Jerusalem should be divided

kvetch why do you favor YIDDISH words------your using them seems very artificial to me. I know that the jews of london like to use them----is that where you picked up this fake lingo thing?
Tinnie should ask the cops of jerusalem why they considered it necessary to be around during the easter holiday-------In my city cops show up -----here and there without telling me why------and----ON JEWISH HOLIDAYS---there are cops and armed guards at the doors of the synagogue. -------but that phenomenon did not happen
until a few massive bomb plots were uncovered.

During the holiday of Divali-----I was around the area of town that harbors lots and lots of people from the Indian subcontinent------there were police around there too. -----I had to jump over crowds to get my hands on a package of cardomom and turmeric. It seems to me that cops RESPOND to "situations" they deem --might need cops

sometimes they have "INFORMATION"
Part 3. After the death of Queen Shlomit of the Hasmonean dynasty, her 2 sons fought over the throne. This created a wedge for the Romans to come in. The Jews fought valiantly against the Romans under the strong Bar-Kochba, but sheer numbers finally prevailed. Once again, Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, and the Jews were driven out of Judea. A small number of Jews remained though. And Jews never lost hope of returning to Zion. The Silent Prayer (Shmonah Esrei) and the Grace-after-Meals are full of references about a return to Zion. Masada the fortress also fell to the Romans, so Israeli soldiers take the oath: "Masada shall not fall again". In 1967, in the miraculous Six-Day-War, Israeli soldiers rushed to the Western Wall, the only part of the Temple never destroyed. They cried, prayed, and touched the ancient stones. We will never be separated from Jerusalem again! The End. :eusa_boohoo:
Israeli police kept Christians from celebrating Easter in Jerusalem.

Christians celebrated in the West Bank without a cop in sight.

Christians celebrated in Gaza without a cop in sight.

The Palestinian city of Jerusalem should not be divided.
"The Palestinian city of Jerusalem.............." This statement is dangerous, Tinnie. People could read it and spit their coffee thru their nose and cause them to drown in their own snot.
glad you have recovered your good humour, hossy haver

i was afraid you had lost it yesterday
Part 3. After the death of Queen Shlomit of the Hasmonean dynasty, her 2 sons fought over the throne. This created a wedge for the Romans to come in. The Jews fought valiantly against the Romans under the strong Bar-Kochba, but sheer numbers finally prevailed. Once again, Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, and the Jews were driven out of Judea. A small number of Jews remained though. And Jews never lost hope of returning to Zion. The Silent Prayer (Shmonah Esrei) and the Grace-after-Meals are full of references about a return to Zion. Masada the fortress also fell to the Romans, so Israeli soldiers take the oath: "Masada shall not fall again". In 1967, in the miraculous Six-Day-War, Israeli soldiers rushed to the Western Wall, the only part of the Temple never destroyed. They cried, prayed, and touched the ancient stones. We will never be separated from Jerusalem again! The End. :eusa_boohoo:
i want to say I have no problems at all about Jews returning to Zion

Whether that be the inner Zion, the local Zion, or actual Jerusalem itself

Only with trying to deny it equally to others or stealing any part of it

Possessiveness destroys and the God I believe in does not want any of his squabbling sibling faiths to fight over it..................

we should be proud and happy that christians and muslims hold our beloved Zion Jerusalem sacred as well as us, and be the best of hosts, which we are NOT
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Tinnie should ask the cops of jerusalem why they considered it necessary to be around during the easter holiday-------In my city cops show up -----here and there without telling me why------and----ON JEWISH HOLIDAYS---there are cops and armed guards at the doors of the synagogue. -------but that phenomenon did not happen
until a few massive bomb plots were uncovered.

During the holiday of Divali-----I was around the area of town that harbors lots and lots of people from the Indian subcontinent------there were police around there too. -----I had to jump over crowds to get my hands on a package of cardomom and turmeric. It seems to me that cops RESPOND to "situations" they deem --might need cops

sometimes they have "INFORMATION"
Diwali ...the indian christmas dedicated to Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and festival of 100,000 lights.........this year is 13th November

Be'ezrat hashem inshallah god willing

a double celebration after Obama gets in next Tuesday!!
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Tinnie should ask the cops of jerusalem why they considered it necessary to be around during the easter holiday-------In my city cops show up -----here and there without telling me why------and----ON JEWISH HOLIDAYS---there are cops and armed guards at the doors of the synagogue. -------but that phenomenon did not happen
until a few massive bomb plots were uncovered.

During the holiday of Divali-----I was around the area of town that harbors lots and lots of people from the Indian subcontinent------there were police around there too. -----I had to jump over crowds to get my hands on a package of cardomom and turmeric. It seems to me that cops RESPOND to "situations" they deem --might need cops

sometimes they have "INFORMATION"

Funny, the Christians celebrated Easter in the West Bank and in Gaza without any need for police.
what is funny about it tinnie------that the churches were not attacked as they were in egypt? maybe the muslims were busy with something else that easter and the Israeli cops KNEW it My first visit to a mosque was on a GOOD FRIDAY------many many years ago-------I assure you----if the kind of filth spewed against christians that day------is being SPEWED anywhere else in the world-----I have no doubt that easter brings out violence against christians by muslims----somewhere----in the world ----each year. Maybe the muslims were cautioned not to SPEW ABOUT THE PERVERSE LIARS WHO WROTE THE BIBLE---THE ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAM
by the "evil occupyers"
Israeli police kept Christians from celebrating Easter in Jerusalem.

Christians celebrated in the West Bank without a cop in sight.

Christians celebrated in Gaza without a cop in sight.

The Palestinian city of Jerusalem should not be divided.

kvetch why do you favor YIDDISH words------your using them seems very artificial to me. I know that the jews of london like to use them----is that where you picked up this fake lingo thing?
Rosie, i learned German at school and speak it OK, so it's easier than Hebrew.

yiddish is a lot similar to German but lots nicer.

I just love the yiddish sounds; the onomatopoeias.....such as kvetch

i only know a few words but always wanna learn more
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so is arabic, habibi

such lovely sounds...

ya ayuni

allah for god...can only be said properly from the heart where god dwells

Allah hu Achbar:D

Bravo bravo wow. :D you're a Muslim now I see. :lol::lol:

Good good now I can have 4 wives :D:lol::lol::lol:

In fact, Allah Hu Achbar in Hebrew reads-> אללה הוא עכבר

Go google translate it.

I'll bet you'll like it!:D:eusa_clap::badgrin:
Part 2. For 450 years, the Davidic dynasty ruled in Jerusalem. But the wicked King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon decided to destroy Jerusalem. That day, Tisha B-Av, is still memorialized today, when Jews fast and sit on the floor in mourning. Even at Jewish weddings today, the groom smashes a glass under the wedding canopy to symbolize that a rebuilt Jerusalem, under total Jewish control, is missing from our joy. Luckily, King Cyrus of Persia allowed the Jews to return and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem after only 70 years. But the nations of the world wouldn't leave the Jews alone. King Antiochus of the Syrian-Greek Empire tried to force the Jews to give up their faith, and defiled the Temple in Jerusalem with sacrifices of pigs. But Judah Maccabee and the Jews drove out the Greeks and rededicated the Temple. The holiday of Hanukkah was instituted. Part 3 to follow. :eusa_boohoo:
so iran, persia, put israel back on the map, 2,500 years ago did they not

but still persia, not jews had sovereignty over jerusalem at that time

that is fact

should we not have a jewish festival to celebrate that and thank the persian iranians and Cyrus the great?

instead we have Purim when we go crazy and get drunk kvetching about what is probably just a story about Esther, our divine whore etc

why are we jews such pessy kind of mystics??

mad mullah iran is now threatening to wipe israel off the map

This is just rhetoric and baloney...dont be paranoid, haver

One who's not fully proud of being a Jew, is not WORTH to be called one.

If you indeed Jewish as you claim, and you're so miserable, why don't you convert to Christianity?

Some people are covenant Jews. If its covenant they'll be a Jew, if not they won't
kvetch why do you favor YIDDISH words------your using them seems very artificial to me. I know that the jews of london like to use them----is that where you picked up this fake lingo thing?
Rosie, i learned German at school and speak it OK, so it's easier than Hebrew.

yiddish is a lot similar to German but lots nicer.

I just love the yiddish sounds; the onomatopoeias.....such as kvetch

i only know a few words but always wanna learn more
How about learning and say "auf Wiedersehen?"
so iran, persia, put israel back on the map, 2,500 years ago did they not

but still persia, not jews had sovereignty over jerusalem at that time

that is fact

should we not have a jewish festival to celebrate that and thank the persian iranians and Cyrus the great?

instead we have Purim when we go crazy and get drunk kvetching about what is probably just a story about Esther, our divine whore etc

why are we jews such pessy kind of mystics??

mad mullah iran is now threatening to wipe israel off the map

This is just rhetoric and baloney...dont be paranoid, haver

One who's not fully proud of being a Jew, is not WORTH to be called one.

If you indeed Jewish as you claim, and you're so miserable, why don't you convert to Christianity?

Some people are covenant Jews. If its covenant they'll be a Jew, if not they won't

I know that by Halacha a Jew is a Jew for life.

But I don't think that Kvetchi would mind that.
kvetch why do you favor YIDDISH words------your using them seems very artificial to me. I know that the jews of london like to use them----is that where you picked up this fake lingo thing?

i learned the word kvetch not in London but in India...the very first yiddish word I learned

from a very big and fat and lovely sushi eating Jap....(Jewish American Princess) from Noo Joiyzey

and her viking boyfriend who kept kvetching at her to stop kvetching

I had no idea this was Yiddish but just from the sound it was obvious what it meant!!

so then I asked her..........the Jap teach me more..................they were both great teachers of mine and I'm still in touch with them

this was in a tree house in a mango tree in the garden of a part time whorehouse in India..............

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I have the SOLUTION to the Jerusalem problem JERUSALEM CAN BE DIVIDED BETWEEN JEWS AND MUSLIMS-----if MECCA AND MEDINA ARE DIVIDED BETWEEN JEWS AND MUSLIMS ------the fact is that HISTORICALLY both jews and muslims lived----at one time or another in all three. Of course----everyone should have free access to all three too

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