior.
Two things. One don't believe the Washington post.

Two. Read the article.
13 states have changed their procedures to allow only for adoptive forfeiture. This means there must be a conviction first. Sessions is proposing an overhaul of the entire system to require a conviction before any forfeiture can take place.

Now, how to get states to adopt the same laws.
Two things. One don't believe the Washington post.

Two. Read the article.
13 states have changed their procedures to allow only for adoptive forfeiture. This means there must be a conviction first. Sessions is proposing an overhaul of the entire system to require a conviction before any forfeiture can take place.

Now, how to get states to adopt the same laws.

Thanks Tipsy.
The incidence of people committing multiple crimes and never getting caught, is infinitely higher than the people being arrested for crimes they didn't commit.

Police are the only morally authorized use of force on civilians in society. Police MUST err on the side of caution in all cases. And in no case should any American (regardless of his alleged crimes) be deprived of property without due process.

You might remember we fought a war over just this very thing.



the picture is missing

Crispus Attucks
Two things. One don't believe the Washington post.

Two. Read the article.
13 states have changed their procedures to allow only for adoptive forfeiture. This means there must be a conviction first. Sessions is proposing an overhaul of the entire system to require a conviction before any forfeiture can take place.

Now, how to get states to adopt the same laws.

so once again

the leftist media distorts the news about a republican leader

when in reality sessions is working to protect MORE rights for the people not less

as the news suggested

Two things. One don't believe the Washington post.

Two. Read the article.
13 states have changed their procedures to allow only for adoptive forfeiture. This means there must be a conviction first. Sessions is proposing an overhaul of the entire system to require a conviction before any forfeiture can take place.

Now, how to get states to adopt the same laws.
Two things. One don't believe the Washington post.

Two. Read the article.
13 states have changed their procedures to allow only for adoptive forfeiture. This means there must be a conviction first. Sessions is proposing an overhaul of the entire system to require a conviction before any forfeiture can take place.

Now, how to get states to adopt the same laws.

Where it's from shouldn't be a problem when it's fact and true LAWS .that exist.

That's what they tell you will be done " A conviction first" Time will prove what htey really do
Two things. One don't believe the Washington post.

Two. Read the article.
13 states have changed their procedures to allow only for adoptive forfeiture. This means there must be a conviction first. Sessions is proposing an overhaul of the entire system to require a conviction before any forfeiture can take place.

Now, how to get states to adopt the same laws.

4. What if I’m innocent? Surely, innocent people can’t have their property taken.
Being innocent does not mean that a state has to return your property. The Supreme Court of the United States has held that the “innocent owner” defense is not constitutionally required. Furthermore, even in states where you do have an innocent owner defense, the burden is typically on you. Your property is presumed to be guilty until you prove that you are innocent and that your property therefore should not be forfeited. In other words, you must prove (1) that you were not involved in criminal activity and (2) that you either had no knowledge that your property was being used to facilitate the commission of a crime or that you took every reasonable step under the circumstances to terminate such use. And all the while, the police retain your property. To cap it all off, the success rate for winning back property is low. Pragmatic property owners, however innocent, may reason that it is best to cut their losses rather than challenge the forfeiture in court.

Civil Asset Forfeiture: 7 Things You Should Know

Two things. One don't believe the Washington post.

Two. Read the article.
13 states have changed their procedures to allow only for adoptive forfeiture. This means there must be a conviction first. Sessions is proposing an overhaul of the entire system to require a conviction before any forfeiture can take place.

Now, how to get states to adopt the same laws.

4. What if I’m innocent? Surely, innocent people can’t have their property taken.
Being innocent does not mean that a state has to return your property. The Supreme Court of the United States has held that the “innocent owner” defense is not constitutionally required. Furthermore, even in states where you do have an innocent owner defense, the burden is typically on you. Your property is presumed to be guilty until you prove that you are innocent and that your property therefore should not be forfeited. In other words, you must prove (1) that you were not involved in criminal activity and (2) that you either had no knowledge that your property was being used to facilitate the commission of a crime or that you took every reasonable step under the circumstances to terminate such use. And all the while, the police retain your property. To cap it all off, the success rate for winning back property is low. Pragmatic property owners, however innocent, may reason that it is best to cut their losses rather than challenge the forfeiture in court.

Civil Asset Forfeiture: 7 Things You Should Know

Two things you should know. Jeff Sessions is trying to change the federal law regarding asset forfeiture. His change will require a conviction.

Now this is only for federal law. The states must also make this change in the law. 13 states have already done so.

Check up on your states laws.
Let's not refer to criminals as American citizens. Let's leave the term "American citizens" for those of us who are law-abiding non-criminals.
Let's not refer to criminals as American citizens. Let's leave the term "American citizens" for those of us who are law-abiding non-criminals.

the difference being is that sessions

believes in due process

where everyone has the right to be presumed innocent

until proven guilty

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