Jerusalem should be divided

Oh noooze!...

... what if Jesus came back...

... an' landed onna Mooslamic side o' town?
they would crucify him again, or worse

if it was on the jewish side of town, they would send him to a jewish freudian psychiatrist or a mental hospital and diagnose it as "jerusalem syndrome"

they have so many mostly yankee crazies in jerusalem thinking they are god or jesus or abraham they have that name for it, they really do!!

or a heath professional like Rosie
all true---there is a diagnosis in israel ---JERUSALEM SYNDROME-------my theory is that Yeshua ben yosef-----was the FREUD OF HIS DAY--------he was engaged in a study
of the mental health of his fellow Pharisees------the Sanhedrin seemed to understand-----they could not find him guilty of a crime (in those days INSANITY was a DEFENSE in jewish jurisprudence) -----but the ROMANS WERE CONFOUNDED

the arabs talk and bluster but, to quote you:

"the wicked promise much and perform not even a little"..

that really applies to all the Arabs in 1967 and every year except yom kippur in 1973

Nasser really did want to make peace with Israel in 1953 or so and so did Moshe Sharett the Israeli PM, but Ben Gurion vetoed it. Look it up on wiki if you don't believe me

forgive me, but I'm in a peaceful space right now schmoozing with Irosie and I would rather do that than kvetch at you or argue at length..

May Obama win!

No need to argue, the facts are the facts, and for anyone to think that Israel should have just sat back and waited to be annulated by 100s of millions of Arabs is idiotic and naive. It seems many Brits tend to be that way…"Peace in our time":cuckoo:

[ame=]Neville Chamberlain - Peace in our Time - YouTube[/ame]
" Jroc said:

No need to argue, the facts are the facts, and for anyone to think that Israel should have just sat back and waited to be annulated by 100s of millions of Arabs is idiotic and naive. It seems many Brits tend to be that way…"Peace in our time"

The Brits mostly supported israel in 1948, 1967, and 1973

BUT not in 1956, and not in Lebanon or Cast Lead, especially.

I don't agree with your hyped up description.

NEVER take Arabs or Iranians at their word even if it suits you. They lie and lie and lie.

That's all for now...maybe we can discuss more later.

i have to go to bed....sweetie's orders

or there wont be peace in our time at my home right now.

Yes Neville Chamberlain was a cowardly deadly fool and worse.

Churchill was right, but few of his conservative party supported him at the time!

Only the socialists...your friends and mine!!

Most of the British Conseravtive Party actually wanted an alliance with Hitler against the commies of the USSR

but that was prevented when in 1938, Hitler and Stalin signed a treaty.

Just so you know what British conservatives were like then!
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"Recognition of a Palestinian state by most countries of the world does not mean denying or negating the existence of the State of Israel."

--From a confidential Israeli Foreign Ministry report whose conclusions regarding the de-legitimization of Israel in the world completely oppose the Israeli government's policies. (Maariv Hebrew)**
"Recognition of a Palestinian state by most countries of the world does not mean denying or negating the existence of the State of Israel."

--From a confidential Israeli Foreign Ministry report whose conclusions regarding the de-legitimization of Israel in the world completely oppose the Israeli government's policies. (Maariv Hebrew)**

There is no such thing as a half Jew.

Ever heard the joke about the "half Jewish" kid, and the swimming pool?:eusa_whistle:
"Recognition of a Palestinian state by most countries of the world does not mean denying or negating the existence of the State of Israel."

--From a confidential Israeli Foreign Ministry report whose conclusions regarding the de-legitimization of Israel in the world completely oppose the Israeli government's policies. (Maariv Hebrew)**

There is no such thing as a half Jew.

Ever heard the joke about the "half Jewish" kid, and the swimming pool?:eusa_whistle:

"Recognition of a Palestinian state by most countries of the world does not mean denying or negating the existence of the State of Israel."

--From a confidential Israeli Foreign Ministry report whose conclusions regarding the de-legitimization of Israel in the world completely oppose the Israeli government's policies. (Maariv Hebrew)**

There is no such thing as a half Jew.

Ever heard the joke about the "half Jewish" kid, and the swimming pool?:eusa_whistle:


Groucho Marx went to sign his up granddaughter in a restricted country club in Chicago. He sees a sign at the entrance saying, "Jews unwanted here". He goes to the manager there and asks innocently, "My granddaughter, actually, is only half Jewish, so can she enter the pool up to her waist?"
There is no such thing as a half Jew.

Ever heard the joke about the "half Jewish" kid, and the swimming pool?:eusa_whistle:


Groucho Marx went to sign his up granddaughter in a restricted country club in Chicago. He sees a sign at the entrance saying, "Jews unwanted here". He goes to the manager there and asks innocently, "My granddaughter, actually, is only half Jewish, so can she enter the pool up to her waist?"

That's STILL a half more Jewish than you are, Señora Lips.

Groucho Marx went to sign his up granddaughter in a restricted country club in Chicago. He sees a sign at the entrance saying, "Jews unwanted here". He goes to the manager there and asks innocently, "My granddaughter, actually, is only half Jewish, so can she enter the pool up to her waist?"

That's STILL a half more Jewish than you are, Señora Lips.

I love it when you repeat the same old shit everytime hoping to score.

knock yourself out.
Groucho Marx went to sign his up granddaughter in a restricted country club in Chicago. He sees a sign at the entrance saying, "Jews unwanted here". He goes to the manager there and asks innocently, "My granddaughter, actually, is only half Jewish, so can she enter the pool up to her waist?"

That's STILL a half more Jewish than you are, Señora Lips.

I love it when you repeat the same old shit everytime hoping to score.

knock yourself out.

We both have the same amount of Jewish blood in us, which is ZERO.
Gee, it's like we're almost related. :D
We both have the same amount of Jewish blood in us, which is ZERO.
Gee, it's like we're almost related. :D

there is no such thing as "Jewish blood", idiot.
Meaning real Jewish ancestry, of which we both have ZERO.

You have zero, don't pull me into your catagory.

I come from a proud Jewish family, which has a chain of Rabbis in it. We are nothing alike.:D
There is no such thing as a half Jew.

Ever heard the joke about the "half Jewish" kid, and the swimming pool?:eusa_whistle:


Groucho Marx went to sign his up granddaughter in a restricted country club in Chicago. He sees a sign at the entrance saying, "Jews unwanted here". He goes to the manager there and asks innocently, "My granddaughter, actually, is only half Jewish, so can she enter the pool up to her waist?"

:lol::lol::lol: I always liked Grouco Marx.
there is no such thing as "Jewish blood", idiot.
Meaning real Jewish ancestry, of which we both have ZERO.

You have zero, don't pull me into your catagory.

I come from a proud Jewish family, which has a chain of Rabbis in it. We are nothing alike.:D

Stop deluding yourself, you're a hispanic who was ADOPTED. Therefore you have ZERO Jewish blood/ancestry. You just like to pretend to.
Listen, folks. The party is over. From here on out Israel will be taking land. Mark my words. They try to overrun Israeli borders and you can kiss Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and part of Saudi Arabia good bye. With one push of a button. Don't tempt her. She will not hesitate to preserve her people and her nation. She knows full well what NEVER AGAIN means. Maybe you people need to go study history and learn from it. Looks like history just repeated itself in America. As an American Zionist I can tell you that the Super Storm Sandy - The Perfect Storm Part 2 - ( Part 1 having taken place in October 31st, 1991 which was made into a movie, happened because George Bush Sr. met in Madrid with world leaders and agreed to carve up Israeli land on October 30, 1991,within 24 hours Georges' favorite home on Kennebunkport, Maine was destroyed. This time? PJ Crowley of State Dept spoke on behalf of Obama and stated Israels interests are no longer America's interests. Within 24 hours the storm began to gather and now we see the aftermath. The lesson? Keep your hands off of Israeli land and keep your noses out of her politics. - Jeremiah

America feels it has a right to dictate to Israel since it gives Israel alot of money. Just sayin'...

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