Zone1 Jerusalem: A Spiritual and Prophetic Beacon for the Whole World


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
But if Jerusalem is the beacon for the whole world are then the jews or the jewish nation the "leaders of all other tribes, nations, and peoples"? What role do jews play in the prophetic and spiritual world order?

The email is from Rabbi Chaim Goldberg, i subscribed to the teachings and newsletter of "Noahidism"*

*Noahidism is "Judaism light for goyim/gentiles", according to the Rabbis, God made a covenant with Noah and his descendants (all humans) and promise, every human should follow the Noahide rules, but only Jews follow the Mosaic law, the Noahide laws are like 5 rules i think, like worship only one God and do not blasheme God. And a few others.

But my question are Jews special in this plan or world order and if so how? For example can they mistreat a goy? Or be lighter sentenced for mistreating a goy then a fellow jew? Are jews the shepherds or leaders of all humanity? That sounds a bit scary, for a goyim like me, maybe it isnt though? Explain. Maybe I should ask Rabbi Chaim Goldberg?
This week, we celebrated a momentous occasion here in Israel: Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim) This annual celebration honors the historical and spiritual significance of Jerusalem, marking the unification of the city. It's a day filled with vibrant festivities, reflective moments, and a deep appreciation for the rich heritage of this ancient city.
Jerusalem holds a unique and paramount position in Judaism, serving as its spiritual, historical, and emotional center. Throughout millennia, the city has been deeply embedded in the Jewish narrative, shaping its identity and aspirations. Jerusalem's prophetic significance offers a vision of hope for a world yearning for peace, unity, and a renewed commitment to universal moral values. Recognizing and embracing Jerusalem's prophetic potential can contribute to a more just, harmonious, and spiritually attuned world.​

In this edition, we are pleased to bring you articles about Jerusalem Day. Dive in to and gain new insights into the city's profound impact on our collective identity and faith.

Enter the Following links to reach the articles:

Jerusalem’s Place in the Divine Plan
The Six Day War Threatens Western Civilization

Hope you enjoy!

Warm Blessing
Rabbi Chaim Goldberg​
Mortimers Email
Shalom Dear Rabbi Chaim

How are you?

Im Svetozar Plemic, a subscriber to the community letter.

I receive emails. I have a Question

if Jerusalem is the beacon for the whole world are then the jews or the jewish nation the "leaders of all other tribes, nations, and peoples"? What role do jews play in the prophetic and spiritual world order?

*Noahidism is "Judaism light for goyim/gentiles", according to the Rabbis, God made a covenant with Noah and his descendants (all humans) and promise, every human should follow the Noahide rules, but only Jews follow the Mosaic law, the Noahide laws are like 5 rules i think, like worship only one God and do not blasheme God. And a few others.

But my question are Jews special in this plan or world order and if so how? For example can they mistreat a goy? Or be lighter sentenced for mistreating a goy then a fellow jew? Are jews the shepherds or leaders of all humanity? That sounds a bit scary, for a goyim like me, maybe it isnt though? Explain please.

Also Im not aware of any jewish ancestry in my family tree, but i did genetic tests with 23andme and AncestryDNA and i score a few percent jewish ancestry. Its very little percent, but it seems "real" and not "noise" and i think i do have distanct jewish ancestry which i didnt know of. I know that doesnt make me a jew, of course or jewish in any way. Im a gentile.

Also another question if im a Christian, does that even is in line with Noahidism? Or because of the Trinity it isnt? Can a Christian be a Noahide, what about a Muslim? Can a Muslim be a Noahide, or that is not compatible with eatch other?
Can a Muslim be a Noahide, or that is not compatible with eatch other?

being asked by a christian ...

the heredity idolatry of abraham and the liar moses their false commandments would seem to answer any questions about judaism and its authenticity - the same as jesus made in their repudiation of that religion in the 1st century.
Bless Jerusalem.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee.

What you make happen for Jerusalem God will make happen to you.
Let' pray

Father God in heaven bless Jerusalem with much peace and prosperity. Father bless Jerusalem with your hand, and your hedge of protection. Father God bless Netenyahu with wisdom, strength, and guidance as he accomplishes getting victory over the enemies of Jerusalem; and Father God we thank you Lord for all of your many-many blessings in Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Bless Jerusalem.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee.

What you make happen for Jerusalem God will make happen to you.

At this point, I'd be praying to Allah that no Hamas is hiding in my closet. :laughing0301:
being asked by a christian ...

the heredity idolatry of abraham and the liar moses their false commandments would seem to answer any questions about judaism and its authenticity - the same as jesus made in their repudiation of that religion in the 1st century.

Clif High phrases it neatly when he calls the Jews and all Monotheistic believers , Space Alien Worshippers .
Based on his understanding that Tablet Man met one of the Elohim on top of that hill .

He certainly did not meet the all embracing Universe source .

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