Jerusalem should be divided

kvetch why do you favor YIDDISH words------your using them seems very artificial to me. I know that the jews of london like to use them----is that where you picked up this fake lingo thing?
Rosie, i learned German at school and speak it OK, so it's easier than Hebrew.

yiddish is a lot similar to German but lots nicer.

I just love the yiddish sounds; the onomatopoeias.....such as kvetch

i only know a few words but always wanna learn more
How about learning and say "auf Wiedersehen?"
auf wieder....again....sehen...see....... means see ya soon

good bye is short for god be with you

so auf wiedersehen and good bye for now................
One who's not fully proud of being a Jew, is not WORTH to be called one.

If you indeed Jewish as you claim, and you're so miserable, why don't you convert to Christianity?

Some people are covenant Jews. If its covenant they'll be a Jew, if not they won't

I know that by Halacha a Jew is a Jew for life.

But I don't think that Kvetchi would mind that.
you are very very right there, habibi

i like your kvetchi....addition, too
Some people are covenant Jews. If its covenant they'll be a Jew, if not they won't

I know that by Halacha a Jew is a Jew for life.

But I don't think that Kvetchi would mind that.
you are very very right there, habibi

i like your kvetchi....addition, too
the last person to say that to me on a message board was a real life Israeli General posting from his Merkava tank from what he called Aza................Gaza

It made me cry.......I got on well with him

that was 9 years ago when he was posted there, not must have been more peaceful then if he had nothing better to do!
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Israel started the Six Day war, that's what funny about it.
That's not the way I remember it...
israel DID start the actual fighting

the arabs...nasser was only posturing and talking war
the israelis took full advantage

then, as they always do

crushed the arabs while pretending to be their victims

and you and much of the world then were duped

not so easy to dupe folx now

israel has cried wolf so much

played the jewish victim card so often, falsely

while starting all but one of the wars (1973)

now the world is waking up

time you did, too, mate

a rather defective detective you are

March 8th 1965
"We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand, we shall enter it with its soil saturated in
blood" - President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser [20]
Feb 22nd 1967

“it is the duty of all of us now to move from defensive positions to offensive positions and enter the battle
to liberate the usurped land…Everyone must face the test and enter the battle to the end.” - President
Attassi of Syria[1]

April 8th 1967
“(this battle will be)…followed by more severe battles until Palestine is liberated and the Zionist

presence ended.” - Syria’s information minister Mahmoud Zubi [1]
May 12th 1967

"In view of the fourteen incidents of sabotage and infiltration perpetrated in the past month alone, Israel
may have no other choice but to adopt suitable countermeasures against the focal points of sabotage.
Israel will continue to take action to prevent any and all attempts to perpetrate sabotage within her
territory. There will be no immunity for any state which aids or abets such acts." - PM Levi Eshkol speech

May 13th 1967
Egypt must expect "an Israeli invasion of Syria immediately after Independence Day, with the aim of
overthrowing the Damascus regime" [10] Soviet misinformation delivered to Anwar Sadat in Moscow.

May 15th 1967“
Israel wants to make it clear to the government of Egypt that it has no aggressive intentions whatsoever
against any Arab state at all” - Israel’s Prime Minister Levi Eshkol [4]

May 16th 1967

'...I gave my instructions to all UAR forces to be ready for action against Israel the moment it might
carry out any aggressive action against any Arab country. Due to these instructions our troops are
already concentrated in Sinai on our eastern border. For the sake of the complete security of all UN
troops…I request that you issue your orders to withdraw all troops immediately. [5] - written request
from Nasser to Commander UNEF (Gaza)
"The existence of Israel has continued too long. We welcome the Israeli aggression. We welcome the
battle we have long awaited. The peak hour has come. The battle has come in which we shall destroy
Israel." - Cairo Radio

May 17th 1967
“All Egypt is now prepared to plunge into total war which will put an end to Israel” - Cairo Radio
"We had hoped yesterday that tension in the Israel-Syria-UAR triangle was dropping after an
ostentatious Egyptian show of putting its forces around Cairo on alert. Last night, however, we and the
Israelis learned that the Egyptians have moved forces into the Sinai. Now they have moved forces in
front of the UN Emergency Force on the Israel-UAR border and all but ordered it to withdraw." -
Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson [30

May 18th 1967“The Zionist barrack in Palestine is about to collapse and be destroyed. Every one of the hundred
million Arabs has been living for the past nineteen years on one hope – to live to see the day Israel is
liquidated…There is no life, no peace nor hope for the gangs of Zionism to remain in the occupied land.”
“As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel….The sole method
we shall apply against Israel is a total war which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence”. -
Cairo Radio’s Voice of the Arabs broadcast
“Egypt has decided to terminate the presence of the United Nations Emergency Force from the territory
of the United Arab Republic and Gaza Strip. Therefore I request that the necessary steps be taken for
the withdrawal of the Force as soon as possible.” - Egyptian ambassador Kony informs U Thant - U.N.

26th June 1967
“Irrespective of the reasons for the actions you have taken, in all frankness, may I advise you that I have
serious misgivings about it for…I believe that this Force has been an important factor in maintaining the
relative quiet in the area of its deployment during the past ten years and that its withdrawal may have
grave implications for peace.” - UN Secretary General U Thant cables Cairo advising that UNEF would be
“The presence of the Emergency Forces in the Sinai desert had kept tensions down. We don’t have to
look further for a United Nations success. Yet the Government of the United Arab Republic has made a
formal request for the withdrawal of UNEF from its territory as soon as possible.
It really makes a mockery of the peacekeeping work of the United Nations if, as soon as the tension rises,
the United Nations force it told to leave. Indeed the collapse of UNEF might well have repercussions on
other United Nations peacekeeping forces, and the credibility of the United Nations in this field are
thrown into question.” - George Brown (British Foreign Secretary), speaking at United Nations
Association annual dinner in London [21]]
…”UNEF was established with the full concurrence of the United Nations…any decision to withdraw the
force should be taken in the United Nations after full consultation with all the countries involved – it
should not be taken as the result of some unilateral decision.” - George Brown (British Foreign Secretary),
speaking at United Nations Association annual dinner in London [21]
"You are correct, Mr. President, in stating that we are having our patience tried to the limits. There
have been 15 attempts at murder and sabotage in the past six weeks. We have not reacted. This in itself
proves that there is no lack of temperance and responsibility on our part. On the other hand, the
problem is not solved indefinitely by inaction. We cannot always rely on the stroke of fortune which has
so far prevented the terrorist acts from taking the toll of life and injury intended by the perpetrators. -
extract from telegram from Eshkol to Pres. LB Johnson.

May 19th 1967

“I do not want to cause alarm but it is difficult for me not to warn the Council that, as I see it, the

position in the Middle East is more disturbing…indeed more menacing than at any time since the fall of
1956.” - UN Secretary General U Thant, Security Council meeting - U.N. S/7906 26th May 1967[/B
]Israel [will] not initiate hostilities “...until or unless (Egyptian forces) close the Straits of Tiran to free
navigation by Israel” - Prime Minister Levi Eshkol message to France’s President de Gaulle.
“Israel would stop at nothing to cancel the blockade. It is essential that President Nasser should not have
any illusions.” - Eshkol tells leading maritime powers
"Our intention to regard the closing of the Straits as a casus belli was the foreign
ministers of those states which had supported international navigation in the Straits in 1957 and
thereafter. There can be no doubt that these warnings reached Cairo. One thing was now clear. If Nasser
imposed a blockade, the explosion would ensue not from 'miscalculation', but from an open-eyed and
conscious readiness for war." - Abba Eban [10]

May 20th 1967

“Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse any aggression, but to initiate the act ourselves,
and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland of Palestine. The Syrian army, with its finger
on the trigger, is united. I believe that the time has come to begin a battle of anihilation.”- Syria’s Defence
Minister Hafez Assad (later to be Syria’s President).

May 22nd 1967
“The Israeli flag shall not go through the Gulf of Aqaba. Our sovereignty over the entrance to the Gulf
cannot be disputed” - Egypt’s President Nasser
"We want a full scale, popular war of liberation… to destroy the Zionist enemy" - Syrian president Dr.
Nureddin al-Attasi speech to troops [6]

May 23rd 1967

"[The Arab blockade of Israel shipping in the Gulf of Aqaba is] illegal and potentially disastrous to the
cause of peace. ...The purported closing of the Gulf of Aqaba has brought a new and grave dimension to
the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway."President LB Johnson -
Times May 24th 1967

May 24th 1967
"[Egypt’s blockade] must not be allowed to triumph; Britain would join with others in an effort to open
the Straits.” - UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson to Israel’s foreign minister Abba Eban
May 26th 1967
"Taking over Sharm el Sheikh meant confrontation with Israel (and) also meant that we were ready to
enter a general war with Israel. The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy
Israel” - Gamal Abdel Nasser speech to the General Council of the International Confederation of Arab Trade
May 28th 1967

“The existence of Israel is in itself an aggression…what happened in 1948 was an aggression – an
aggression against the Palestinian people.
…(the crisis had developed because) “Eshkol threatened to march on Damascus, occupy Syria and

overthrow the Syrian regime. It was our duty to come to the aid of our Arab brother. It was our duty to
ask for the withdrawal of UNEF. When UNEF went, we had to go to the Gulf of Aqaba and restore
things to what they were when we were in Aqaba in 1956” - Gamel Abdel Nasser at a press conference for
several hundred of the World’s press. [9]
“We will not accept any…coexistence with Israel.…Today the issue is not the establishment of peace
between the Arab states and Israel….The war with Israel is in effect since 1948”. - Gamel Abdel Nasser
press conference
May 29th 1967

“Now, eleven years after 1956 we are restoring things to what they were in 1956…The issue now at hand
is not the Gulf of Aqaba, the Straits of Tiran or the withdrawal of UNEF, but the rights of the
Palestinian people.” - Nasser speech to General Assembly in Cairo:
- Vance, Vick, and Pierre Lauer: Hussein of Jordan. London: Peter Owen, 1968
May 30th 1967

"The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel ... to face the
challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab
nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the
critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not of more declarations." -
Gamal Abdel Nasser speech
May 31st 1967

“The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the
ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear - to wipe Israel off the map” - President
Aref of Iraq
“Under the terms of the military agreement signed with Jordan, Jordanian artillery, coordinated with
the forces of Egypt and Syria, is in a position to cut Israel in two at Qalqilya, where Israeli territory
between the Jordan armistice line and the Mediterranean Sea is only 12 kilometres wide”. - Al Akhbar,
Cairo's daily newspaper
UK Parliamentary debate regarding the hasty removal of the United Nations Emergency Force:
"Taking the fire brigade away just when fire was about to burst out" - Foreign Secretary George Brown
“Entirely incomprehensible” - Edward Heath.
“a fatal and perhaps fateful error of judgment” "...this was the last chance for the United Nations to get
a grip on themselves and apply the principles of their Charter” - Sir Alec Douglas-Home
"...the first casualty (of this crisis) had been the United Nations. It would need an immense effort, an
almost superhuman effort, to restore the prestige of that organization" - Sir Alec Douglas-Home
" ...they could not expect the people of Israel, who have done nothing wrong, to sit for a prolonged
period until the pincer movement had got them so entrapped that they could not go on." - Sir Barnett
"The characteristic of this situation is the declared aim of one side not to win concessions from the other.
Their demand is that Israel should cease to exist - indeed has never existed. ...What had to be sought

June 1st 1967

“Brethren and sons, this is the day of the battle to avenge our martyred brethren who fell in 1948. It is the
day to wash away the stigma. We shall, God willing, meet in Tel Aviv and Haifa” - Radio broadcast by Iraqi
President Abdel Rahman Aref

- 11.00 GMT June 1st 1967, Baghdad Domestic Service in Arabic , Foreign Broadcast Information Service
“Those who survive will remain in Palestine. I estimate that none of them will survive.” - Ahmed Shukairy,
chairman of PLO in Jordanian Jerusalem, asked in news interview what will happen to the Israelis if there is a
"When the organs of Arab propaganda raised the contention that Israel is concentrating forces in order to
attack Syria, I invited your Ambassador in Israel to visit the frontier to find out for himself that there was no
truth in this allegation. To my regret, the Ambassador did not respond to our invitation. The Chief of Staff
of the UNTSO checked these claims and informed the Secretary-General of the UN and the capitals of the
region that there were no Israel concentrations on the Syrian border. The Secretary-General even included
a statement to this effect in the Report he submitted on May 19th to the Security Council."- Levi Eshkol,
Prime Minister of Israel, to Russian Premiere Kosygin [17]

June 2nd 1967

“We will coordinate efforts of the PLO with responsible authorities in Jordan in all fields – politically,
militarily and materially…” "It was very probable that the Jordan army might start the battle.” - Ahmed
Shukairy - The Times, Nicholas Herbert, Amman, June 1st

June 3rd 1967“You must not do anything to entangle Israel with the Jordanians...” - Israel’s newly-appointed Defence
Minister Moshe Dayan, instructs the head of the Israeli Army Central Command[6]

June 4th 1967
to the Zionist trap of supporting Israel in the present crisis.
"There are no words I can use to express my disappointment at the attitude that the British Government has
taken with regard to the Gulf of Aqaba - King Husain of Jordan, press conference in Amman -
The Times, June5th 1967 p4, Nicholas Herbert, Amman "WARNING TO BRITAIN BY KING HUSAIN:Danger of losing Arab friends"

June 6th 1967

"I have just come from Jerusalem to tell the Security Council that Israel, by its independent effort and
sacrifice, has passed from serious danger to successful resistance.
Two days ago Israel's condition caused much concern across the humane and friendly world. Israel had
reached a sombre hour. Let me try to evoke the point at which our fortunes stood.
An army, greater than any force ever assembled in history in Sinai, had massed against Israel's southern
frontier. Egypt had dismissed the United Nations forces which symbolized the international interest in the
maintenance of peace in our region. Nasser had provocatively brought five infantry divisions and two
armoured divisions up to our very gates; 80,000 men and 900 tanks were poised to move."- Abba Eban,
Six Day War - crucial quotes
interesting that you mention the MANGO TREE-----somehow all the boys I knew from India-----had memories related to THE MANGO TREE I learned the little yiddish I know from commonly used words that-----did sound ----like what they meant--------even SCHLEP is obvious you will know this one from german NARRISHKEIT
I have the SOLUTION to the Jerusalem problem JERUSALEM CAN BE DIVIDED BETWEEN JEWS AND MUSLIMS-----if MECCA AND MEDINA ARE DIVIDED BETWEEN JEWS AND MUSLIMS ------the fact is that HISTORICALLY both jews and muslims lived----at one time or another in all three. Of course----everyone should have free access to all three too
To rosie:

about you, meshuggah:

Ani Ohevet Otcha

well that would be wonder full...your final solution

the reformed pro zionist in me...thanx to you, dear thinks that if it hadn't been for the Tsars and Shitler, the Jews could have returned peacefully and gradually to Jerusalem and today they would be a big thriving stetl there benefitting the pals as well.

but that's rosie tinted...the arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity as Abba Eban well said....and its an understatement

palestine would be part of Jordan or Syria and that aint exactly heaven is it!!
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interesting that you mention the MANGO TREE-----somehow all the boys I knew from India-----had memories related to THE MANGO TREE I learned the little yiddish I know from commonly used words that-----did sound ----like what they meant--------even SCHLEP is obvious you will know this one from german NARRISHKEIT
yes, schlep I learned from the same jap

there's nothing so sweet as an indian alphonso mango..they call it aam which sounds like mummy...ama

nothing else comes close or tastes so sweet and tangy

except for you, of course
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I recently bought AMCHUR-----which is mango powder-----it is sour and can be used in place of the middle eastern zumac------and-----some old jewish ladies used citric acid----probably from the pharmacy to do SWEET AND SOUR taste

hebrew grammar includes a GENDER DECLENSION
OTCHA mean ---at you or to you
or YOU as the object ------for a boy
for a girl it is OTACH
That's not the way I remember it...
israel DID start the actual fighting

the arabs...nasser was only posturing and talking war
the israelis took full advantage

then, as they always do

crushed the arabs while pretending to be their victims

and you and much of the world then were duped

not so easy to dupe folx now

israel has cried wolf so much

played the jewish victim card so often, falsely

while starting all but one of the wars (1973)

now the world is waking up

time you did, too, mate

a rather defective detective you are

March 8th 1965
"We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand, we shall enter it with its soil saturated in
blood" - President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser [20]
Feb 22nd 1967

“it is the duty of all of us now to move from defensive positions to offensive positions and enter the battle
to liberate the usurped land…Everyone must face the test and enter the battle to the end.” - President
Attassi of Syria[1]

April 8th 1967
“(this battle will be)…followed by more severe battles until Palestine is liberated and the Zionist

presence ended.” - Syria’s information minister Mahmoud Zubi [1]
May 12th 1967

"In view of the fourteen incidents of sabotage and infiltration perpetrated in the past month alone, Israel
may have no other choice but to adopt suitable countermeasures against the focal points of sabotage.
Israel will continue to take action to prevent any and all attempts to perpetrate sabotage within her
territory. There will be no immunity for any state which aids or abets such acts." - PM Levi Eshkol speech

May 13th 1967
Egypt must expect "an Israeli invasion of Syria immediately after Independence Day, with the aim of
overthrowing the Damascus regime" [10] Soviet misinformation delivered to Anwar Sadat in Moscow.

May 15th 1967“
Israel wants to make it clear to the government of Egypt that it has no aggressive intentions whatsoever
against any Arab state at all” - Israel’s Prime Minister Levi Eshkol [4]

May 16th 1967

'...I gave my instructions to all UAR forces to be ready for action against Israel the moment it might
carry out any aggressive action against any Arab country. Due to these instructions our troops are
already concentrated in Sinai on our eastern border. For the sake of the complete security of all UN
troops…I request that you issue your orders to withdraw all troops immediately. [5] - written request
from Nasser to Commander UNEF (Gaza)
"The existence of Israel has continued too long. We welcome the Israeli aggression. We welcome the
battle we have long awaited. The peak hour has come. The battle has come in which we shall destroy
Israel." - Cairo Radio

May 17th 1967
“All Egypt is now prepared to plunge into total war which will put an end to Israel” - Cairo Radio
"We had hoped yesterday that tension in the Israel-Syria-UAR triangle was dropping after an
ostentatious Egyptian show of putting its forces around Cairo on alert. Last night, however, we and the
Israelis learned that the Egyptians have moved forces into the Sinai. Now they have moved forces in
front of the UN Emergency Force on the Israel-UAR border and all but ordered it to withdraw." -
Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson [30

May 18th 1967“The Zionist barrack in Palestine is about to collapse and be destroyed. Every one of the hundred
million Arabs has been living for the past nineteen years on one hope – to live to see the day Israel is
liquidated…There is no life, no peace nor hope for the gangs of Zionism to remain in the occupied land.”
“As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel….The sole method
we shall apply against Israel is a total war which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence”. -
Cairo Radio’s Voice of the Arabs broadcast
“Egypt has decided to terminate the presence of the United Nations Emergency Force from the territory
of the United Arab Republic and Gaza Strip. Therefore I request that the necessary steps be taken for
the withdrawal of the Force as soon as possible.” - Egyptian ambassador Kony informs U Thant - U.N.

26th June 1967
“Irrespective of the reasons for the actions you have taken, in all frankness, may I advise you that I have
serious misgivings about it for…I believe that this Force has been an important factor in maintaining the
relative quiet in the area of its deployment during the past ten years and that its withdrawal may have
grave implications for peace.” - UN Secretary General U Thant cables Cairo advising that UNEF would be
“The presence of the Emergency Forces in the Sinai desert had kept tensions down. We don’t have to
look further for a United Nations success. Yet the Government of the United Arab Republic has made a
formal request for the withdrawal of UNEF from its territory as soon as possible.
It really makes a mockery of the peacekeeping work of the United Nations if, as soon as the tension rises,
the United Nations force it told to leave. Indeed the collapse of UNEF might well have repercussions on
other United Nations peacekeeping forces, and the credibility of the United Nations in this field are
thrown into question.” - George Brown (British Foreign Secretary), speaking at United Nations
Association annual dinner in London [21]]
…”UNEF was established with the full concurrence of the United Nations…any decision to withdraw the
force should be taken in the United Nations after full consultation with all the countries involved – it
should not be taken as the result of some unilateral decision.” - George Brown (British Foreign Secretary),
speaking at United Nations Association annual dinner in London [21]
"You are correct, Mr. President, in stating that we are having our patience tried to the limits. There
have been 15 attempts at murder and sabotage in the past six weeks. We have not reacted. This in itself
proves that there is no lack of temperance and responsibility on our part. On the other hand, the
problem is not solved indefinitely by inaction. We cannot always rely on the stroke of fortune which has
so far prevented the terrorist acts from taking the toll of life and injury intended by the perpetrators. -
extract from telegram from Eshkol to Pres. LB Johnson.

May 19th 1967

“I do not want to cause alarm but it is difficult for me not to warn the Council that, as I see it, the

position in the Middle East is more disturbing…indeed more menacing than at any time since the fall of
1956.” - UN Secretary General U Thant, Security Council meeting - U.N. S/7906 26th May 1967[/B
]Israel [will] not initiate hostilities “...until or unless (Egyptian forces) close the Straits of Tiran to free
navigation by Israel” - Prime Minister Levi Eshkol message to France’s President de Gaulle.
“Israel would stop at nothing to cancel the blockade. It is essential that President Nasser should not have
any illusions.” - Eshkol tells leading maritime powers
"Our intention to regard the closing of the Straits as a casus belli was the foreign
ministers of those states which had supported international navigation in the Straits in 1957 and
thereafter. There can be no doubt that these warnings reached Cairo. One thing was now clear. If Nasser
imposed a blockade, the explosion would ensue not from 'miscalculation', but from an open-eyed and
conscious readiness for war." - Abba Eban [10]

May 20th 1967

“Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse any aggression, but to initiate the act ourselves,
and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland of Palestine. The Syrian army, with its finger
on the trigger, is united. I believe that the time has come to begin a battle of anihilation.”- Syria’s Defence
Minister Hafez Assad (later to be Syria’s President).

May 22nd 1967
“The Israeli flag shall not go through the Gulf of Aqaba. Our sovereignty over the entrance to the Gulf
cannot be disputed” - Egypt’s President Nasser
"We want a full scale, popular war of liberation… to destroy the Zionist enemy" - Syrian president Dr.
Nureddin al-Attasi speech to troops [6]

May 23rd 1967

"[The Arab blockade of Israel shipping in the Gulf of Aqaba is] illegal and potentially disastrous to the
cause of peace. ...The purported closing of the Gulf of Aqaba has brought a new and grave dimension to
the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway."President LB Johnson -
Times May 24th 1967

May 24th 1967
"[Egypt’s blockade] must not be allowed to triumph; Britain would join with others in an effort to open
the Straits.” - UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson to Israel’s foreign minister Abba Eban
May 26th 1967
"Taking over Sharm el Sheikh meant confrontation with Israel (and) also meant that we were ready to
enter a general war with Israel. The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy
Israel” - Gamal Abdel Nasser speech to the General Council of the International Confederation of Arab Trade
May 28th 1967

“The existence of Israel is in itself an aggression…what happened in 1948 was an aggression – an
aggression against the Palestinian people.
…(the crisis had developed because) “Eshkol threatened to march on Damascus, occupy Syria and

overthrow the Syrian regime. It was our duty to come to the aid of our Arab brother. It was our duty to
ask for the withdrawal of UNEF. When UNEF went, we had to go to the Gulf of Aqaba and restore
things to what they were when we were in Aqaba in 1956” - Gamel Abdel Nasser at a press conference for
several hundred of the World’s press. [9]
“We will not accept any…coexistence with Israel.…Today the issue is not the establishment of peace
between the Arab states and Israel….The war with Israel is in effect since 1948”. - Gamel Abdel Nasser
press conference
May 29th 1967

“Now, eleven years after 1956 we are restoring things to what they were in 1956…The issue now at hand
is not the Gulf of Aqaba, the Straits of Tiran or the withdrawal of UNEF, but the rights of the
Palestinian people.” - Nasser speech to General Assembly in Cairo:
- Vance, Vick, and Pierre Lauer: Hussein of Jordan. London: Peter Owen, 1968
May 30th 1967

"The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel ... to face the
challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab
nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the
critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not of more declarations." -
Gamal Abdel Nasser speech
May 31st 1967

“The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the
ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear - to wipe Israel off the map” - President
Aref of Iraq
“Under the terms of the military agreement signed with Jordan, Jordanian artillery, coordinated with
the forces of Egypt and Syria, is in a position to cut Israel in two at Qalqilya, where Israeli territory
between the Jordan armistice line and the Mediterranean Sea is only 12 kilometres wide”. - Al Akhbar,
Cairo's daily newspaper
UK Parliamentary debate regarding the hasty removal of the United Nations Emergency Force:
"Taking the fire brigade away just when fire was about to burst out" - Foreign Secretary George Brown
“Entirely incomprehensible” - Edward Heath.
“a fatal and perhaps fateful error of judgment” "...this was the last chance for the United Nations to get
a grip on themselves and apply the principles of their Charter” - Sir Alec Douglas-Home
"...the first casualty (of this crisis) had been the United Nations. It would need an immense effort, an
almost superhuman effort, to restore the prestige of that organization" - Sir Alec Douglas-Home
" ...they could not expect the people of Israel, who have done nothing wrong, to sit for a prolonged
period until the pincer movement had got them so entrapped that they could not go on." - Sir Barnett
"The characteristic of this situation is the declared aim of one side not to win concessions from the other.
Their demand is that Israel should cease to exist - indeed has never existed. ...What had to be sought

June 1st 1967

“Brethren and sons, this is the day of the battle to avenge our martyred brethren who fell in 1948. It is the
day to wash away the stigma. We shall, God willing, meet in Tel Aviv and Haifa” - Radio broadcast by Iraqi
President Abdel Rahman Aref

- 11.00 GMT June 1st 1967, Baghdad Domestic Service in Arabic , Foreign Broadcast Information Service
“Those who survive will remain in Palestine. I estimate that none of them will survive.” - Ahmed Shukairy,
chairman of PLO in Jordanian Jerusalem, asked in news interview what will happen to the Israelis if there is a
"When the organs of Arab propaganda raised the contention that Israel is concentrating forces in order to
attack Syria, I invited your Ambassador in Israel to visit the frontier to find out for himself that there was no
truth in this allegation. To my regret, the Ambassador did not respond to our invitation. The Chief of Staff
of the UNTSO checked these claims and informed the Secretary-General of the UN and the capitals of the
region that there were no Israel concentrations on the Syrian border. The Secretary-General even included
a statement to this effect in the Report he submitted on May 19th to the Security Council."- Levi Eshkol,
Prime Minister of Israel, to Russian Premiere Kosygin [17]

June 2nd 1967

“We will coordinate efforts of the PLO with responsible authorities in Jordan in all fields – politically,
militarily and materially…” "It was very probable that the Jordan army might start the battle.” - Ahmed
Shukairy - The Times, Nicholas Herbert, Amman, June 1st

June 3rd 1967“You must not do anything to entangle Israel with the Jordanians...” - Israel’s newly-appointed Defence
Minister Moshe Dayan, instructs the head of the Israeli Army Central Command[6]

June 4th 1967
to the Zionist trap of supporting Israel in the present crisis.
"There are no words I can use to express my disappointment at the attitude that the British Government has
taken with regard to the Gulf of Aqaba - King Husain of Jordan, press conference in Amman -
The Times, June5th 1967 p4, Nicholas Herbert, Amman "WARNING TO BRITAIN BY KING HUSAIN:Danger of losing Arab friends"

June 6th 1967

"I have just come from Jerusalem to tell the Security Council that Israel, by its independent effort and
sacrifice, has passed from serious danger to successful resistance.
Two days ago Israel's condition caused much concern across the humane and friendly world. Israel had
reached a sombre hour. Let me try to evoke the point at which our fortunes stood.
An army, greater than any force ever assembled in history in Sinai, had massed against Israel's southern
frontier. Egypt had dismissed the United Nations forces which symbolized the international interest in the
maintenance of peace in our region. Nasser had provocatively brought five infantry divisions and two
armoured divisions up to our very gates; 80,000 men and 900 tanks were poised to move."- Abba Eban,
Six Day War - crucial quotes

I remember all the victory parades the glorius Armies held in Arab capitols.
That's not the way I remember it...
israel DID start the actual fighting

the arabs...nasser was only posturing and talking war
the israelis took full advantage

then, as they always do

crushed the arabs while pretending to be their victims

and you and much of the world then were duped

not so easy to dupe folx now

israel has cried wolf so much

played the jewish victim card so often, falsely

while starting all but one of the wars (1973)

now the world is waking up

time you did, too, mate

a rather defective detective you are

March 8th 1965
"We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand, we shall enter it with its soil saturated in
blood" - President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser [20]
Feb 22nd 1967

“it is the duty of all of us now to move from defensive positions to offensive positions and enter the battle
to liberate the usurped land…Everyone must face the test and enter the battle to the end.” - President
Attassi of Syria[1]

April 8th 1967
“(this battle will be)…followed by more severe battles until Palestine is liberated and the Zionist

presence ended.” - Syria’s information minister Mahmoud Zubi [1]
May 12th 1967

"In view of the fourteen incidents of sabotage and infiltration perpetrated in the past month alone, Israel
may have no other choice but to adopt suitable countermeasures against the focal points of sabotage.
Israel will continue to take action to prevent any and all attempts to perpetrate sabotage within her
territory. There will be no immunity for any state which aids or abets such acts." - PM Levi Eshkol speech

May 13th 1967
Egypt must expect "an Israeli invasion of Syria immediately after Independence Day, with the aim of
overthrowing the Damascus regime" [10] Soviet misinformation delivered to Anwar Sadat in Moscow.

May 15th 1967“
Israel wants to make it clear to the government of Egypt that it has no aggressive intentions whatsoever
against any Arab state at all” - Israel’s Prime Minister Levi Eshkol [4]

May 16th 1967

'...I gave my instructions to all UAR forces to be ready for action against Israel the moment it might
carry out any aggressive action against any Arab country. Due to these instructions our troops are
already concentrated in Sinai on our eastern border. For the sake of the complete security of all UN
troops…I request that you issue your orders to withdraw all troops immediately. [5] - written request
from Nasser to Commander UNEF (Gaza)
"The existence of Israel has continued too long. We welcome the Israeli aggression. We welcome the
battle we have long awaited. The peak hour has come. The battle has come in which we shall destroy
Israel." - Cairo Radio

May 17th 1967
“All Egypt is now prepared to plunge into total war which will put an end to Israel” - Cairo Radio
"We had hoped yesterday that tension in the Israel-Syria-UAR triangle was dropping after an
ostentatious Egyptian show of putting its forces around Cairo on alert. Last night, however, we and the
Israelis learned that the Egyptians have moved forces into the Sinai. Now they have moved forces in
front of the UN Emergency Force on the Israel-UAR border and all but ordered it to withdraw." -
Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson [30

May 18th 1967“The Zionist barrack in Palestine is about to collapse and be destroyed. Every one of the hundred
million Arabs has been living for the past nineteen years on one hope – to live to see the day Israel is
liquidated…There is no life, no peace nor hope for the gangs of Zionism to remain in the occupied land.”
“As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel….The sole method
we shall apply against Israel is a total war which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence”. -
Cairo Radio’s Voice of the Arabs broadcast
“Egypt has decided to terminate the presence of the United Nations Emergency Force from the territory
of the United Arab Republic and Gaza Strip. Therefore I request that the necessary steps be taken for
the withdrawal of the Force as soon as possible.” - Egyptian ambassador Kony informs U Thant - U.N.

26th June 1967
“Irrespective of the reasons for the actions you have taken, in all frankness, may I advise you that I have
serious misgivings about it for…I believe that this Force has been an important factor in maintaining the
relative quiet in the area of its deployment during the past ten years and that its withdrawal may have
grave implications for peace.” - UN Secretary General U Thant cables Cairo advising that UNEF would be
“The presence of the Emergency Forces in the Sinai desert had kept tensions down. We don’t have to
look further for a United Nations success. Yet the Government of the United Arab Republic has made a
formal request for the withdrawal of UNEF from its territory as soon as possible.
It really makes a mockery of the peacekeeping work of the United Nations if, as soon as the tension rises,
the United Nations force it told to leave. Indeed the collapse of UNEF might well have repercussions on
other United Nations peacekeeping forces, and the credibility of the United Nations in this field are
thrown into question.” - George Brown (British Foreign Secretary), speaking at United Nations
Association annual dinner in London [21]]
…”UNEF was established with the full concurrence of the United Nations…any decision to withdraw the
force should be taken in the United Nations after full consultation with all the countries involved – it
should not be taken as the result of some unilateral decision.” - George Brown (British Foreign Secretary),
speaking at United Nations Association annual dinner in London [21]
"You are correct, Mr. President, in stating that we are having our patience tried to the limits. There
have been 15 attempts at murder and sabotage in the past six weeks. We have not reacted. This in itself
proves that there is no lack of temperance and responsibility on our part. On the other hand, the
problem is not solved indefinitely by inaction. We cannot always rely on the stroke of fortune which has
so far prevented the terrorist acts from taking the toll of life and injury intended by the perpetrators. -
extract from telegram from Eshkol to Pres. LB Johnson.

May 19th 1967

“I do not want to cause alarm but it is difficult for me not to warn the Council that, as I see it, the

position in the Middle East is more disturbing…indeed more menacing than at any time since the fall of
1956.” - UN Secretary General U Thant, Security Council meeting - U.N. S/7906 26th May 1967[/B
]Israel [will] not initiate hostilities “...until or unless (Egyptian forces) close the Straits of Tiran to free
navigation by Israel” - Prime Minister Levi Eshkol message to France’s President de Gaulle.
“Israel would stop at nothing to cancel the blockade. It is essential that President Nasser should not have
any illusions.” - Eshkol tells leading maritime powers
"Our intention to regard the closing of the Straits as a casus belli was the foreign
ministers of those states which had supported international navigation in the Straits in 1957 and
thereafter. There can be no doubt that these warnings reached Cairo. One thing was now clear. If Nasser
imposed a blockade, the explosion would ensue not from 'miscalculation', but from an open-eyed and
conscious readiness for war." - Abba Eban [10]

May 20th 1967

“Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse any aggression, but to initiate the act ourselves,
and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland of Palestine. The Syrian army, with its finger
on the trigger, is united. I believe that the time has come to begin a battle of anihilation.”- Syria’s Defence
Minister Hafez Assad (later to be Syria’s President).

May 22nd 1967
“The Israeli flag shall not go through the Gulf of Aqaba. Our sovereignty over the entrance to the Gulf
cannot be disputed” - Egypt’s President Nasser
"We want a full scale, popular war of liberation… to destroy the Zionist enemy" - Syrian president Dr.
Nureddin al-Attasi speech to troops [6]

May 23rd 1967

"[The Arab blockade of Israel shipping in the Gulf of Aqaba is] illegal and potentially disastrous to the
cause of peace. ...The purported closing of the Gulf of Aqaba has brought a new and grave dimension to
the crisis. The United States considers the gulf to be an international waterway."President LB Johnson -
Times May 24th 1967

May 24th 1967
"[Egypt’s blockade] must not be allowed to triumph; Britain would join with others in an effort to open
the Straits.” - UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson to Israel’s foreign minister Abba Eban
May 26th 1967
"Taking over Sharm el Sheikh meant confrontation with Israel (and) also meant that we were ready to
enter a general war with Israel. The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy
Israel” - Gamal Abdel Nasser speech to the General Council of the International Confederation of Arab Trade
May 28th 1967

“The existence of Israel is in itself an aggression…what happened in 1948 was an aggression – an
aggression against the Palestinian people.
…(the crisis had developed because) “Eshkol threatened to march on Damascus, occupy Syria and

overthrow the Syrian regime. It was our duty to come to the aid of our Arab brother. It was our duty to
ask for the withdrawal of UNEF. When UNEF went, we had to go to the Gulf of Aqaba and restore
things to what they were when we were in Aqaba in 1956” - Gamel Abdel Nasser at a press conference for
several hundred of the World’s press. [9]
“We will not accept any…coexistence with Israel.…Today the issue is not the establishment of peace
between the Arab states and Israel….The war with Israel is in effect since 1948”. - Gamel Abdel Nasser
press conference
May 29th 1967

“Now, eleven years after 1956 we are restoring things to what they were in 1956…The issue now at hand
is not the Gulf of Aqaba, the Straits of Tiran or the withdrawal of UNEF, but the rights of the
Palestinian people.” - Nasser speech to General Assembly in Cairo:
- Vance, Vick, and Pierre Lauer: Hussein of Jordan. London: Peter Owen, 1968
May 30th 1967

"The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel ... to face the
challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab
nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the
critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not of more declarations." -
Gamal Abdel Nasser speech
May 31st 1967

“The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the
ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear - to wipe Israel off the map” - President
Aref of Iraq
“Under the terms of the military agreement signed with Jordan, Jordanian artillery, coordinated with
the forces of Egypt and Syria, is in a position to cut Israel in two at Qalqilya, where Israeli territory
between the Jordan armistice line and the Mediterranean Sea is only 12 kilometres wide”. - Al Akhbar,
Cairo's daily newspaper
UK Parliamentary debate regarding the hasty removal of the United Nations Emergency Force:
"Taking the fire brigade away just when fire was about to burst out" - Foreign Secretary George Brown
“Entirely incomprehensible” - Edward Heath.
“a fatal and perhaps fateful error of judgment” "...this was the last chance for the United Nations to get
a grip on themselves and apply the principles of their Charter” - Sir Alec Douglas-Home
"...the first casualty (of this crisis) had been the United Nations. It would need an immense effort, an
almost superhuman effort, to restore the prestige of that organization" - Sir Alec Douglas-Home
" ...they could not expect the people of Israel, who have done nothing wrong, to sit for a prolonged
period until the pincer movement had got them so entrapped that they could not go on." - Sir Barnett
"The characteristic of this situation is the declared aim of one side not to win concessions from the other.
Their demand is that Israel should cease to exist - indeed has never existed. ...What had to be sought

June 1st 1967

“Brethren and sons, this is the day of the battle to avenge our martyred brethren who fell in 1948. It is the
day to wash away the stigma. We shall, God willing, meet in Tel Aviv and Haifa” - Radio broadcast by Iraqi
President Abdel Rahman Aref

- 11.00 GMT June 1st 1967, Baghdad Domestic Service in Arabic , Foreign Broadcast Information Service
“Those who survive will remain in Palestine. I estimate that none of them will survive.” - Ahmed Shukairy,
chairman of PLO in Jordanian Jerusalem, asked in news interview what will happen to the Israelis if there is a
"When the organs of Arab propaganda raised the contention that Israel is concentrating forces in order to
attack Syria, I invited your Ambassador in Israel to visit the frontier to find out for himself that there was no
truth in this allegation. To my regret, the Ambassador did not respond to our invitation. The Chief of Staff
of the UNTSO checked these claims and informed the Secretary-General of the UN and the capitals of the
region that there were no Israel concentrations on the Syrian border. The Secretary-General even included
a statement to this effect in the Report he submitted on May 19th to the Security Council."- Levi Eshkol,
Prime Minister of Israel, to Russian Premiere Kosygin [17]

June 2nd 1967

“We will coordinate efforts of the PLO with responsible authorities in Jordan in all fields – politically,
militarily and materially…” "It was very probable that the Jordan army might start the battle.” - Ahmed
Shukairy - The Times, Nicholas Herbert, Amman, June 1st

June 3rd 1967“You must not do anything to entangle Israel with the Jordanians...” - Israel’s newly-appointed Defence
Minister Moshe Dayan, instructs the head of the Israeli Army Central Command[6]

June 4th 1967
to the Zionist trap of supporting Israel in the present crisis.
"There are no words I can use to express my disappointment at the attitude that the British Government has
taken with regard to the Gulf of Aqaba - King Husain of Jordan, press conference in Amman -
The Times, June5th 1967 p4, Nicholas Herbert, Amman "WARNING TO BRITAIN BY KING HUSAIN:Danger of losing Arab friends"

June 6th 1967

"I have just come from Jerusalem to tell the Security Council that Israel, by its independent effort and
sacrifice, has passed from serious danger to successful resistance.
Two days ago Israel's condition caused much concern across the humane and friendly world. Israel had
reached a sombre hour. Let me try to evoke the point at which our fortunes stood.
An army, greater than any force ever assembled in history in Sinai, had massed against Israel's southern
frontier. Egypt had dismissed the United Nations forces which symbolized the international interest in the
maintenance of peace in our region. Nasser had provocatively brought five infantry divisions and two
armoured divisions up to our very gates; 80,000 men and 900 tanks were poised to move."- Abba Eban,
Six Day War - crucial quotes


the arabs talk and bluster but, to quote you:

"the wicked promise much and perform not even a little"..

that really applies to all the Arabs in 1967 and every year except yom kippur in 1973

Nasser really did want to make peace with Israel in 1953 or so and so did Moshe Sharett the Israeli PM, but Ben Gurion vetoed it. Look it up on wiki if you don't believe me

forgive me, but I'm in a peaceful space right now schmoozing with Irosie and I would rather do that than kvetch at you or argue at length..

May Obama win!
I recently bought AMCHUR-----which is mango powder-----it is sour and can be used in place of the middle eastern zumac------and-----some old jewish ladies used citric acid----probably from the pharmacy to do SWEET AND SOUR taste

hebrew grammar includes a GENDER DECLENSION
OTCHA mean ---at you or to you
or YOU as the object ------for a boy
for a girl it is OTACH
so ani ohevet that right??

and what is habibi in hebrew so i can schmooze with Lipushi as well as you
nasser started the war of 1967 NOT just by POSTURING----he blocked the strait of tiran and ARRANGED HIS HEAVILY RUSSIAN ARMED SOLDIERS along with military advisors from Russia in the SINAI ---AND dismissed the UN peace keeping forces---------somehow real jerks describe baby brain smashing nail bombs as TRIVIAL------but the bombing of a empty plane on the tarmac as a HUGE ACT OF WAR by Israel-----who said islamic nazis have no sense of humor

for about a week before it started----arab -diplomat after diplomat in the UN stood up and DECLARED THE IMMINENT DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL------------yet the jerks blame it all on the bombing of an empty plane on the tarmac in egypt
there are lots of ways to say habibi in hebrew----but I think the one used the most is MOTEK which means "sweet"
I see it as the only possible way to come to some sort of solution to the Palestine-Israel problem. Without a capital in Jerusalem the Palestinians will never be satisfied and the Israelis will never be safe. It was divided from 1948-67. No reason it couldn't be again.
I have a suggestion: Divide Jerusalem between Republicans and Democrats. Just like Boca Raton.
nasser started the war of 1967 NOT just by POSTURING----he blocked the strait of tiran and ARRANGED HIS HEAVILY RUSSIAN ARMED SOLDIERS along with military advisors from Russia in the SINAI ---AND dismissed the UN peace keeping forces---------somehow real jerks describe baby brain smashing nail bombs as TRIVIAL------but the bombing of a empty plane on the tarmac as a HUGE ACT OF WAR by Israel-----who said islamic nazis have no sense of humor

for about a week before it started----arab -diplomat after diplomat in the UN stood up and DECLARED THE IMMINENT DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL------------yet the jerks blame it all on the bombing of an empty plane on the tarmac in egypt
like i said to jroc, sweetie I aint in a mood to argue right now.

for all I know; you and jroc can be least for tonight!!

what is sweetie in hebrew or do I have to look it up

rather get it from the rosie's petals with the fragrance..

i'm goin to watch Downton Abbey soon with yenta habibi, also

dont you like this thread being so much more civilised today?

Lipush and Iknow habibi - ing each other...that's a real peace prize

deserves a nobel more than the bloody EU !!
I see it as the only possible way to come to some sort of solution to the Palestine-Israel problem. Without a capital in Jerusalem the Palestinians will never be satisfied and the Israelis will never be safe. It was divided from 1948-67. No reason it couldn't be again.
I have a suggestion: Divide Jerusalem between Republicans and Democrats. Just like Boca Raton.
that might be even worse

tea party on the temple mount????

Hmmmmmm !!!!

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